Krystine sat nodding her head as Mr. Mir continued going on about theory for what seemed like the millionth time this year and the school year just started less than two weeks ago. She took out her phone and started a text when Mr. Mir called on her. "Krystine, if you have an A flat then a C sharp what is the interval?" She looked up at him and blinked. It was soooo boring but she did know this, but she was so going to ask a question that she new would get his panties into a twist.

"Is it a high A or low? And is the E flat high or low?" She smiled cheekily and she heard Michael snicker slightly next to her. She was one to give smarty remarks quite often during class but never got kicked out of class for it like Kelly or J.P. Mr. Mir looked at her like he wanted to choke her and didn't say anything, just stared at her. She was up for a staring contest and stared right back at him and held a smirk the whole time. "You know; you're taking the fun out of this staring contest." Krystine nodded and folded her arms over her tenor saxophone. She was so small compared to the instrument she was playing but she was the best at playing it. "It's an interval of 2 and a half." She sighed and rolled her eyes. It was ridiculous that he couldn't take a joke every once in a while.

"That is correct," he said with a sharp turn to the blackboard. Krystine went back to her phone that she shouldn't have out because of the rules of school but she really didn't care considering that she had a stand in front of it. She texted Jason A.K.A- J.P. or Jay This is sooo boring. How long is this going to go on for?

Krystine heard the vibration of a phone and looked up at J.P. who opened his phone discreetly and looked down at her from the percussion area; he was right above her with the snare drum. He leaned down and spoke softly in her ear, "Until he takes his tampon out." Krystine giggled slightly and Michael looked at the pair with a strange look. Krystine showed Michael the text she sent and J.P. chimed in quietly, "Until he changes his tampon." J.P. winked and went back to his rest position which was folded arms and held both drum sticks in his left hand while standing.

"Pulmunn, play me a jazz roll so we can go over the B flat scale," Mir said with a flick of his baton.

"Yes sir!" J.P. Said in a mock-tone but Mir didn't notice at all while the other students snickered before playing the scale. Krystine looked over the band that they had left and counted the eleven of them. They all held a vital part in the band and group of friends. Band being one of the main things that pulled them together; they may have not even became friends without it.

We are such a pathetic group; we barely have any pep in here and the school in general. There has to be something we can do to get our spirit back! She sighed again and looked at the blackboard. Pep band season was back and not ready for action. They had been playing the same tunes for the past three years that Mr. Mir was there and they needed some new stuff BADLY and ASAP. They needed to start the first home football game with a bang and start some spirit! Because we all know that Cheerleaders can't do all the work in those short skirts without freezing to death. Krystine put a determined look on her face after they were done with the scale. She poked Michael and stated to him, "We gotta do something spectacular this year. We need to find some new stuff and play it for the home game next Friday. If we must I say practice just the stuff we haven't done in forever and search the music library in the back for new junk. Then play it behind Mir's back." Krystine winked and put a thumbs up. Michael smiled and nodded in agreement. Krystine looked back up at J.P. and smiled.

He was already in on the idea and swiped a few pieces of music yesterday from the room. J.P. looked over the music he swiped again and placed a piece in Krystine's lap and Michael's since they were the closest ones to him besides Nelly, who was on the drum set a few feet away. Krystine looked at the piece and it was the Pink Panther. She was excited that he could find something that was known but rarely heard. And just something new for the band in general. She looked up to Mr. Mir to see if he was alright and he was writing something in a score that was on his makeshift 'desk'. She poked Bonnie and Alice and pointed to her sheet of music and smiled at them. "J.P. got it for all of us. Want me to grab your guys' too?" Krystine asked in a quiet voice, with the expected nodding after. She looked back up at J.P. and held out her tiny, feminine hands for the music which he gave to her with a small brush of his fingertips on hers. "Thank you." She handed the parts to the happy girls.

Mir looked up at the sound of the squeaking girls and gave them the 'If you don't stop I'm going to do something to you' look that he gave everyone that was causing a'disruption'. "Bring out the Banner, Special Way today." The special way is when the trumpets get to pretty much strut their stuff and show off, but if you have a good trumpet or two it was actually pretty cool sounding. Krystine saw Danni get excited and started to play quietly the main part. Krystine could easily play the part since Tenor Sax and Trumpet were in the same B flat key but she new the part was in good hands with Georgie and Danni. Mir brought up his baton and the eleven teens brought up their instruments to 'about to play' position. "I hope you all have this memorized by now and also have the Fight Song down," Mir said before whipping three starting beats before they started to play the Star Spangled Banner.

Krystine's mind went towards the upcoming volleyball that night and how well she expected her team to do. They were one of the best teams even though most of their Varsity team was of Sophomores; four sophomores, one junior and two seniors. Mir made the repeat motion with his hands and they started at the beginning again. It was getting so boring in the class for having to do the same stuff over and over again, especially Banner, Hot Shot and Rocket. The songs were so easy and repetitive.

The class went on quietly until it was about fifteen minutes before the bell should ring which means about ten more minutes in what is Hell on Earth for the band students. All eleven of them were so happy that the next day was going to be Friday, party at one of their houses. It was a tradition for them to have a party at one of the eleven's houses at least once a month and has been for about three years. It all started when Krystine had a birthday party after sports practice on a Friday night even though her birthday was about a week beforehand. Then someone else had a birthday party a month later then it just happened that someone else was having a party for Halloween the next Friday. So they try to have many get together's as they can. The band group is very tight knit even though the age's vary within four/five years. "Party, party, party!" Ali said in a jittery tone; it would be her first real party to go to for the band geeks that wasn't at Krystine's house; it was at Twins' home.

