long ago, there exsisted one powerful man, he was said to have control of the elements, and everyone feared him. But after a certain time others began tracking him and his powers down. They wanted his powers for themselves, to conquer the world. The man grew uneasy. Times were changing, he knew that someone will try and destroy him, and get his powers to use as they're own. So he decided to go into hiding and disappear.
He would transfer his powers to a powerful newborn, who would be born in the future and will need them. He wanted this child to be in the future, and be protected. He knew that the future needed someone to have control, and be able to protect himself and those around him. He couldnt protect anymore. He then somehow found a way to shapeshift into a wolf, where he could hide himself until the next heir of the elements would come forth. The man became the legend that starts the existence of werewolves. What he didnt know, and what is said about this legend is the ones looking for him were taught to hunt down the man himself from the legend or someone who bore the elements upon them. The man of the legend stayed well hidden, until his powers were AWAKENED.