"Break it up!" The bellow echoed off the nearby bleachers, sending startled spectators scrambling away from the fight.

Another fist flew, this time making contact with a cheekbone as the assailant took a kick in the chest. Both grunting as they raised themselves for more contact.

"That's enough!"

Teammates finally came to their coach's aid, taking a hold of the two younger men before they could throw themselves forward. It was a bit of a struggle, holding back the biggest athletes the school had to offer, but with the coach stepping in between the men it didn't take long for them to stand down.

"Let go of me," Johnathan growled, ripping his arms from his teammates although he did not take a step forward.

Silver eyes glittered with rage, even as a smirk lifted lithe lips. Magnus, too, set himself free of his teammates as he glared at the blond before him.

Looking between the two star students, the coach finally released a sigh and set his hands down from where they had been ready to stop any sudden attacks. "What happened between the two of you?" He questioned.

"He's talking about things he doesn't know," came Jonathan's quick reply.

Magnus gave an unamused snort, stretching his arms above his head as he raised a brow towards Johnathan. "Did I strike a nerve Lauren? Big tough Johnny boy, feeling guilty?"

The coach had to once more step forward, although his attention was directed towards the furious blond whom had charged at Magnus without a second's hesitation. Although physical force had stopped his sudden attack, it could not stop the onslaught of words that followed.

"You don't know anything! Stay away from my family! You're nothing more than a pompous idiot, and when I get my hands on you I'm going to shred you to pieces!"

Instead of charging like the other male, Magnus merely smirked. It was a look that could bring even the strongest men to their knees. With a glint in his eyes, the future king stepped forward. "You're disgusting, suddenly trying to protect him."

Turning the male started to walk away. "Say what you want Johnathan, but it's your fault he ended up in the hospital the second time. It's your fault he's so shy that even a fly could give him a heart attack. And it's your fault that he's never known what a real family feels like."

"Magnus, come back this instant! You're both going to the dean's office!" The coach shouted.

The future king, sauntering away from the scene of gaping students, merely paused and turned to face the coach. "He wouldn't dare suspend me, but don't worry. I'll take a week off, it would be nice to be with people who know what a real family is."

He heard a roar from Johnathan as he walked away, but he didn't turn as he moved past the spectators and to the dorms.

Magnus hadn't regretted the fight, even if he would be sporting a few nasty bruises. When Johnathan had been bragging about his accomplishments to his friends, he had pointed out the lack of awareness towards the mute boy. He didn't quite catch his name, but Magnus has quickly noticed the insecurities that ran openly through the enchanting blue eyes.

He'd gotten mad when Johnathan had claimed he had been taking care of his brother, and had spoken up. It had struck a nerve and the fight had quickly started.

Shaking his head to clear away the thoughts, he pulled out his phone. A text had lit up the screen, from an old friend. Apparently, she'd met someone who she thought would be his type, and insisted he come to town to meet the poor soul.

With a grin Magnus entered his dorm building, already imagining just what kind of boy Wendy had found this time around.