Collins curled the last bit of hair as she looked herself in the mirror. She was going out tonight with her friends and she was excited. She tried to erase the thoughts that had been weighing on her mind all day. The one that kept reminding her that Alex wasn't here. Eighteen. She was finally eighteen and Alex should be here with her. She should be curling her hair. She should be touching up her make up and telling her some crazy story of some adventure she had just gotten done with. No matter how often Alex took off she always came home just in time for Collins birthday.

She really wanted her here now.

"What are you doing?" the voice filtered into her ears. Collins head snapping over her shoulder to see her sister standing leaning up against her door frame.

"Alex!" she squealed excited as she jumped from her chair and sprinted over to the tall brunette that now had blue painted through the long locks. "You're here!"

"Where else would I be?" Alex questioned with a smile. "It's your birthday. Sweet Sixteen baby sister."

"Yeah," Collins chewed her bottom lip and looked back at the mirror. "Sweet Sixteen," she moved back toward the mirror to finish her make up. "Mom and daddy threw a party. Yay me."

"Oh Arie," Alex moved over toward her grabbing the curling iron from the dresser. "You know they try. They just don't really know how to do the whole teenage girl party," she pulled a piece of hair and started to curl it. "The decorations downstairs are nice…"

"Yeah, if you're forty," Collins eyes rolled as she ran some lip gloss over her lip. "But you're right they are trying." Alex watched her sister and hated the sadness in her eyes. Collins was always the rule follower and Alex wasn't even close to that. She gave their parents stress as Collins did whatever they asked with a force smile. She wished she would just tell them what she wanted. They had amazing parents and she knew they wouldn't tell their little girl no. She really hoped they would just ask one day. She was going to have to talk to them about that.

"I'm taking you out after dinner," Alex informed her and a bright smile lifted to Collins lips. "Bradley and Greg will be there."


"Oh yeah," Alex spun her sister around and eased down in front of her. "Collins, make me a promise?"


"Promise me you'll start having fun?" Alex begged and instantly Collins lip slid between her teeth. "You deserve fun, Arie. You're always wound so damn tight and I want so bad for you to just break out of this shell you keep yourself locked in and laugh."

"I laugh…" Collins looked down at her hands and fiddled with them.

"You laugh with me," Alex pointed out with a small shrug. "Why not be the you, the real you, with everyone else like you are with me?"

"Because you don't judge me. You make me feel safe," she admitted with a shrug. "You're kind of my only friend."


"I mean I have friends," she explained, because she did. She had some at school she talked too but she really didn't get close to people. She felt she didn't need too. She had Alex, she had Greg, she had Bradley and she trusted them with everything in her. Even if months passed of not seeing them, she would take those months of lonely to have a day or night of the best of her life. "But you're my best friend."

"And you're mine too," Alex pulled her into a hug and knocked a tear she didn't want the birthday girl to see. "One more promise?" she asked and Collins nodded. "When you graduate," she pulled back to look at her. "Take off," she told her and Collins brows pulled. "Take off Arie. For a summer, a year, a week. Just take off. Do something crazy. Do something not Collins like. Go on an adventure. Live Collins, just live."

"Will you go with me?" she asked and Alex gave a small sad smile and nodded. "Penny?" she laughed and Alex grinned brushing her hair back.

"Now, let's go get some food and get hammered," she laughed standing up and pulled Collins with her. "You look gorgeous you know?"

"Nothing compared to you," Collins shook her head at her sister in a gorgeous red dress. "I love your outfit. I could never pull that off."

"Yes, you can," Alex rolled her eyes as they moved down the hallway. "After dinner we'll switch and you can wear it because we both know you wouldn't wear it in front of momma and daddy."

"True," Collins agreed as they made their way to the kitchen. The laughter of her mom filtering through their ears as they turned the corner.

Shaking her head of her thoughts, Collins stood up smoothing out the dress she had put on and put back on her necklace Benry got her. Looking in the mirror she wanted to smile she almost looked like an actual grown up. Not just a little kid playing dress up.

"Collins…" the knock at the door and it started to ease open to show her friends. "You ready?" Taylor stepped inside, all three of the girls at the door looking gorgeous.


"Damn, Arie," Jeri ran her eyes up her friend and smiled. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you," she grabbed her bag and moved nervously to grab her phone. "Alex gave me this dress," she told them and Jeri and Taylor shared a look as Abby stood a little confused why everyone looked so serious.

