Just so you awesome readers out there know I've never met Oliver. Like I said, he owns the paper I work at and hides in his office all day. It's like he's never there, only he is because Jackson, the only person to come in and out of that douche's office, hands in the articles to him for revision. Mr. Oliver likes his paper to be considered professional, and can't afford to have 'illiterate idiots working in his damn paper, wasting tons of breathing space.'
However, Jackson is pretty cool. He listens to me and gives me advice, although all we talk about is how to control my 'temper tantrums'. I don't like to get too personal with the guy. He's a small guy, well, smaller than me, at 5'9 with forest green eyes and a dark, dark personality. With me as an exception, he's a total ass to everyone. Plus, for some reason, things often tend to fall with him around, most often on me…
"Hey Max." Well, speak of the Devil.
"Hey Jackson, what's up?" he leans against the wall and shrugs.
"Nothing much. How are you and Tasha?" I squirm. I always feel weird talking about Tasha to Jackson; it seems as if he doesn't like her.
"Dude, she wants to have a threesome…with another guy." I walk out the lounge room with my coffee ad head to my desk.
"Oh." He follows me, but looks in the other direction. "Is that such a bad thing?" I stop suddenly and turn to face him.
"Jackson, think. Me kissing Tasha…with another guy. Me touching Tasha…with another guy. Everything we do, there will be some guy standing there getting horny at the site of us." I take a breath. I look up to see his face turn red.
"Oh, so if it was a girl it would be okay, but with a guy it's the end of the world?"
"Yes!" he still doesn't get it. "That other guy is going to have to touch her. It'll be awkward. I'll feel like a third wheel." I shake my head in my hands. "I can't even have a relationship without something going wrong." I feel a hand on my shoulder and look down into a pair of deep, green eyes.
"Max, don't ever doubt yourself because you are pretty close to perfect. If she can't appreciate you, maybe you should find someone who does." I blush and continue walking. Did I mention that I have an itty bitty man crush on him? No? Well, I do.
"Honestly Jackson, I'm fine. You don't have to say all that just to make me feel better. Just you listening is enough." We reach my desk and I sit in my chair, taking out the necessary objects needed to type my article. Jackson sits on my desk, staring at me intently.
"I was serious, though. Maybe there's someone better out there." I snort.
"Really? Now where would this person be? Virginia? Australia? I don't have time to search for a soul mate, what I have right now is good enough."
"Maybe that person is closer than you think." I look up, surprised. He shrugs. "And if you're with Tasha because it's what you're familiar with, maybe you should reconsider your relationship." Speechless, I stare into those green orbs of his.
"I-I," I turn towards the open document in front of me. "I have work to do. I'll see you at lunch." I feel him more than see him hesitate before he finally leaves and I can think straight again. I let out a sigh of relief. This is why I try to keep our conversations non-personal- he always figures me out.