D "It works?"
Dr. Nikola Jirovak sat staring at a computer screen, too stunned to be jubilant. She and her team had tested and tested, and it seemed that finally, after all these years of research, her team had discovered the formula that acted as a catalyst for the 'zombie gene', as her team had taken to calling the project behind her back.
They had taken a common strain of rabies and modified it, in order to counteract possible new Japanese biological strains of the flu, which were reported to be able to boil a man's brain on contact with the intensity of fever it induced. The counter weapon she had been authorized to create would override the brain, regardless of whether or not there was a brain in the first place. She and the others had thought it was impossible, that no disease or biological weapon could turn a living breathing human into a zombie, but there it was, on her screen, her lab even now automatically whirring to life to produce a vial of the stuff.
Dr. Jirovak exited a program, bringing up instead Outlook Express, and sent one e-mail, with one word on it, to a drop box somewhere in North Eastern Europe. Her hands shook as she deleted her sent items, and she rested her head against the cool desktop. She had a pounding headache, and she was beyond tired of living within deception.
Dr. Jirovak sighed. Now that she had finished the hellish project, she was set for life. Still, the thought of what this airborne mutation could do was enough to make her sick to her stomach. The sound of slow, sardonic clapping came from behind her, and Dr. Jirovak whirled around. "You!" she said, revulsion dripping from her words. "Why are YOU here?" the other took a step forward before answering. "I think you know why I'm here, Nikola. Give me the vial." Jirovak shook her head, trying to remember where it was she had left that damn panic button. The other smiled. "Looking for this?" As the other held up her panic button, Jirovak turned and ran. If she could just make it to the door-
A warm meaty thunk was heard, and the other moved forwards silently. When the other reached Nikola Jirovak's body, he whispered "Sorry, Nika, but you left me no choice." Stepping over her, he made his way to the machines, and then took the vial. He made his way back over her computer, and then sent an e-mail to the same place Dr. Jirovak had recently sent hers. His e-mail simply read: 'terminated'