"Well, she has serious style," Abby decided to say as she walked over and looped her arm through her friends. How they became friends she wasn't sure but she'll openly admit to anyone she was a bitch and Collins was actually really great. "Ready to go knock those boy dead?"

"Sure," Collins laughed as they started out of the room and toward the stairs. The laughter of the boys' downstairs making Collins smile a little. Spinning on their heels, Benry's eyes locked onto her and eyes darkened. God, she looked great.

"Well, hello boys," Jeri skipped in the kitchen and over to the fridge to pull out a bottle of liquor. "Thought a little pregaming before we leave," she explained. "Andrew…"

"Got it," he moved toward the glasses on the counter and started counting out all the shot glasses. "Here you go, love."

"Thank you," Jeri cut her eyes up to see her friends chatting and Collins staring at the ground at her shoe. Yet, took note how Benry never took his eyes off her. Bumping her hip into the broody boy Benry pulled his gaze to the red head who nodded for him to walk over to the nervous girl.

Benry not sure what he should do being as Collins didn't want people knowing about their discussion on the beach but also knowing they were friends. He could walk over to her. People wouldn't find it that weird them talking in a kitchen. Jeri knocking into him again more aggressively and he rolled his eyes as he started to move over to her. Jeri going back to making shots and sending Andrew a wink when he looked at her confused.

"Hey," Benry eased in the stool next to Collins and ran his eyes over her. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," Collins gave a weak smile looking at him and then back down. "Alex gave me this dress," she mumbled out and instantly Benry got her quietness and sad look. Today would be hard. He couldn't imagine what she was feeling right now. He knew she missed her and wanted nothing more than to have her sister here.

"It's ok," Collins head snapped over at him and brows pulled. "It's going to be ok," he squeezed her hand and for the first time since she returned home, she felt like she could breathe. Lacing her fingers with his under the counter, Benry offered a smile and mouthed. "Just breathe."

"Ok!" Jeri jumped excited and the twosome dropped their gaze and Benry dropped Collins hand fearful someone might see and Collins freak out. Collins missing the warmth instantly and just rubbed her hand on her dress. "Here we go," Jeri handed out the shots.

"Thank you," Taylor took hers and passed down a couple to Bradley and Abby beside her.

"I would like everyone to raise their glass," Jeri spoke and the group did as told. "To a great trip so far. Thank you, Collins, for inviting us. Thank you for being you," her eyes locked on Collins and gave a small smile. "And thank you for loving all of us even when it was really hard," Benry's eyes dropped. "Happy birthday babe, this is going to be a great night."

"Happy birthday!" Got rung out from the room and everyone tapped their glasses together and threw them back.

"Now let's go!" Art slapped his hands together and lifted up his phone. "Our car is here."

"Let's go," Andrew put all the glasses into the sink and the group moved toward the door.

"You, ok?" Bradley wrapped his arm over Collins shoulder as they moved.

"Yeah," Collins pushed a smile pulling her ID and debit card and some cash from her wallet. Handing it over to Bradley and just like always he pulled his wallet out and put it in. Him always carrying her stuff when they would go out because for some reason Alex and Collins lost their purse every time. "I love you…"

"I love you too, kid," he smiled and Collins knew he was the only one who understood the pain she felt right now. She hated he understood it but he did. "Now let's go party."

"What the hell?" the group paused outside as the long black limo pulled into the driveway. "Who ordered this?" Andrew looked around the group and most just shrugged.

"Miss Hewitt?" the driver exited and Collins looked at Bradley nervous and slowly raised her hand.

"That's me…"

"My name is Robert and well, I'm here to drive you all tonight," he offered her a white envelope with a flower attached. "I'm supposed to give you this."

"Umm…" Collins opened the note and Bradley held his breath worried about how this may go. He knew what was happening. He and his uncle had held the letter of a check list for a year. He just didn't know what would happen when it all came out.

"Who's it from?" Art asked as Taylor stepped forward wrapping her arms around her boyfriend knowing what was happening.

"Collins?" Andrew pushed as he saw a tear come down the young girl's cheek. "You, ok?" everyone stood awkwardly as Collins slowly released a small laugh and shook her head.

"Alex," she knocked the tear and looked at Bradley. "How?"

"I have my own letter," Bradley explained with a shrug. "She planned it all out for you. This was supposed to be yall's trip," he reminded her and everyone glanced down. Benry bounced nervously on his feet wanting to reach out and grab her in case she crumbled.

"Yeah," she looked back over the letter and smiled. "Happy Birthday, Arie," she read and Jeri glanced down. "Sorry…" her voice cracked a moment and chewed her lip. Jeri diving in knowing no one else felt like they could and wrapped her arm over her shoulder.

