An Introduction

If you are reading these words, then know that they are for you and for you alone.

You may think that I'm talking to another person, perhaps someone I have known well and for many years, maybe you are such a person, but even if you are not, especially if you are not, then know this; everything I write now is for you.

You are the person for whom this book is intended, not a grand unified you, but you the individual, the person here who can see these words, you who can take them in, you who can love them and make them your own.

Know that I love you, for who you are, your eyes are wonderful and the world is a better place when you laugh. You might think I'm speaking of another, of the person next to you, but I'm not. I mean you.

Who else would I possibly mean? Who else in the world is more wonderful than you are, living in this moment right here and right now? You have picked up a book, and you have made it live and breathe by looking at these words and making them mean something.

You mean something. To me. To the world. To this book.

Having said that, don't forget that I am not the only person who loves you, that would be selfish of me beyond words. You mean so much, to so many people.

You are beautiful.

As you read these words and perhaps as you get lost in the stories and the people involved in them, know that this is your story.

It is just for you.