In the eyes of Lucky- by Shauni Cooper
I'm waiting, just waiting
For you to come back
I'm jumping with joy as I see you
You are the master of the pack
Then as I see you face and hand raised,
I cower away
And await my punishment
It's nice to see you today
I can't help it, I love you so much
That is not my name
Why do you beat me? It hurts
I just wanted to play a game
I can only wonder
If you will feed me today
If you don't, that's okay
I love you anyways
My name is not Stupid anymore
Lucky is my new name
I have a new master now
But still I feel afraid
I see a hand raised
And I descend upon the floor
I tremble in fear
As soft strokes caress my sores
I am now quite happy
I eat a lot and play
No one beats me, but pets me
This is where I wish to stay
Author's Note: Hey! First of all, shout out to my friend Meadow Frost for the idea and for being part of the freak clan! :D Second, check out some of her work! Seriously, really good stuff! :) Third, if you even read this far, you better review or else all the muffins in the world will disappear! :D R&R!