Shade, My Shadows -by Shauni Cooper
They are shade
Embracing my imperfect frame
Sheltering me away from the unforgiving sun
Until I'm ready to endure it
They are my shadows
Sharing my paths, my tears
Following my success, my failures
Always there
They are shade, my shadows
On rainy days, I seldom see them
Yet I feel their unconditional protection
Always there
There are gaps under the shade of a tree
Necessary rays of light that
Prepare me for what is to come
And my shadows are always there
One day I shall leave the shade
And hopefully provide equal tenderness
To someone else; but I will never forget
My loving shadows. I call them
Mom and Dad
Author's Note: Hi world! Reviews and criticism are greatly appreciated! I am just starting out, so I would really like to know what others think of my work. If you have any tips or suggestions about my writing or wish to show me your own, please drop me a line! R&R! :)