I slowly walked into the school building sluggishly. Before I could get to my locker an extremely happy Christy had teleported in front of me. She had a habit of just showing up and no one would hear her come up but because I knew her it was only expected.

"Bree!" She screamed causing me to flinch.

After leaving Skyes house I had been texting him at all hours both Saturday and Sunday. I had been up 'til midnight the night before IMing Skye, who apparently never sleeps. For me not much sleep means a bad attitude until about tenish.

"Shut up, Christy." I told her bluntly pushing around her to my locker. Christy frowned and followed.

"What crawled up your butt and died, mister?" Christy asked sarcastically.

"Little sleep, no talking." I unpacked everything in my back pack then put almost everything back in.

"Does it have something to do with Skye?" She asked while skipping next to me to class.

"Yes it does." Christy looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Not like that." I said quickly.

"Then how?" She turned her head back forward.

"I've been texting him a lot, and the idiot almost never sleeps."

"Sounds like you've been texting him like a girl does when they have a boyfriend."

"Well…" I blushed, just thinking of him like that. Christy saw my blush.

"He is isn't he?"She yelled jumping up and down, flinging her arms wildly.

"Calm down." I tried shushing her but she started running circles around me making me dizzy.

All of sudden I felt arm wrap around my waist.

"What's up?" Skye said into my ear.

"I believe Christy is just making me dizzy… wait where is she?" I looked around and I heard a blast of music from behind us. Christy was jumping around to music blasting out of her iPod.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

She stopped dancing and looked at me.

"I felt like dancing." She said completely serious. Skye burst out laughing but I didn't because this was exactly something she would do.

Like one time we were at the movies and I left to get candy for one second then when I got back she was singing a Brittany Spears song in the middle of the theater. After I got her to be quiet and seated she told me…

"They looked bored so I entertained them."

Any way's once Skye quit laughing he went to his locker while we went to class

Once seated in the back of the classroom Christy started reading. Reading was one of the things that kept her quiet.

"Bree?" She asked looking up from her book.


"Can you drown a fish?" She asked out of the blue.

"I don't know…"

She got up and walked towards the front of the room. I realized that there was a fish tank in the front. She turned to the teacher though. I let out a breath I hadn't known I had been holding.

"Why so relieved?" Skye asked behind me.

"I thought Christy was going to drown a fish but she didn't."

"Is that even possible?" He slid into the seat to my left.

"I really don't know…"

The bell rang and Christy sat back down in her seat. The announcements came on about tissues or something. I felt someone poke my shoulder and I looked over to see Skye handing me a tissue.

"What's this for?" He shrugged and looked away. I threw the tissue at Christy who looked back at me like I was crazy.

The announcement said to have a moment of silence and so I lowered my head.

'Baby' by Justin Bieber blasted out of my back pack.

"Stop changing my ringtone!" I yelled at Christy.

"Mr. River." I tensed as I turned my head to see my teacher standing in front of me.

"Pick up the phone… on speaker phone." He told me so I hesitantly opened my phone and clicked speaker.

Screams came out. Not Christy screams but blood curtailing screams. I knew who it was.

"Cousin Kiera, Cousin Enette."

"Bree!" Both of them yelled.


"We're coming down!" I heard Kiera yelled.

"Wait, what?"

"Dad's going on a business trip so we're coming to visit." Enette explained.

"Oh crap!" I screamed closing my phone quickly and throwing it on the table, acting like it was a rabid dog. I looked at my teacher.

"I'm not giving you detention nor am I taking your phone. Its sounds like you're in to have a heck of a visit." And he walked away.

I was glad I didn't get detention but I couldn't get over that my EVIL cousins were coming to visit.

A/N: Sorry for the wait

This was originally written like two months ago

BUT I asked my friend to type it and she did nothing but gave it back yesterday.

So here…. Be grateful