The beauty of life is that it belongs to us.

We have all the freedom to make it whatever we want for it to be. We can do anything, have anything, be anything.

Life is gorgeous. We are gorgeous.

I know I've heard that perfection is impossible, but I cordially disagree. It only seems so elusive because it is hidden; hidden inside every last one of us.

So I believe that that means we're meant to spend our lives growing and learning.

When we've grown enough and learnt enough, when we're comfortable and confident enough to trust ourselves and the things we can do, that is when we get to teach others to do the same thing.

We can never be completely grown or completely learnt, of course. There will always be more to discover, if our minds are open and our hearts are willing. But just because adventure lies in the unknown doesn't mean that it can't be found within the familiar, too.

We are meant to be inspired and to inspire.

The reason we are here is to bring out the perfection hidden inside every last one of us and the only way to do that is be happy.

The adventure in life is finding out what brings us joy.

It's more important than anything for us to smile.

No matter what, no matter when, we always can.

A picture is worth a thousand words. A picture that's on display for everyone to see is worth a million.

Yes, it takes courage to stand in front of the world and bare a grin. It's like baring the soul.

But we have courage enough to do it. We have courage and kindness and goodness and rightness and wisdom and talent and passion, all right there inside of us, patiently waiting to be beckoned, to be called upon, needed and cherished and used and loved.

With a full toolbox and the strong perspective, the whole world can become a masterpiece.

And it will.

We don't need to have everything figured out. We don't need to know how we'll continue in life, or even where we want to go. All we need is to trust that we will go. We don't need to worry about working everything out, because in the end we will look back and realize that it all worked out itself. It always does, every single time.

So even though the first step to achieving our work of art might be the smallest to take, it's the one that reaches the farthest. It's all that's needed to make everything okay.

Life is ours and ours alone. We have the key. We have the power.

And the fact of the matter is, no matter what turns our lives take for better or for worse, we will always have a choice to where they will go next.

It's not always obvious, but it always is there.

It's not always simple, either. The choice won't always lead to immediate gratification. It won't always tie up all the loose ends in a beautiful bow.

But every decision shapes who we are, and with every choice, we become a little more perfect.

Even if we choose to drown in our own tears, it will teach us how to swim. One day, years in the future, we might just come across a beach.

So I guess that's just my philosophy, really. It's simple to understand and simple to follow; live long, live well, and live happily.

Don't bring yourself down.

Stop worrying about things you can't change. Don't worry about things you can change, either—just change them.

When you want something, go for it and don't look back. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not worth it, because you deserve everything that's coming for you and everything that's coming for you is exactly what you deserve.

Ignore the people who scorn your satisfaction. Instead, help them to find their own. If you can't, let them work it out for themselves. Let yourself realize that everyone operates differently and everyone turns out differently because of it, and that that's all okay.

Put your heart into everything that you do. When you laugh, laugh loudly. When you cry, cry sincerely. When you smile, set the world on fire.

Make every day your own and leave your mark wherever you go. That way, when you finally arrive at where you've heading all along, you won't forget how it happened.

Remember that even though every day counts, you can't, shouldn't, and won't be controlled by a ticking clock.

Never forget that you are you, no matter who you may be, and never forget that that you is perfect.