A/N: Just to let everyone know the names of the people, to save confusion. (Massive spoiler alert- Im bringing in more people into the story)
RaisinLuva- Ashleigh/Ash/Asha
RiniPop- Lindsay/Linz/Linz/Rini
Puppies- Lisa/Liz
SlutFace- Gemma
KayKay- Kaylee
(Of course this isn't they're actual MSN names, just nicknames )
Thanks !
Tuesday 18th October, 2011
RaisinLuva; Hey man. Wots shakin?
RiniPop; Aww, nawt much.
RaisinLuva; Sweet.
RiniPop; Wanna come camping with me on the weekend?
RaisinLuva; Urm, Yer okay. The parents have decided to go on a week trip to Cairns at the last minute (Tell you more on that later) so Im staying with my nan. Ive had NOTHING to do.
RiniPop; Orsum. Ring me l8er and discuss ze details.
RaisinLuva; MmmKay.
A short while passes
RiniPop; So, whats going on with your mum & dad in Cairns ?
RaisinLuva; Oh, funny story. Called me up one afternoon and said- "Hey, we're at the airport just about to get a flight to Cairns together. Nan's coming to take care of you. See you in a week!"
RiniPop; Jebus, youh got it bad.
RaisinLuva; I suppose its what I get for breaking all of that camping gear...
RiniPop; You THREW it at us! –flashback to a while ago when you went all freakin mental-
RaisinLuva; I promise I wont do that EVER again ;(
RiniPop; Damn straight. Lisa went all life saver for me and jumped in front when you pegged it at the door, brave soul O.O
RaisinLuva; Shush. You make me feel bad
RiniPop; So I should.
RaisinLuva; Amg. Dinner smells so good. I shall go and nibble on the yumminess nowish. Ttyl :
RiniPop; Baiii.
RaisinLuva has just signed out.