
"Hey , I heard you're going out with that famous girl"

He smirked "Is nothing much , I'm ditching her later"

His friends widen their eyes in shock "For real?"

He shrugged .

"Man... You've been together since last month , I've heard . She's gonna be devastated. Are you sure you should do this? I mean..she has feelings too..You can't just hurt her and leave her alone..." a brown haired boy said.

"'She has feelings too..' huh?" a soft voice said .

"Take it as its her luck for meeting someone like me , besides , she's too boring for me. You can take her if you want" he said.

The brown haired boy stared at him in shock.

"Ouch" his friends laughed.

A blonde girl stood outside the boys changing room , leaning against the door with a small smile dangling on her lips.

Her eyes were blank as she whispered "Boys...Useless waste of my time. I'll bet that brown haired boy will end up just like him.."

She stood up straight and walked away , tucking a small amount of hair behind her right ear while her left hand held a few books.

Please click chapter 1
