Rated M for adult content, language, violence, and themes. May or may not include graphic scenes so rated M to be safe.

Chapter 1: Prologue

Sounds of applause as each new academy graduate would stand and approach the stage to receive their papers and shake hands with some of the academy staff made Caleb feel slightly accomplished. One step closer to becoming like his father.

It was a bitter sweet day for him and his family. Sweet for the fact he was becoming a police officer like his father but bitter for the fact his father had passed in the line of duty. The driving force for Caleb opting for a career in public safety.

Caleb felt proud in his uniform, certain his father felt the same way when he was coming out of the academy and certain that if his father was here today, he would have been proud.

Saluting the officer handing him his papers, he held them tightly as he proceeded to stand with the others who have been bestowed their papers. Head forward, he watched as the group dwindled down as the ceremony was nearly complete.

With everyone now having received their papers, the applause got louder congratulating the new cadets with their accomplishment. Each cadet stood at attention and saluted. Cheers and applause continuing throughout the audience.

With the ceremony complete, Caleb shook hands with several of his fellow cadets before joining up with some family and friends in the audience.

"Way to go Caleb," a buddy stated, lightly punching Caleb in the arm.

"Big dog like pops now huh?" Caleb's younger brother Joshua said patting him on the back.

Caleb just smiled, feeling a little relieved now that the ceremony was over. He wasn't all too into so much attention, preferring smaller scale celebrations to ones like these. But he couldn't deny that it did feel good to have this accomplishment. He saw his mother approach him, her eyes slightly glazed over from having cried during the ceremony.

"Your father would have been proud," she whispered as she put her arms around him and pulled him in for a hug.

"I know ma. I wish he was here too," he whispered back as he embraced her back.

They pulled apart both smiling slightly as they both had the same thoughts.

Caleb glanced over to the young female standing beside his mother, a small smile creasing his lips, "Tanya, always so shy…" he said jokingly and felt his smile turn into a smirk when he saw her blush.

"I am not…" Tanya mumbled and looked him in the eye, though the eye contact didn't last for long when she looked away. "Congratulations," she said giving him a hug and flinching slightly when he put his arms around her and held her close.

Caleb only let out a small chuckle and whispered in Tanya's ear, "I have something for you, but I'll give it to you later when we have the chance to be alone." He could only laugh knowing what he said probably made her even more red in the face. Releasing from their embrace, he noticed she avoided his eye contact and her face was indeed pink, only causing him to chuckle once again.

He turned toward his friends and brother, all smiling at him and surrounding him. One of his buddy's mumbled in his ear, "Club tonight to celebrate, you in?"

Caleb shook his head but could only give a small smile, "I don't have an option do I…" he said softly but in a joking tone. His friends usually didn't take no for an answer, more so that he graduated from the police academy. He glanced over at his mother and Tanya, both ladies now in their own conversation.

"How about we go home now?" Caleb spoke out, breaking some conversations. His mother nodded, "I'll meet you guys later tonight," he added in as he looked at his friends who all nodded.

"Nine o'clock bud," his friend added in and Caleb gave them and nod. Everyone parted ways leaving behind Caleb, his brother and mother, and Tanya.

He put his arm around his mother as they walked to the parking lot. It was quiet on the walk, nobody really said anything except the occasional hello, congratulations, and thank you, from those passing by.

"Oh I almost forgot, Josh take a picture of me and your brother. I want to remember this," Caleb's mother said softly but with both a sense of pride and a slight hint of hurt with the fact her husband couldn't be here.

Joshua nodded and took the camera his mother handed him. Next came a picture with Josh. And Caleb's brother being the way he was made a funny face which in turn made Caleb laugh.

"Great shot," their mother said laughing herself. "Now Tanya and Caleb," she said holding up the camera ready to take a shot of the two.

Caleb put his arm around Tanya's shoulders and held her closer to him. They both smiled as Caleb's mother took the shot. Although the picture was already taken, Caleb's arm remained where it was. He lowered his head to whisper in her ear, "Let me take you out to lunch and I'll take you home. I'm not asking," he laughed a little at the last part. He wasn't one to really demand anything but he liked seeing his best friend blush and he liked to make her laugh.

