A/N: SO I finally did get around to re-writing... I do hope that you all enjoy the story and for my old readers (should you even still find yourselves here) - hopefully the changes will not ruin the story for you.
Nothing much to say apart from that. Do leave a review, it'll be very appreciated. Rec's and the likes will be considered and I try to make this an enjoyable experience for us all. Much love to each of you... let's get started
"Alright, boys, that would be all," Mr. Thompson ended his speech casually,"I will let you get back to your studies"
And with these words he breezed out of the classroom, no doubt on his way to drop the same bomb in the next classroom.
This classroom had been silent until the door behind the principal closed – then the excited chatter was starting to fill the room.
Mr. Bergner, our math teacher, tried to call the students back to attention but it was petty obvious
that no one paid any mind to him.
"This is just... crazy," Drake slowly murmured as if he was in shock. "Do things like that actually happen in the real world?"
"Apparently," I responded dryly. As unconventional as these news might have been, I couldn't say that I was very concerned by it. Realistically, this wouldn't affect my life at all, so it made no sense to pretend that it did.
"I wonder who it is," Drake continued in a thoughtful voice. When I didn't respond, he pushed my shoulder as if that would get a response out.
I turned my head to look at him with the most blaring disinterest I could muster.
He rolled his eyes at that, but didn't care to converse with me any longer. Instead he joined in on the conversation of Adrian and some other boy, who sat in front of us.
I sighed and turned back to look out the window. Watching the scenery I allowed myself to spend some thought on these news. A girl here in our school... I had to admit, this would be somewhat interesting.
"Daad," I whined for the umpteenth time. "Please."
My father did not shift his attention from the road – in fact, he didn't even respond.
I scowled at the back of his head rest, wishing that this would somehow cause him discomfort. I had run out of options. I had cried, yelled and locked myself in my room, refusing to eat. None of that had made my father change his mind.
This was simply ridiculous and I didn't understand why my father didn't see that.
Throughout my childhood there had been plenty of times when my mother had scolded my dad saying,"This is real life, not a movie" but this time around she hadn't said anything of the sort.
As a matter of fact, she was sitting in the passengers seat, occasionally looking my way with a sympathetic expression.
"Just try to power through, darling," my mother said. "Besides, it will be nice to be with your brothers again or not?"
"Sure," I responded sourly. I tried to convey as much annoyance as possible, despite the fact hat the reunion with my triplet brothers did give me some comfort. At least I wouldn't be all alone in this – but then again I was.
The only girl in an entire school filled with boys. Really, was I the only one who thought this was a majorly bad idea.
The reasoning behind this was not entirely abstract, mind you. Ever since I started acting in one of the most popular teen-series of the past couple years, I have had to deal with my very own personal stalker.
With fame came the crazies – and this particular individual was too crazy for my father to keep his cool.
This had been going on for two years already but in this past year, the situation had gotten a little more tense. I had always received very disillusioned letters from this person – they were usually send to my workplace or management – but three months ago these letters had pictures of me enclosed.
Very personal pictures, I might add. At first my father had doubled all the security around me but when the pictures had become more personal, he had decided that it was not working.
He fired everyone except for his most trusted bodyguard and I was basically no longer allowed t spend any of my free time outside.
This lasted for about month or so until last week, when there was a fire at my school.
It was quickly determined to be an arson and even though it hadn't been my dormitory that was set on fire, my father completely lost it and pulled me out of that school.
I sighed at the memory of leaving St. Rose's behind. I hadn't made many friends there, mostly because people had a hard time separating me from the character I played on TV but there had also been quite a few that just straight up hated me. Growing up in the business, this was nothing new.
Envy among girls was just about as common as a cold.
Still I had made a few friends and of course just when I was beginning to truly settle in somewhere, I had to leave again.
In the last two years, I had been to four different boarding schools all across the country and I can honestly say that they had all been the same. So I guessed the upside to going to an all-boys school was that it was at least a nice change of pace.
I sighed loudly.
This was going to be much worse than going to school with the most obnoxious, entitled and self-absorbed girls in the country – now I had to deal with the obnoxious, entitled and self-absorbed boys that the world had to offer.
Somehow this struck me as a thousand times worse.