AN: Hey, guys! This is a new story that I guess I just sort of felt like writing. I'm not sure how good it is, but it's there. And I think I know what I'm doing with this (possibly), so it might end well! But I don't really know how long it'll be. Enjoy!

January 1, 2011

Dear... Journal? Diary? Should I name you, or what?,

Well, it's the first of the year (again), and (again) my mother got me a new journal to use to complete the New Year's resolutions she assigned me. Yes, my mother assigns me New Year's resolutions. And she makes sure I follow them, too.

To. The. Letter.

So, this year's list:

Write in my journal every day.

Read my scriptures every day.

Do Personal Progress at least once a week.

Lose the twenty pounds of holiday weight I put on, by summer.

Stop biting my fingernails.

Participate in some sort of club or after school activity.

Get my license (To drive, not to kill.).

Well, Mom, good luck with that!

On an even MORE depressing note, school starts up again in TWO DAYS. Ugh. Not looking forward to going back to that horrid place. Just thinking about all that thinking makes my head hurt...

Now for actual news from my life:

Still no luck on the boyfriend front, not that there are too many guys to choose from. All the guys at school are dope-head morons, and all the guys at church are just... No, I won't even go there. There are no words for how weird it would be to date any of them.

I got stuff for Christmas, just like everyone else. Well, except for those poor, starving people in third world countries. But, really, who even has time to think about them?

I have a project due in English on the fourth. That should be fun, especially considering I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED IT YET. You'd think my mom would have been more concerned with my grades than with the length of my fingernails. Alas, she is not the best mother in the world, but she's all I've got, so I shall have to deal.

Well, my toes are freezing, my head hurts, and my back is sore from hunching over my journal (Diary? What should I refer to you as?). So, now, I must bid you good night. See ya tomorrow, if I feel like writing. But probably not, so... Don't go expecting stuff.


Piper Reilly

1 Nephi: 1- 12

PS: (Am I allowed to do PS's in a diary/journal? Still confused.) The scripture reference above is what I read today. So... Yeah. It is what it is.

AN: Oh, and any 'scripture' references that you see are from the Book of Mormon. Because this story is about an LDS girl, if you could not tell. So you'll see a lot of LDS references later on. If you are against Mormonism, please dial 1-800-EAT-SOCKS for more information. If nobody answers, it means nobody cares. Thank you for your time!