Tanya looked up slightly to look in his eyes, "If I say no what are you going to do, arrest me?" she questioned him with a serious face but she couldn't maintain it and they both shared a laugh.

Caleb looked at his mother, "Let's get some lunch, you know the place I'll meet you there," he said looking at his brother. Josh nodded as he got in the drivers seat and his mother in the passenger seat.

Caleb walked to his own car, Tanya following him. The car ride to the diner was quiet. Perhaps uncomfortable but Caleb was used to it whenever he was around Tanya, she never really was one for small talk. She liked having more meaningful conversations. He liked that about her. He'd rather someone wanting to actually conversate than just say things just to kill the silence and not mean something.

Shutting down the engine after finding a parking space in the diner's parking lot, he glanced over at Tanya. Auburn hair, light skin with some freckles on her cheeks, "Tanya?" Caleb spoke her name wanting to get a good look at her, to see her eyes.

Tanya looked his way, brown eyes gazing into his blue-green eyes, "Yeah?" she said though blushing slightly because of the way he was looking at her, "You sort of look like you've never seen me before…um hi my name is Tanya, nice to meet you and you are?" she said as if greeting him for the first time and holding out a hand to shake his.

Caleb only laughed as he took her hand and shook it, "Heh, nothing. I just wanted to get a good look at you," he said being straight-forward. He wasn't going to lie, what was the point?

"Why? You've known me for how many years? We've gone to high school together. You know I don't really change," she said a little curious as to what his motive was, "how about that lunch?" she asked face turning a darker shade of pink and feeling the heat in her cheeks when Caleb was still holding her hand she held out for him to shake.

Caleb could only crack a smile, "No, everyday I see you, you get prettier," he said as if nothing and let go of her hand.

"You know what, I think I'm really hungry. We should see if your family is inside…" Tanya said changing the subject and opening the door and getting out of the car somewhat in a hurried pace and seeming to ignore what Caleb had just said.

Caleb let out a small chuckle knowing he made her uncomfortable. He knew she didn't like hearing stuff like that, especially coming from him.

Locking the car, they both walked into the diner and over to the booth Caleb's mother and brother were at. Tanya slid in first and then Caleb who say at the end. A young waitress came over to the booth and smiled at each of them, "Good afternoon guys, what can I get for you today? Your usuals?" she asked as she took out her pad and pen.

They all nodded but Joshua gave the waitress a smile, "How 'bout you give me that number of yours too finally?" that comment only received a kick from Caleb who sat across from his brother and causing the waitress to blush, "Hey I'm only kidding…" he mumbled. 'No I'm not," he mouthed and gave a winked to the waitress who only let out a small laugh at Joshua trying to flirt with her.

"I'll be back with your orders," the waitress said and walked away to give the cook their orders.

"Hey what's was the big idea, I'm just trying to make conversation," Joshua said in a joking tone.

Caleb shook his head, "Yeah you've been trying to make conversation with her for a while now. Ever think she wasn't interested or maybe she's into more better looking guys?" he asked shrugging his shoulders.

"Boys…" their mother interjected, "don't make me punish you when we get back home. You know I don't like fighting in public," she said though joking herself.

"Yes ma…" the two said simultaneously making Tanya give a small snicker at the family's playful banter.

Their time together was for the most part light-hearted. An overall good day for this family but Caleb couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, unsure how to break the news to them. Sure a new job offer after getting right out of the academy, a career rather, would be good news. Joshua knew, but his mother and Tanya had yet to know about it. Those closest to him, these three, they were all he had left in life and all that mattered to him.

"Caleb…are you ok?' Tanya whispered as she noticed Caleb's far off demeanor.

"What? Yeah sorry just thinking."

"Well if you're done thinking, let's go. Your mom is up paying the bill with your brother," she said with a small smile.

He looked around a little surprised he hadn't noticed them leave, "Guess I was out for a while then," he said jokingly and got up.

"I'll catch you guys later, going to take Tanya home first," he said giving his mom a hug and giving a light slap to his brother's shoulder.

