Welcome to: QUILLING IT
A ChatRoom created by: neilsmahboitoi13
Ninjizard961: [Signing On]
Ninjizard961: UGH! Who here agrees with me that writers block is the WORST THING EVER?!
neilsmahboitoi13: [Signing On]
neilsmahboitoi13: Indeed. It sucks to no end.
Ninjizard961: Exactly. Here I am, working my butt off on my book, when, all of a sudden—I go BLANK. I can't think of a thing. Well, I can think of a few things, but they all stink to Barnes and Nobles.
neilsmahboitoi13: …
EarsOfAnElfLord : [Signing On]
EarsOfAnElfLord: What in the name of all that is Tolkein does THAT mean?
Ninjizard961: What?
EarsOfAnElfLord: The Barnes and Nobles thing.
Ninjizard961: Oh. That.
Ninjizard961: Barnes and Nobles = heaven.
Ninjizard961: Get it now?
EarsOfAnElfLord: …
EarsOfAnElfLord: Yes. Yes, I do.
WhateverFloatsUrGoat: [Signing On]
WhateverFloatsUrGoat: Is this the right chat room? George, I hope so.
EarsOfAnElfLord: I don't know. And who the frell is George?
WhateverFloatsUrGoat: I don't like saying 'God' or 'gosh,' so I say George.
neilsmahboitoi13: OH! I GET IT NOW!
Ninjizard961: The George thing?
neilsmahboitoi13: No, you silly whatever-you-are. I FINALLY got the whole Barnes and Nobles thing. Quite genius of you, if you ask me.
WhateverFloatsUrGoat: …
WhateverFloatsUrGoat: Well, lets get down to introductions shall we? You may all call me Goat. I am a female. I reside in my room, which is in my home, which is in my neighborhood, which is in my city, which is in my state, which is in the USA. That is all you need to know.
EarsOfAnElfLord: I guess you can all call me Ears. I am a dude. I also live wherever the frell it is that I live.
Ninjizard961: You guys can call me Tchaikovsky. Or just Chai, for short. Neither of those are my real name, so it's all good. Oh, and I'm a guy.
neilsmahboitoi13: Henceforth, I shall be known as Fluffy. If ye refer to me as anything other than my henceforthed name, ye shall be pwned to kingdom come. So decreed.
neilsmahboitoi13: And I am a fair maiden, if ye must know.
Ninjizard961: How do you pronounce your username? It's seriously got me baffled.
neilsmahboitoi13: Neil's my boy toy thirteen. It's quite obvious to all of us who Neil is, right?
EarsOfAnElfLord: Uh… No?
neilsmahboitoi13: BLASPHEMY! How can you NOT know who Neil Patrick Harris is?!
WhateverFloatsUrGoat:… Okay, Fluffy. I think you need to lay off the caffeine.
Ninjizard961: Wait, Neil Patrick Harris? That gay guy who plays Barney on How I Met Your Mother? He's freaking hilarious.
EarsOfAnElfLord: Nope. Still don't know.
neilsmahboitoi13: *weeps*
neilsmahboitoi13: [Signing Off]
WhateverFloatsUrGoat: Great. You made Fluffy weep. As the only female left online, I decree that we all sign off. Good day to you all.
WhateverFloatsUrGoat: [Signing Off]
Ninjizard961: I'm bored.
Ninjizard961: [Signing Off]
EarsOfAnElfLord: [Signing Off]
Hello to you, who hath found my story. Thank you for reading, and please review as you see fit. But, please, TRY not to flame. If you can't resist the urge, make it anonymous so I can't HUNT YOU DOWN AND WEEP AT YOUR FEET, SCREAMING "WHHHYYYY?! WHYYYYYYYY?!" Thank you.