Dear You,
Please stop worrying.
The world is not out to get you, so you don't have to be on your guard all the time.
It's okay to relax once in a while. I promise.
Do you really believe that I would ever lie to you?
If you had to think about that question, just know now that I wouldn't.I love you too much, and I love the truth too much, and I love love too much.
That's why I have faith in things; why I know that they're going to work out okay.
Not just okay, either. I've always told you never to settle for okay, remember?
I've always told you to make sure that things turn out perfect instead.
But I can only tell you so much.
There comes a time where, if you really want to ride that bike like you say you do, you need to hop on and do it.
Oh, how we love to sit and chat, laugh and cry and wish and dream about things that might be- that could be and would be and should be- but even we can't do that forever.
Eventually we all have to stick our chins up and hold our heads high and run right into life head-first.
It'll be so worth it when we're able to sit down again and bring up, not the things that could be, but the ones that are.
And just because I'm not there holding the handlebars doesn't mean that I've abandoned you.
Because no matter what, I'll be waiting to hear all the stories about your journey when you get home.
It's not as bad out there as you think. Trust me, I've been in the same place before, too.
You just have to know that no matter what you do come across, you'll never have to face it alone.
There are people on your side, people rooting for you, who care about you and will do anything to see you succeed.
There are more of them than even you know.
And I am the first.
So let go a little.
Or a lot.
Let your fists fall apart and have the confidence to know that they won't hit the ground.
Take one last breath and then... let everything stop.
Because once you've looked, it's okay to close your eyes for the leap.
It's going to be hard. You're going to have to fight, to stretch, to strive, and when all that's done, you're just going to have to hope and pray.
But you're going to land.
And that will hurt, too, then you're going to get to your feet and lick your wounds, and when you're ready you'll brush the dirt off and ride into the sunset without looking back.
You're going to walk straight into what you've always wanted; what you've always had coming for you.
As for me?
Well, you know I have chasms of my own to cross- but I will never come across one big enough to keep me from helping with yours.
So go out there and get them, you. Tell them your name and make sure they remember it, because this is not the last they're going to hear of you.
Not by a long shot.
Love, your best friend forever
Me 3