Hmm. My headache went away while I wrote this. Enjoy…if you can.
She's still scared of the dark
And the dark knows this well
Shadows wag chiding fingers
They creep and tingle along
Brushing and stroking her face
And one whispers at her ear
With its voiceless voice:
To be scared of the dark
Is to be afraid of another
To be afraid of that little bit
You hide in the basements
Of that mind and that heart
Don't be afraid of yourself, it says
Don't be afraid of me, it says
And it slips away, fingers leaving
And begins dancing with its trees
The night begins a lullaby
Of wind and hushed whispers
And she sleeps at last.
She stares at the glowing eyeball
It glares and winks back at her
Its furious eye burns into hers
It makes many more shadows
Than the moon ever ever could
And she understands at last
The light may be the light
But the dark is still there
Clinging to her and everything.
Hmm. What do you think?