Christian laughed, watching the brunette girl beside him squirm in her seat, trying to get comfortable. He raised an eyebrow, amused, when she finally stopped fidgeting and leaned her head back, shutting her eyes and eliciting a small sigh.

He continued to gaze at her, smile still tugging at the corners of his mouth. She cracked her left eye open and looked up at him.


Christian shook his head.

"Nothing. Just thinking."

Felicity nodded, smiling at him warmly before leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Much more comfortable."

"Is that all I am to you? A pillow?" He asked in mock surprise.

She paused for a moment, before whispering into his ear. "No. You're much more than just a pillow."

Returning back to her post, she leaned back against his shoulder and yawned, smile still on her features.

Christian was still smiling himself and rested his head on hers, hair tickling his chin.

And as the plane set off into the air, Felicity grasped onto his hand.

They sat like that for the rest of the flight home, hands intertwined, happiness in their hearts.

Fate can work in mysterious ways. Whether things come out right, is ultimately up to the decisions you make. Those who are meant to be together, always find their way in the end. Your never set in stone.

A/N: First off, I would like to thank anyone who has reviewed, faved or alerted this story, your guys support pushed me into finally finishing 'Fated'. For a year, this story has been my baby and I can't believe it's finally done. I do have other works in the process, so I won't be gone for long.

Thanks to: XxInfiniteLoverxX, Embarrassed, J.J LaRoux, gryff101, sailorsweetart, Ashia Blue, Midnight at Dawn, FindnUrslfInLuv-LouisTomlinson, Psychotic Paradigm, xOUTxOFxTIMEx036, my infectious smile, Simplywonderful88 and SMeary SNails

Hugs to you all! :D