

Rentra. I need to get there, at any cost. Jason had died getting her out of a Pack so she could get there, and even though he'd been a poor stand in for Seth, she wasn't about to let that have happened for nothing.

Seth. That bastard. He was supposed to be hers, but when that bitch Ariana had moved in on him he let her do it. As punishment, she'd stopped answering her radio, and set out with Jason and Sue. Sue's fall... tragic, and crushing to both of them to watch her get torn to shreds by the Pack at the base of the building. That loose stone had been karma for trying to move in on Jason. It just needed... a little help.

Sprinting through an alley, my train of thought runs uninterrupted. Why is it that no man I settle on can go for long without someone trying to take them? Ariana may have won, but only because I wasn't there to deal with her. And it's not as if I'm-

Mary's train of thought derails abruptly as she plows headlong into something she can't see. She stumbles back, firing blindly, and there's an eruption of fire in front of her. Screaming, she turns and runs, only stopped from running blindly into the howler that had been resolutely following her by it's scream, which drives her to the ground. Pain erupts everywhere, from the bite in her neck to where her left leg is- was.

Oblivion, when it comes, is a sweet release.