"Miss Anvolk, do not disrupt class with some silly announcement; we are working on putting passion into music!" Mr. Mir spat with another swack! of his baton that was in need of replacing.

"Yeah, and you're taking it out with each time you stop us for something so minute," Ali said under her breath and fingered her octave key on her clarinet. Mr. Mir seemed to not hear anything unless it was direct but the class had a feeling he was just trying to ignore sly comments. Ali sniffed slightly and looked over at Krystine and made the 'shoot me please' look and sign. Krystine smiled and shook her head. If I have to go through Hell you have to go too.

"Alright; bring out Smoke on the H2O," Mr. Mir said and sifted though his own music to find the score while everyone else flipped through their pep band folders. "Ready?" Up went the baton and instruments; start of the music with the tenor sax and baritone. Beautifully done again but then Mir always found a way to criticize it. What they did was never good enough for him. Was it that hard for him to accept that they could only play so well as their weakest link and it was still amazing? Krystine looked up at the clock and it read 3:40; five minutes so they can pack up and cleaned their instruments until the bell rang at 3:45. Krystine raised her hand politely. "Again and faster."

Krystine's face changed into annoyed and made a noise, "Five minutes."

"Yes, I know Krystine. I want to play it one more time," Mir said in a desperate tone. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms; she wasn't going to play. Mr. Mir raised his baton and all except Krystine warily put their instruments to ready position. She got up and headed to the where her case was in the instrument room that was more like a large closet and opened the case and placed her sax in there and grabbed the neck and mouth piece to wash them out in the sink. She walked over to the facet and placed her mouth piece and neck into the water and rinsed them. She shook the loose water off and placed them in the case. She sat back down in her chair and smiled. They hadn't played since she got up and now Mr. Mir was kinda well...pissed. Yep, that he was.

"I didn't tell you to put your instrument away."

"I wanted to have it sanitary for tomorrow," She stated in a snap. She could see the vein in Mir's forehead start pulsing and his eyes get smaller. It was funny to her but she kept a straight face.

"Enough for today; out your instruments up and I want to talk to Krystine after class." Everyone got up and started. Krystine grabbed her music folder and placed it on the shelf where all her music was.

Someone blew in her hair and she looked up. She saw J.P. and he smiled at her. "Nice job today. How often do you practice?" He leaned on the counter and crossed his feet. She looked at him and made a small noise. It was hard to practice, do homework, manage A's in all classes except band, and play sports at the same time. She shuffled through some of her Alto music and aimlessly looked through it. Really she wasn't paying any attention to it.

"I rarely practice and you know it. It's hard to manage my time; I can't see how you do it J.P." Krystine stated and placed her music back in her shelf. The bell rung and she looked at the clock out of habit. "Gotta get to the locker room and make sure that all my crap is there." She hugged him and headed out the door. She walked with a purpose to the gym and blew out a long breath. She had been thinking about all the stuff in band that needed to be worked on and the party that she and the twins were going to set up after practices. Pretty much all the band was in at least two sports within the school year as well as students on Honor Roll. It was very stressful for them all but they put up with it because of their love of music.

She walked into the locker room and put in her locker combo in the lock. "How was Hell?" A voice came to Krystine's ears from the other side of the row of lockers. It was from one of her best friends, Josie. She was in Chior which was the period before band but Mir would change up his attitude between classes, Krystine swears it's true along with the twins. The three of them had choir until it conflicted with their schedules for normal classes. Krystine popped up from the locker and gave Josie a look. "What? It was a question and an! Smart question." Josie was one of those girls that were supposed to be blonde but came out to be brunette. She was also one of those chickies that had no idea about different dialogues and yet she spoke in many different ones. Krystine laughed and threw on her spandex shorts and a tee-shirt over her jersey. "Fine, don't tell me." Josie said and did a head bob thing and held up her hand.

"Weirdo," Krystine said and closed the locker. She walked over to the water fountain and started to take a drink.

"I'm not the one who wears cat-ear, girl. Or plays in band like a crazy person either..." Josie placed a hand on her hip when she made it over to Krystine. "Oh, I heard from a little birdie that someone likes a certain boy in Band." Krystine choked on the water that she had slurped up and covered her mouth with her hand. "So it's true hmmm?"

"Now where in the world did you hear anything like that? I don't even like anyone stupid!" Krystine asked between coughs and gasps of air. Many different rumors were started that entwined herself and many to all weren't true anyway. Though they still bothered Krystine every once in a while. "And who is this someone I am supposedly dating?"

"J.P. of course. Who else?" Josie gave her a 'are you stupid?' look. Krystine blinked. She had nothing to say to that.

"Uhh...There is no way! One- He'd never like me, Two- I'm never getting married so I'm not going to get into dating and Three- He's dating that one girl from the Junior class. The one you like and the one I hate," Krystine said and her face turned red. "Besides, he's like my bother. That would be incest," she nodded and smiled cheesy-like. She was always coming up with comebacks like that for these situations. Josie sighed and hit her head with her palm.

"You are ridiculous..." She walked off from Krystine and headed outside to the soccer/ football field where the highschool boys were practicing.

"Wait for me!" Krystine yelled after her and grabbed her mini backpack that had Thing One and Thing Two on it. (Cat in the Hat Backpack). They then headed to the field and watched the boys' practice until it was time for the boys to head in. It was almost time for the game and Krystine and Josie were jittery with excitement. They were ready to whoop some ass.