"Sorry I couldn't be there," Jeri continued for her and rubbed her arm. "But I have planned a full night of fun and a last location we made a deal to do. Have fun trying to talk Bradley into that one," she read and everyone laughed as Bradley shook his head. "Hope you did what I said and made a few friends to share this with…" the group all looked around at each other and gave a weak smile. "But if not make Bradley do some tequila it'll loosen him up and he'll dance I promise. Love you, kid. Talk to you soon. Alex."

A silence fell over the group as Collins stared at the handwriting and smiled. Alex always surprised her.

"I'm not doing tequila," Bradley broke the silence first and the group laughed. "But let's go. Knowing Alex we have a long night ahead of us," he ushered the group to the limo. Sending a wink to Taylor and Jeri as everyone started to move but them.

"You, ok?" Taylor stood by Jeri and Collins and touched her hand.

"Yeah," Collins finally smiled a real smile as she reread the letter. "Yeah, I'm ok," she hugged both her friends. "Alex would have loved ya'll," she let out a broken laugh and started to move toward the limo. "Abby would have taken some time for her," she told them and they both laughed as they climbed in. The loud music blasting in the vehicle as Robert shut their door and moved toward the driver's seat.

"This is so bad ass!" Andrew freaked, never before being in a limo. "Can we have this?" he held up a bottle and Bradley nodded and threw his arm over Taylor's shoulder. "This is so cool!"

"Thank you," Collins said as she took the first glass and brought it to her lips. Still looking at the letter in her hand and started to tremble some. Benry rising from his seat and moving over to sit next to her. Very aware of a certain pair of eyes staring him down. However, he also knew Bradley wouldn't say anything. Not right now. Not today.

"Hey," Benry sat down and her head shot up.

"Benry…" Collins started to shake her head and not wanting someone to ask if she was ok again.

"I was thinking…should we do another shot?" he wondered and Collins looked up at him. "You know, that way when we get there, we can save money," he gave a lame reason and Collins actually laughed.

"Sure," she stood up to make them and Benry smiled. "Everyone," Collins started to mix them and hand them out. "I wanted to say something if that's ok," Abby turned the music down as the brunette started to hand out the drinks. "Umm…" she cut her eyes over at Benry and he nodded. "So, I'm not really good at these things. I'm kinda quiet…"

"You? No," Bradley joked and everyone laughed and Collins fell more relaxed.

"Yeah, but…" she paused one more time and looked around the back at them all. "Well, usually on my birthday it was really lame. Well guess it started lame," she started to explain. "I'd have a family dinner and without fail every year it would end with Bradley, Alex and Greg taking me out somewhere," and everyone's eyes dropped at the mention of a couple those names. "Whether it was an arcade when I was a kid or breaking into my dad's liquor cabinet when I turned fifteen," she glanced at Bradley who smiled. They both got so damn sick that night. "Or when I turned sixteen and we snuck into a bar that I definitely shouldn't have been allowed in."

"Neither of us should have been," Bradley mumbled knowing all the things Greg and Alex got he and Collins into wasn't the best plans. They looked young. Hell, they were young, but their older siblings always found an eighteen and up bar and snuck them into the back door, hell once Alex pulled Collins through a window and they bought them drinks all night. "Least tonight you won't be pulled through a dirty bathroom window."

"God, I hope not," Collins laughed at the memory and everyone looked at them confused.

"Long story…"

"But they always did something for me. They weren't just my family, but they were my best friends…my only friends really…" a sad tone fell over her and everyone felt that pain. "But then I moved here and I met ya'll and ya'll made me feel so welcomed. And though some things have happened over time that sucked," she said and Benry, Andrew and Abby all looked down. "I wouldn't want to spend today or tonight with anyone else. I love ya'll. All of ya'll…" her eyes locked on Benry's and offered a shrug. "So, thank you. Thanks for being here and thanks for being my friends."

"Thanks for letting us," Jeri spoke and raised her glass. "Because we all know we aren't the easiest group."

"Ya'll are pretty easy…" Collins shrugged and then turned to Bradley. "And Bubba…" her eyes swelled with some tears as they locked eyes. "Thank you for being the only constant in my life these last eighteen years. I really have no clue how I would have gotten through some stuff without you. I love you more than you'll ever know."

"Love you too, kid…" Bradley smiled so happy to see her grow so much in the last year. He was proud of the person she had become.

