Hey, you, get over here, huh.
Heard you've found someone, huh?
Think you're in love?
That's not what love is.
But I can help you.
Father to son, huh, this is the way it should be.
Life lessons.
So just get over here, huh, and let me show you how this is supposed to go.
Tough love, huh, you've heard it?
Well it's wrong, what people say.
Because this won't even hurt a bit.
There's nothing to be afraid about.
It'll be over before you know it.
It won't be long before you'll be glad that this all happened.
Don't make a sound now, don't you cry.
Time to be a man now.
Isn't that what you want to remember?
How you want to be remembered?
Time to take what's coming for you.
Your fault, really.
There are consequences for everything.
And this is what you get for thinking you have the right to disgrace us all.
You like that, huh? Soon enough you'll start to pretend you do. You won't get another option.
You say you can't control it? Say you can't help who you love?
Stop being so lazy and selfish and just change.
You've always had that choice.
But now that you've decided, once and for all not to take it…
I'll finally have to bring things into my own hands.
Boom boom.
I never said I wanted to do this, huh.
Never said it.
But as a father I have re-spon-si-bil-i-ties.
You've been killing yourself slowly.
I can't let you keep doing that.
Better for everyone this way, really.
Sometimes life sucks, huh, and there's not a thing you can do to change it.
You should have learned that.
It could have saved your life.
But we're not done yet, huh. Not even close. Stop crying, love doesn't kill.
I'll just give you something to remember forever.
A thousand bloody valentines.
Can you feel it yet?
Don't be afraid. Real men aren't.
Real men wear their hearts on their sleeves.
And now you, you'll go right on past that.
You're going to leave your guts just about everywhere you go.
You'll know just how to, when I'm done with you.
Can't you hear that? Because I can.
It's almost like a heartbeat.
Bam, bam, bam.
Have you ever felt like this?
It's like you're on fire, isn't it?
A wave of red, and you just can't swim away.
This is what we've all been waiting for, huh.
This is it.
And that, that is love.
Love can get messy.
But love doesn't kill. It's just people who do that.
So now you see. Now you know.
It wasn't too late after all. Look, now you're not even crying.
It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?
I told you it wouldn't.