A text from an unknown sender awoke her the next day. She groggily got up and looked at her phone.
"Good Morning!" She checked the number, but didn't recognize it. Just to be careful as to not seem rude she sent a safe reply.
"Buenos Dias anonymous caller! =)"
A minute later she got a reply.
"Forgot me already? It hasn't even been 24 hours since we've met! I'm hurt… ;]"
Recognition brought a smile to her lips.
"Sorry.. I didn't know this was ur number.."
"It's ok. So what's up?"
"Nothing.. just got up.. stayed up till 12 last night watching a movie."
"Oh.. I actually (for the first time in history) went to bed early cuz I was tired."
"How early is early to you?"
"Oh.. around ten o' clock –ish."
"Even 10 is late for me."
"A doctor's gotta study, study, study!"
"See that's why I chose to become a computer engineer. No people to counsel.. only computers nd software."
" :) GTG.. bye"
So that's how their first non-awkward conversation went. As days progressed, their conversations became longer and longer.
For a period, they even physically wrote letters to each other to try it old-style. Unable to wait for replies, they continued with their texting and e-mailing. They talked as if they were best friends; but never once talked about their future together. Neither was sure of whether or not they were in love with the other. But there came a day when one of them saw the truth.
"I know I do. I can't stand a day without talking to her… something new about her surprises me every day, it's just impossible to live without those innocent eyes." Ishaan explained to his best friend.
"Great! If you are sure that you are truly in love, why don't you just tell her?" Jake replied sipping his coffee.
"I will… but in a way she will never forget. Something wild and crazy. Oh! I've been talking to her sister, and she's been giving me information about Hasini's loves and hates. I thought that maybe I can act out a scene from one of her favorite books and propose!" Pondered Ishaan in his desperate efforts to be creative.
"Dude… you're engaged to her already. Why bother proposing?"
"Because, that was just fixed by parents. How will she know how I really feel if I don't state it?"
"I guess… you're choice. Just don't involve me." Jake lazily got up from his cube and went to throw away his cup in the trash. When he came back he found Ishaan grinning widely at him with an evil smirk in his eyes.
"Nothing… Just take some pictures for me will you?" Ishaan asked and handed him a little camera.
As they walked out of their office building, Ishaan put an arm around Jake's shoulder and enlightened him with his plan.
"Are sure you don't want to stay home sweetie?"
"Yeah… I'll be fine mom."
"Alright then… We won't be long okay? Don't open the door or pick up any phone calls." Mrs. Maitreya drove off with Vidhi and her husband to a friend's house. Hasini lied that she had homework to do so she could skip the dreadful visit to her mother's friend's house. Every time she went she would sit there struggling to keep herself awake. Besides, she could get some "me-time" by sending them off.
Thinking, "I'm not 10 mom… nearly 15 years older than that!", she turned around and entered her house. Too lazy to take off the pink, knee-length gown she was wearing for the lunch she just came back from, she plopped down in her couch and reached for the remote. She switched the channel to Sci-fi. Looking around the living room, she observed what a mess it was in. Hasini could never stand messes. Ignoring her aching limbs, she got up and cleaned up the place. Putting the pillows in order, folding away the blankets, and organizing the books and papers Vidhi always manages to scatter on the Dining table and floor, Hasini made the room look spotless in 10 minutes. Now truly exhausted, she laid down on her soft couch with her feet resting on a pillow. Before long the sun set and it was as black as charcoal with only the full moon swelling with luster.
"TIC!" Something hit the glass patio door behind the couch. Hasini jerked up at the sound and turned around. Seeing only her reflection on the glass and nothing beyond she turned around again. A second later something harder hit the glass. Like a victim in a house about to be caught by the murderer, she slowly got up with her knees pressing down on the couch cushions. She pressed her forehead on the glass and tried to peer outside. To her left, to her surprise, she saw Ishaan on the other side of the Balcony struggling to hold on, and not fall.
She quickly got up and swiftly opened the door. When she got out onto the patio, she saw that he was standing on the edge of the wooden structure only on the tips of his feet.
She smirked, "You could've used the door you know-" She looked up and took a good look at him. She tried to contain her laughter. He was wearing a renaissance man's outfit with poofy sleeves and tights. To add to his costume was a scarlet cape flying in the light breeze. In between his teeth he held a single ruby red rose.
Hasini put her fingers on top of her lips to hide her beam. Without losing grip on the edge, Ishaan took the rose and gently tucked it in the side of her soft, black flowing hair. She shut her eyes briefly as a small thorn pricked at her ear.
With confidence and courage he voiced his feelings through Shakespeare.
"But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Hasini is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were!"
Hasini grinned widely as he was rehearsing lines from Romeo and Juliet. Her heart was exploding from happiness. She took a deep breath and gracefully leaned on the edge with her hand cupping her right cheek. She looked deeply into his mesmerizing eyes as he continued.
"She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that?
Her eye discourses; I will answer it.
I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks:
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Having some business, do entreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return.
What if her eyes were there, they in her head?
The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,
As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night.
See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!" With that, he ended his speech.
Hasini spoke Juliet's two words in reply, "Ay me!"
Ishaan looked dumbfounded. "Uhh… I didn't memorize the rest…" He whispered sheepishly. Then, with his masculine voice, loud and clear he stated, "Oh! Fair Maiden, you stole my heart… and in recompense, I ask your hand in marriage." With that he took out a small ring from his inside pocket and held it up.
Hasini's grin became wider making her eyes seem small. "Of course!" She laughed and held out her hand, and murmured playfully, "Like I have a choice, oh mighty Knight!" Hesitantly, unsure of his reaction, Hasini leaned and lightly kissed his cheek. She quickly pulled back and looked down at her hands. Even in the dark night, you can see her scarlet cheeks and flaming red ears. Ishaan smiled with pleasure and leaned in and gave her his share by planting a light kiss on her lips. With that, the temperature in her cheeks rose to 104 F! A short, awkward silence took place between them.
Ishaan fixed his voice and said, "Well, I should get going. The costume shop will be closing soon. And.. Oh! That ring is a fake. I couldn't wait till the actual order came in so I had to temporarily replace it with this." He climbed down the patio and called, "Very well then! Good-Bye my Love!" Hasini smiled and speechlessly waved gracefully till he was out of sight.
She turned around and went back inside with excitement and an unknown energy buzzing all around and in her. She couldn't believe he would go through the pain of memorizing those lines for her!