"So, cheers, I guess…"

"Cheers," they all tapped their glasses and threw them back. Collins hitting the music and returned to her seat as they continued to drive.

"Oh my god, this is so much fun!" Jeri cheered as her and Taylor walked arm in arm toward the large building music blast through it. They went to some amazing dinner first that Alex had set up for them. Knowing her sister so well it of course being sushi. Collins was sure she ate her weight in it before they hit a small bar attached to it and did a few sake bombs that again Alex knew Collins loved.

The whole group was shocked by Collins master skill of slamming her fist on the bar as the chopsticks would slide across the glass and drop into the large pint one. Well, everyone but Bradley who had seen it a time or two. This was the Collins he grew up with. This was the Collins that came out with Alex around. Alex always had this amazing way of making the small timid girl to become a wild child like she was.

Now they had arrived at a club. A club Bradley was a little more nervous about because though they did all have fake IDs it always made him nervous to use it in a large crowd. Plus, they didn't have Alex to sweet talk the door man if she needed too.

Looking up he saw as all his friends made it to the line, however Collins standing still staring hard at the ground with her head down. She had been having fun. She had been laughing, but now her head was dropped and she was still. He wasn't sure if she was even breathing.

"Cols…" he jogged up to her and saw the smile on her face as she looked down. "What? What is it?"

"Bubba…" she let out a laugh and shook her head. "She's to much…"


"Alex…" she pointed at the ground and laying in the parking lot of dirt and gravel laying the shiniest penny. "She's here…" she eased down to pick it up and smiled. "She's here, Bubba…"

"Yeah…" Bradley smiled and took it from her hand and laughed. "She's got some skills. I'll give her that."

"I wanted a sign she was here…" Collins explained to him, knowing only Bradley wouldn't think she was completely crazy right now. "I just need that sign…"

"You got it," he flipped it between his fingers. "God, I miss them," his voice cracked and Collins was sure that was the first time Bradley has mentioned them, at least to her. He usually took care of everyone else and didn't talk about it. "Fuck…"

"It's ok to miss them…" she placed her hand on top of his and squeezed tight. "It's ok to miss them and talk about them…"

"I know…It just sometimes makes it harder…"

"I know, but they would want us to talk about them," Collins spun to step in front of him but Bradley just kept staring at the penny in his hand. "Maybe we should do that more. Talk about them."

"Yeah, think Greg could give me one of though signs every now and then?" he pushed the penny back toward Collins and she smiled.

"Maybe he did," she closed his hand around it and smiled. "You keep this one."


"Yeah, this one is your sign."

"Come on," he slid his arm over her shoulder and steered them toward the door. "Think if I keep you out here to long everyone will send out a search party," Bradley chuckled and Collins rolled her eyes. Flashing their IDs at the door, relief washed over Bradley as they entered the loud club.

"You know where everyone is at?"

"Yeah," Bradley steered them through the crowd and Collins eyes widen at the secluded corner in the back. "She planned everything," he spoke in her ear. "Well, she planned it. Pretty sure Uncle Ray paid for it," he laughed and it caused Collins to laugh.

"Collins!" Taylor yelled over the loud music as they walked up the steps to the section. "I believe these are for you," she handed her a dozen white roses and Collins breathed them in as she read the card. Not who she thought sent them.

'Sorry, I can't be there, kid. I talked to Bradley. You have a few drinks on me. Be careful…love you kid. -James'

"Aw…" Jeri cooed reading over her friend's shoulder. "God, James is so sweet," her eyes locked on Benry as he growled around his drink. She loved Benry, she did. But that didn't change her friend got hurt and though she supported them getting back together she was still going to give him shit. "And so damn hot."

"Jeri…" Taylor rolled her eyes at her friend.

"I'm getting another drink," Benry rose up and tried to slide past the girls. "I'll get you one," he whispered in Collins ear and she felt the tingles ride up her neck.

"We have a server," Andrew called to the pissed looking boy but he ignored him as he walked down the steps and toward the bar.

"I'll be right back," Collins placed the flowers on the table and moved after Benry.

"Really Jay?" Andrew looked at his girlfriend who shrugged.

"I thought it was funny," Jeri collapsed beside him and Bradley laughed.

"It was," Bradley agree tapping his glass against Jeri's and both laughed again.

"Ya'll are trouble makers," Taylor pointed at them both and rolled her eyes when they both shrugged not at all caring.

