Just like that, you're gone…
I can't believe it.
I miss you so much.
I wish I had seen you just one more time.
You were so funny, so sweet, so smart…
You were my best friend back then… even if you didn't know it.
I had always thought we'd get our friendship back…
You had the best smile, you could always make me laugh
I remember how you used to try to read the notes I passed with other friends
I remember how we used to talk all through health class
I remember how much I regretted summer separating our friendship
I will always regret not undoing summer's damage.
I still thought of you as a good friend, and the best guy :)
I remember how you signed my yearbook with your name so big, across the bottom of the page
Underlined with a big exclamation point
So I'd look back later and remember how much fun we had.
I won't ever forget you
My heart is broken…
They say when you love someone, they will always have a piece of your heart no matter what…
You have one of mine. x3
I cherish the great times we had
I can't believe this happened to you
You had so much ahead of you!
You did not deserve this, not in any way…
You were such a great guy…
You are so, so missed and LOVED.
Why? Why?
There is no answer.
But I know you're safe.
I know you're happy in Heaven.
I know that's where you are.
I remember the last time I saw you, last January.
I was so happy to run into you
So happy you remembered me :)
So happy you greeted me with a smile, and not a blank look.
So happy we talked like almost nothing changed.
All of our happy memories came flooding back
I wish I had said "Let's hang out"
I'd give anything to go back.
I can't wait to see you in Heaven.
I'm going to give you the biggest hug!
We'll hang out like old times, but better.
I promise :)
I miss you so much, Jason…
Rest In Peace x3