Title: Easily Broken
Summary: This is my journal starting December 5, 2009. This is about my depression and struggles with life.
Rating: M for subjects and cussing
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people mentioned, only me
Warnings: Cussing, Depression, etc.
Authors Note: This is my real life journal. Please comment if you read it and no flames please. And I'm 14 and in the 9th grade for the beginning part of this journal. I turned 15 on July 20, 2010 and started the 10th grade the day after. Just so you know how old I am.
Saturday December 5, 2009
10:42 PM
My life sucks. Today my mother decided that she hates it when me and my brother call her mom. The emotional pain that I go through in this family is just too much.
On thanksgiving, I had to go to my room because I was about to start crying.
My parents always tell me that everything I do it wrong. After a while you hear that you are so bad all the time that you start to believe it.
At school I have absolutely no friends. Except this one junior. But don't even get me started on her. My old friends started cussing out gays and I got fucking pissed off. So now I just walk around at lunch and listen to my iPod alone.
So thats the first entry. Please review if you read it. Thanks.