Benry stood at the bar waiting for the drinks he had just ordered. The bartender was slammed and moved around as fast as she could. She threw him a wink ever so often. He was hoping it was because she was letting him know she hadn't forgot about him, but in reality, he knew it was probably something else. He wasn't stupid. He knew when he was getting hit on. However, he didn't care. The only person he wanted to hit on him was at a table getting hit on through a damn note. He didn't know why it bugged him so much. She swore it was nothing, but they had been apart a month. He had no clue what had happened in that month.

James was always going to be a soft spot in her heart and no matter what he would always be a concern in his.

"Benry…" her sweet voice trailed into his ears and he spun to find her standing there with a worried look. Least that was good. Least she came to him. "Hey," she tried to slide between the guy next to Benry.

"Hey," he stepped a bit back so she had room. "Your drink is coming."

"We have a server at the table. You didn't have to come to the bar," she told him, but he just offered her a shrug and glanced back at the bartender to see if she had started them yet. "Benry…" she touched his shoulder, feeling all the tension in them. "Stop…" she asked taking a step closer. "He's my friend and just sent me flowers."

"I didn't say anything, Collins," Benry sighed shaking his head. "And we're starting over. Can't really be mad."


"I don't want to ruin your night," he expressed and her eyes dropped to the ground. "I'm trying really hard to just have fun. I just needed to step away for a minute so I don't ruin your night."

"You won't ruin my night. If you're upset, I want you to tell me. Starting over or not we agreed we are friends. I don't want my friend upset."

"Yeah," a dry laugh crossed his lips, gripping tight on the bar his eyes closed as he breathed in deep to prepare him for what he was going to ask. "I just need to know…"

"Know what?"

"If you…" a hand ran across his face before he turned to lock eyes on hers. "If you and him did anything since we've been apart… if you two have slept together or something?"

"What?" Collins stepped back a little shocked by that one. "You think I'd do that?" his eyes remained locked on hers and she shook her head. "Benry, you do realize we've been broken up a month, right?"

"Fully aware…"

"So, one if I did you couldn't be mad and two how are you allowed to be mad if you've been sleeping with other people?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I know, Benry. I know. I heard about you and that girl at a party a few weeks ago. It hurt. It hurt really bad but I knew I didn't have a right to be upset when we weren't together. I couldn't expect you to never have sex again because of it hurting my feelings."


"So, though you don't at all have a right to ask I'll tell you anyway," she shrugged like it was nothing, paying close attention to the fact he was holding his breath. "No, no James and I have not slept together. James and I haven't done anything with each other. You're are still the only man I have done anything with."


"Anything..." she repeated. "Where my heart and head has been the last thing on it has been being with anyone else."

"Me too…" he told her which caused her brows to pull. "Collins, I haven't been with anyone. I don't know what you heard or who told you what but I haven't been with anyone but you in almost a year. You are the last person I've slept with."


"But nothing…." He shook his head and placed his hand on her small hip pulling her a step closer to him. "My head hasn't been in a good place either…My heart sure as hell hasn't been feeling great and if we're honest my body can't even react to anyone unless it's you. It's actually really fucking annoying…"

"Benry…" she busted out laughing dropping her head to his chest. A louder laugh releasing from her and he chuckled.

"What? It's not funny, babe."

"It is…" she shook her head, pulling back to look at him as she laughed. "It's funny…"

"You might have broken my dick and you think it's funny?"

"Benry!" she squealed slamming her hand over his mouth. Heat running over her face as she blushed in embarrassment.

"What?" he pulled her body harder against his and she wiggled. She just damn wiggled and he felt his body start to react. She definitely broke him. "Damn it…"

"Feels fine to me," she shifted her hips again causing him to hiss. "Not broken."

"Unless it's you it's broken," he glared and again a giggle released. "God, I want to kiss you…" he brushed her hair over her shoulder and saw her heart start to race. "So, fucking bad…"

"I do too…" she whispered low. Both knowing everyone was around somewhere and couldn't.

"You can't keep doing that…" he gripped her hips and pushed them off his crotch when she rolled her hips once again into him. "It's driving me crazy."

"I think we're both a little crazy…"

"There's a hallway over there," his eyes never left hers as she swallowed hard.

"Uh…here you go…" the bartender returned legit feeling the heat from the couple in front of her. "Sorry it took so long."

"It's fine," Benry dropped money on the bar yet still never took his gaze off Collins. "Thanks…"

"Cheers…" Collins picked up the glass and handed it too him. Throwing them back the heat running down her whole body and she knew drinking more would be an issue with Benry. She struggled to control herself sober, drinking would just make it worse.

