My Insidious Killer
Degraded misconceptions sprout from the lies
Breeding from fragments of truth
Tainting the soul with the dark sin.
Acrimonious conceptions of myself
Plaguing my thoughts
Sending me spiraling into perpetual doom.
Misconstrued by the contents of my mind
Where my own sadistic mentality morphs truth.
A reflection of myself within the lies.
Myself, a mirrored glass
Concealing the cancerous affliction.
My own self, my downfall
My insidious killer.
Silently it annihilates a brittle self-esteem
A pile of ashes result.
My will nonexistent
My strength diminished.
This killer never ceases
Its tyrannical rule over my being
Like an iron vice.
Taming this merciless demon
An impossible task.
This incurable disease
Reveling in the blackest depths of my soul
Penetrating any benevolent speculation.
My self destruction.
Feckless endeavors to rid myself
Of this puissant monster
Only shatter my very essence into crimson shards
To which only I am left to pick up the pieces
Of my own severed soul.