The roaring engines of the prison aircraft as it flew across what seemed like an eternal sea of vegetation drowned out almost all the conversational chatter in the small cabin. Confined to her seat by handcuffs, Emily felt her mind drift off towards the events that brought her there. Sam had been a six foot brunette who had not been afraid of stepping over the line when it came to the law, and Emily had been hopelessly in love with her. It didn't take much for Sam to convince Emily to take part in a heist with her, one pout with those luscious lips and shining large hazel eyes and Emily had been sold.

She remembered with a grimace the gun shots that had gone off when they had fled the bank, the deafening sounds of shattering glass when their car crashed into the light post as they attempted to make their escape. "We need to split up." She had barely heard the words before half of the money was shoved into her hands, who knew that a hundred thousand dollars could feel so heavy? Stumbling through bushes and pushing aside branches she had tried to escape, she had heard the exchange of gunfire not far away from where she was, so she ran, gasping for air, her legs burning. They caught her, duh.

Now she was on a plane to some remote area where some genius had created a prison. Damn him, even if someone escaped from the prison they would have to get through at least a hundred kilometers of thick, unmanned forest and endless hills. Not that she planned on escaping, not Emily, she would serve her time as a good little girl and then she would get out. She had tried going against the law once already and she had learned her lesson, thank you very much.

A sudden drop in altitude made her stomach flip flop, when the plane didn't start to rise up again Emily realized they were landing. She glanced out the window to see a massive complex in the middle of the dense vegetation. "Say hello to your new home, ladies." Said the cool, crisp voice of the female captain, the first thing she had said since Emily had boarded the plane. There was bounce when the plane wheels touched onto the runway, then a gradual decrease in speed until the plane finally slowed to a stop. Emily shifted restlessly in her seat, the lengthy flight was enough to make anyone antsy, and she was someone with a lot of energy. She tapped her foot impatiently as guards walked onto the plane, unlocking them from their seats and escorting them off the plane.

Once off the plane, Emily eagerly looked around at her surroundings, her eyes hungry from something other than green and blue. They were on the landing strip of the small airspace, aside from a lot of asphalt she could see that they were near the courtyard of the prison, and even here they were surround by all sides by ten foot walls. They must have sunk a ton of money in this place, she thought to herself. She followed the others as they were lead through a large gate into the prison courtward. Someone was standing on the steps. Emily looked forward to see a woman in a dark green trench coat with dark brown hair and an eyepatch with a golden skulls symbol over her right eye. She would've been quite good-looking if she hadn't been wearing a sadistic smile on her face.

"Alright, listen up you heathens, you're in my prison now, so anything I say, goes. You'll probably grow to like this place, but like it or not, most of you are in here for a lengthy stay. In case any of you are thinking of leaving early, that lengthy span of jungle should deter you, as well as the collars being attached to your necks." Emily turned her attention away from the warden to look at the other inmates. Large, silver collars were being attached to each inmate as the warden continued speaking. When hers was clipped onto her neck she looked back at the warden. "The guards will take you to your cells now, don't lag behind or you'll get a baton on the back of your head." She smirked at the thought. Emily grunted as she was shoved forward by a female guard. "Okay, okay, I'm going." She grumbled, following the rest of the group through the large front doors and into the prison.