"Come on…" Benry dropped the glass down and started tugging her to the back hallway. If he waited any longer to kiss her, he was sure he would explode.

"Benry…" she gasped when he spun her around in the dark hallway and slammed her against the wall. His eyes turning dark like a storm and she felt an ache build between her legs. "What-?" but before the words could leave her mouth his slammed hard against hers making her gasp.

God, she missed kissing him. Though they had their moment this morning and on the beach it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough for her to have him and lose him the rest of the day. It wasn't enough to spend all day with him laughing. She needed him. She needed his physical touch. She craved him like an addiction and she would opening admit as much as he hurt her, she was addicted to him.

His tongue grazed her bottom lip before slamming into her mouth. His hands framing her face praying to everything she didn't push him away. Yet, when her hands clawed into his hear and a sweet moan escaped those perfect lips, he was attacking the fear in him slowly started to trail out of him. She wanted him. He knew it. He knew by the way her lips mouthed with his she did want him. And that sparked something in him he hadn't felt in months.

"God, Benry," she yanked in a breath when without missing a beat his mouth dropped to her neck nipped just behind her ear before placing kisses along it. He gripped tight on her hips yanking them into him and she felt his want press against her and knew he felt the heat off her. "Benry…" she began to pant when she saw someone start to come down the hall, their head dropping to the ground as they moved into the bathroom a few steps down from them. "Benry…" her small hands planted on his chest shoving him back a step and he growled. Her chest rising and falling quick as her hand gripped in her hair trying to catch her breath.

"I'm sorry…" he moved toward her and planted both hands on the wall by her head. "I'm sorry…" he tried to catch his breath; her head turned sideways to kiss the side of his neck. And felt his pulse raise under her lips. "I want you…" it came out as a small whisper and her heart skipped a beat. "God, baby…" his eyes locked on hers and she crawled back into the wall. "I want you so bad…"

"I do too…" she finally admitted and his heart flipped in his chest. "Of course, I want you. I'm going nuts here with how much I want you…" the buzz in her head making everything that much unclear to her. But no, the want. That was more than clear. "But we can't…"

"Why?" Benry growled and wanted to punch the wall behind them if he heard one more excuse of why. He was trying. He was trying to be patient but he was sure he would slowly lose his mind if they kept doing this back and forth. He needed to know. He needed to know where they stood or if he needed to move on.

"Because all of our friends are waiting for us," she told him and he scuffed. Not like they hadn't dipped away from their friends before to do this. He was sure most parties they went to the ended it sneaking to a bedroom or bathroom or hell a hot tub to do just this. "And because we're in a very public place by a dirty bathroom…"

"Oh," his eyes travelled to the bathroom doors where he was so focused on her he missed all the people going in and out. "But if we weren't here….in this place…" he wondered and hoped unlike in the car the other day he may get a different answer. One he actual liked and made him feel like they were moving somewhere. Moving forward. "Home...?" he shot his shot and her eyes locked on his and just stared. "God, Collins give me something here, please!"

"I…" her hands framed her face and about the time she opened her mouth her eyes caught her cousin as he came around the corner and down the hall.

"Sorry…" Bradley mumbled as he turned into the bathroom and Benry's head dropped. He knew then he wasn't going to get any answer.

"Yeah…" his hand dropped from her hip and he spun to head back toward the table.

"Benry…" he hand caught his and yanked him around. "I…" she went to speak but snapped her mouth shut as his eyes searched hers for something. Anything. "Yes…" she finally got out and she stepped toward him and pressed her body against his and felt his heart start to race. "Yes Benry…. if we were home, yes. We were home then yes."

"Yeah?" a spark lite in his eyes as a smile graced his face and she slowly nodded. "Can I take you home now?" he asked and she let out the sweetest giggle he had ever heard.

"No, baby," she giggled and he missed that. It was rare but when she gave him a pet name it made him feel so good inside. "But," she pushed up on her toes to get eye level and smiled. "We have a whole night later…together…Sleep in my room tonight…please?" she begged almost like she actually thought he would say no.

"Well, I don't know," he teased and her jaw dropped. "Of course," he grinned, wrapping his arm around her small waist. "There is nowhere I'd rather be then in that room with you."

"Yay…." She giggled trapping her tongue between her teeth. "Yay…" she repeated pushing her lips one last time to his before grabbing his hand and leading them to their table. Not knowing the dark hair boy whose hand, hers was locked on was still scared. Still scared that the only reason she is agreeing to anything about them is all the alcohol running through her veins.