Caleb and Tanya left first and drove off toward her home. Getting there he parked along the curb and they got out.

"Hey let's take a walk first before I let you go," he said softly as he stood in front of her.

Tanya nodded and hooked a hand around his arm as they started off down the street. It was an intimate gesture but one they had a habit of when the two of them just went on a short stroll to talk. "So what did you want to talk about, or better yet, what were you saying earlier that you had something to give me?" she asked soon after, breaking the silence of their quiet walk.

Her question elicited a small laugh from Caleb, "So eager…let's just say it's not something I'd want to give you in public…" he said seriously causing Tanya to stop in her tracks and start turning red in the face, "You know I'm kidding, but here…" he said as they now faced each other and he pulled out a locket necklace, "it's not much but it reminded me of you. "Would you mind?" he asked, referring to him putting the necklace around her neck.

Tanya shook her head and placed her hand on the locket after it was fastened in place, "Caleb you didn't have to give me anything…" she said softly.

"Shh…I wanted to," he said with a smile putting a crease in his lips.

"And you couldn't do this in front of my house?" she asked a little jokingly.

"No a moment like this is special, and I wanted to spend a little more time with you," he said simply and took one of her hands in his and interlocked their fingers. Caleb could see Tanya was confused by the gesture but said nothing, "Come on, I'll take you home now," he said leading her back home while they held hands. Leading her to the front door of her home, he turned her to face her and let go of her hands and put a hand on either side of her face and lowered his head to press his lips to hers in a kiss.

Tanya opened her eyes, originally they were open with the initial contact with a sort of shock but closed soon after, "What was that for?" she asked meekly though had a slight curve to her lips.

Caleb let out a chuckle, "I've been waiting to do that for a long time. What does it mean for us? It's still a little early to tell," he said with a wink.

Tanya's smile got a little bigger, "Then let me give you this," she said pulling a letter out of her pocket and placing it in Caleb's hands, "Don't read that till later," she said pulling him in a hug as if saying goodbye for a while. They embraced each other, Tanya's face buried in his chest and Caleb resting his head atop of Tanya's head.

"Goodbye Caleb," she said softly as she pulled away and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

Caleb nodded, "See you later kitty," he said with a grin and having her hit him playfully in the chest when he called her by her nickname. He walked back to his car only to glance back at her house with a saddened look, "Goodbye Tanya…" he breathed out knowing this would be the last time he would be seeing her for who knows how long. He couldn't bring himself to say goodbye and he knew he would be breaking her heart, more so after this. Driving away, he let out a sigh, "It's for the best…"

Hours later, Caleb met up with friends outside of the club they were meeting at. Loud music blasting from the inside, a line of people waiting to get inside. The friend who suggested they met up at the club put an arm around Caleb and shook him, "Cheer up bud, this is gonna be fun. Promise," he said in a laugh.

Caleb gave him a wary look, "You always say that every time we come here," he said with a small chuckle.

Inside they group went. It was a sort of party scene, some people dancing, half-naked girls who worked at the club dancing up on the stage, people at the bar just chatting about. They found themselves at the bar, few sitting on a stool while Caleb and a few others stood and leaned up against the long bar table, elbows back and a bottle of beer in hand as they looked around the club.

Caleb once again had a far off look thinking to the events of earlier today. "Hey Cassell, don't weird out on me man," his friend said shaking him slightly.

Caleb only gave a slight smile, "Sorry bud, just thinking," he said playing it off and taking a drink from the bottle in his hand. His friend shrugged and they spent the next couple hours drinking a few beers and watching the girls up on stage dance.

Author's Note: So this is my new story. Perhaps a little long for a prologue and little action and too much romance and maybe a little boring, but don't worry, the next chapter and the one's after that will take a drastic change in tone. Let me know what you think so far. By the way, pictures are up on my website, link up on my profile and then under the photo gallery. Caleb would be wearing the leather jacket in the last photo. If you don't want to do that, look up Jeremy Renner's character in The Town and it's that leather jacket. Reviews for this story would be great, thanks guys.