In theory, being an elementally charged supernatural is a lot cooler than in reality. For instance, fire power could be useful and all, if you lived in the woods; burning down a wardrobe from a fire-powered sneeze however proves to be quite an inconvenience. There is also the expectation to be a "super hero" as those with supernatural powers are often depicted as. Superpowers are a lot more complicated in reality – bad guys don't sit in secret underground lairs plotting the destruction of humankind itself; they sit in a ten by ten cubicle filing paperwork and taking customer service calls. Good guys? You would hardly be revered if you killed a civilian (no matter how terrible they are) without being a police officer or some other type of law enforcer. Try twenty to life in the state correctional institution. Not exactly anyone's ideal future.
Don't get me wrong – the idea is nice. The supernaturally gifted, rising up and helping bystanders; killing the bad guy. Though the idea is extremely impractical and problematic. The expectation level for us would be higher than what we are actually capable of, we hardly want the responsibility of the world's safety on our shoulders. Call us selfish if you must, but it is best that we keep our powers pretty secretive. Just to avoid unnecessary complications.
With that being said, some supernaturals have actually saved lives before. An old fellow I'd met once performed the Heimlich maneuver on a choking man and saved his life. Wasn't about to let him sit there and die. Quite a few have become doctors, saving more lives than they could probably count. We save lives just as regular people do. See, we aren't that much different.
Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble, but you won't find a Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry anytime soon. Kids go to the same school as regular people, considering there are not many careers which specialize in perfecting supernatural powers – or that have any use for them for that matter. A psychic maybe, if they craved a future as a fortune teller with minimum wage pay for the rest of their lives. But I hear psychics are pretty rare to come by in the first place. Well, real ones anyway.
So sure, the concept of superhuman powers is intriguing in theory, but disappointingly ineffective in real life situations. It's best to leave the crime fighting to comic books at the hand of humans' overactive imaginations. They're better at it than we are in the first place.