Dear Dad
Mom is doing well, she seems pretty happy
I'm fine too, however I've been a bit snappy
I'm trying to keep my sadness at bay,
I always miss you the most when it's my birthday
Every year I grow older, bolder
But there is always a weight on my shoulder
Would you still love me? Be proud of me?
Like you were when I won that spelling bee
Life isn't as easy as that silly contest
I didn't realize one person could get so stressed
But I'm trying real hard to make you proud
Always looking for the silver lining around my dark cloud
Would you think I'm pretty? Show me off?
Or would you be ashamed and think I'm a sloth
Would I, could I, still be your little girl?
C'mon let's play pretend, give it a whirl
Let's pretend you're just an hour away
You can come over anytime, even for a stay
You could tell me how much you love me
Yes, I like this game of pretend, I'm starting to see
I see you standing there, so tall and strong
You're telling me you're proud, and nothing is wrong
The vision is fading now, you're going away
I guess I'm too old now, my imagination is starting to fray
Please come back to me! I don't want you to go!
You're supposed to be here, it's your job to help me grow
Maybe you could somehow, come back to me again, some way
It'd be so great to hear "I love you, Happy Birthday"