A/N- Hey people :) Sorry for posting this as a chapter, but I don't know how else to get this out to you people.
As you must have noticed I haven't updated this story in a while. That is because well, I've been having doubts about this story for a while and I have no inspiration at all to continue this. I'm sorry but I won't be continuing this story and it will be put on a hiatus until I get inspired enough to write this again or something, and I will work on my other story. I might re-write A Love Unexpected and THEN continue it or something if I feel like it though.
So yeah, check out my other stories if you want to :) Ever After is a lot carefree and easy going like A Love Unexpected and My Sanity is more intense and emotional. Either way, I think both those stories are better than this one :) So do check them out! It'll mean tons to me if you read them and reviewed them.
Sorry to any fans if this story has any..!
-PunkRockLuvr (old username- GuessWho xD)