"Again? He took your towel again?" Haley wasn't too shocked as I told her this morning's happenings.

"Yeah, and thank God he can't leave the house. My life would suck even worse." Haley agreed and giggled as her boyfriend, Ron tickled her sides from behind. "Ew… Um, get a room? Please?"

"Someone seems PMS-y today."

"Hardly. You-know-who attacked me in the shower this morning." I heard a gasp from behind me as Lucky, resident queen, grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around.

"Voldemort attacked you in the shower?" He gasped again and shook me. "Why didn't you call me right away? You know I've been trying to prove his existence since the sixth grade!"

"Ha ha, Lucky. You know which you-know-who I'm talking about. Why can't I have a regular ghost in my house, like Haley? Why did I have to get saddled with the perverted poltergeist?"

"At least your ghost is cute! Minny is always telling me: 'Straighten up!' Or 'Put on some nice makeup! What are you, a prostitute?' She never has anything nice to say. It's so annoying!" Haley pouted, folding her arms over today's colorful ensemble.

"Speaking of annoying, here comes it's poster child." Ron took his arms from around Haley as Marina Hollsworth came around the corner.

"PDA is against the rules." She commented, noticing how closely Ron was to Haley.

"Then why do you spend all of P.E. with your tongue down Peter Warren's throat?" I asked, stepping in front of Haley and Ron and putting my hands on my hips. Marina's cheeks colored a deep red, and she "harrumphed" her way around us.

"Don't think I'm going to forget this, Malari Porter. I'll get you soon, and your little queer, too!" Lucky lazily flipped her off, and she glared at us one last time before going to find her posse.

"Lucky! What have I told you about public vulgarities?" Haley said, waggling her finger in our friend's direction. He hung his head in mock-shame.

"Don't waste it on the unworthy." He said, looking up with a grin not unlike Jonathans splayed across his face. "C'mon, guys. We have an algebra class to attend." He slung his arm over my shoulders and lead us, marching, to the classroom.

"What a dweeb…" I muttered to Ron as he passed.

"Yes," Ron sighed. "But he's our dweeb."

"Can I get a refund?" I asked, dragging along beside Lucky.

AN: Alas, I apologize for the brevity of this chapter. I had seven pages of this story all typed out, but I separated it into two or three page chapters. Next chapter is only two and a little bit pages long. Hope you like that one, too. REVIEW, or the review monsters might bite off your toenails and spray paint your hair booger green. Not really, but wouldn't that be pretty creepy?