Emily hummed to herself as she leaned against the oak tree, enjoying the summer air as she read a book she had borrowed from the library. Her body still tingled from the wonderful morning wake up Amanda had given her, the memory of it left a smile on her face even now, hours later. She had been reading for a little while when she heard a soft crying, like a baby. She searched for the noise and finally saw a small rabbit-like mammal with a raised front paw that looked bloody.
"Oh no!" The creature was close to the prison fence but on the inside, so Emily was safe to go over. It was strange, the creature didn't seem at all afraid of her, it boldly approached her and she saw its glowing red eyes and suddenly felt like she was falling…
Amanda was busy doing some paperwork when Stevens knocked on her door, then promptly entered without waiting for an answer. She was ready to chastise the second lieutenant but upon seeing the panicked expression on Stevens' face, she forgot about it.
"It's Emily." Stevens said breathlessly, "the oosith has her."
And immediately they were both out of Amanda's apartment, running towards the warden's room.
"Does she know yet?" Amanda demanded, annoyed that Stevens was running so slowly that she had to she had to match her pace so she could get the facts.
"Yes, " Stevens huffed. "She knows about the oosith, but she needs time to prepare herself and the crew for the capture." And in that time, Emily could be die, Amanda thought to herself, if she wasn't already…no, she shook her head, clearing that toxic thought out of her head immediately. She would know if that had happened already, she was sure of it.
Most of the crew that weren't on duty were already in the Warden's chambers when Amanda and Stevens got there, two of them kneeling at the warden's feet, who was sitting on the bed. She was in a crimson robe, her hands on their heads, taking in the energy they willingly offered. She looked up when they entered. "Ah my lieutenants." A feral grin crossed her features.
"My mistress." Amanda sank down to one knee, lowering her gaze. Beside her, Stevens did the same.
"I trust you two are combat ready?" The warden stood up and walked over to them. Amanda fought the impatience growing inside her, she didn't know what the oosith wanted with Emily, and every moment passed like an eternity without her.
"Warden, I've just gotten word that the oosith has taken a prisoner." Amanda said, the words coming out of her in a rush.
"One of ours?"
"No, an inmate." Amanda said. My Emily…she took a deep breath. "I request permission to assemble a small rescue team to retrieve her."
"No." The Warden said immediately. "The oosith is a powerful and deadly creature, I won't have my crew face it without me."
Amanda grit her teeth, having expected the answer, she spoke again. "Then I request permission to go on my own."
The warden paused at this, looking at her. "You would risk your life for this human? She has never even seen your true form."
"It doesn't matter. As long as she's safe." Amanda said. She doubted the Warden could ever understand, she looked down on humans, thinking them weak, close-minded…
"Fine. Go." The warden said abruptly with a wave of her hand.
"Thank you mistress." Amanda said in relief. She would've gone regardless of the answer, and perhaps the Warden knew that, she was staring at Amanda with an expression Amanda didn't recognize.
Amanda strapped her combat knife to her thigh, being well organized had never been more important, she shouldered her backpack. There was a knock on her door, and she opened It, ready to leave. "Stevens." She thought she had remained with the warden, but there she was, in her black combat gear. "Did the Warden send you?"
"Hell no." Stevens said with a laugh. "I volunteered. I'm not going to let you have all the bragging right for taking the oosith on all by yourself." At Amanda's frown Stevens joking grin disappeared.
"Emily's my friend, let me help you, Amanda."
"Fine. Let's get moving."
A large rumbling woke Emily up, a pounding that made her eardrums hurt. It was hot, much hotter than normal, she was sweating like crazy and she sat up. She was lying on a rocky ledge, somewhere she had never been before, she looked up and saw nothing but dark brown rock, a cave of some sort. It stank here, she tried breathing through her mouth and that was better, but still the heat made like she was breathing through a sheet. The rumbling continued and she looked over the ledge to find the source of the noise. She gasped, covering her mouth to quell a scream. She had only looked for a moment but the image was burned in her mind. She had seen a giant monster, at least as large as a semi, a dark beast with spikes coming out of its body, red eyes, fangs that were as long as her arms… she furiously wiped away tears of fear, shaking. Somebody please help me…
The pair moved wordlessly across rocky hills and streams, farther than they had ever gone on their searches. The oosith had evaded them for so long; it was finally now that it had come to the prison that they could track its pheromone trail. Now the trail was like a shining beacon in the dark, beckoning them. Emily had to be alright, Amanda tried to reassure herself. She could never live with herself if she wasn't…
And then they were there, a massive cave loomed infront of them, a giant hole in the side of a mountain, most likely dug by the oosith. "Are you ready, Amanda?" Stevens asked beside her.
"Let's go." She relaxed and let the change take over, and with a snarl she sprinted towards the cave.
A deafening roar made Emily clamp her hands over her ears, she was afraid to look over the edge but she had to know what was going on. The horrible creature was swiping the ground with its razor claws. A thud beside her made her scream, a human-sized creature stripped red and black was in front of her, one of the monster's partners?
"Get away!" If she was going to die, she was going to die fighting, she decided. With a cry she lunged at the creature, throwing a punch that it quickly dodged, she aimed a kick and the creature grabbed her leg. "Emily, stop, it's me!"
Emily stopped immediately, it was a trick, it had to be, how could this creature have Amanda's voice?
Now that she could take a closer look, she could tell this creature was nothing like the monster below, this one was covering in fur, it had an almost feline face. And the soft, gentle gaze in those light brown eyes that she had come to associate with her lover. "Amanda?"
"Yes, I can't explain everything right now; let's get you out of here." Amanda scooped her up in her arms and soon they were running, towards the light, the exit. Behind them, the monster was still clawing at the ground. Emily squinted and saw a much smaller creature firing a gun that shot blue light. Soon they were outside in the dense forest, and the creature-no, it was Amanda, set her down. "Just run as fast as you can in that direction." Amanda pointed. "Wait, aren't you coming with me?"
Amanda shook her head. "Stevens is still back there, I have to help her."
"Go!" Amanda pushed her away and was already sprinting back towards the cave, away from Emily. Towards danger. Emily watched as her beloved left, she told herself that Amanda would want her to be safe, and so she turned and ran.
The gunfire had stopped when Amanda re-entered the cave, and immediately Amanda started to worry. It was easy to spot the Oosith, clawing at a crack in the wall. "Stevens!" She called over the roar of the creature, but no surprise, Stevens didn't hear her. She took out her own gun and fired at the creature's back, it broke a few of the creature's spines but did no substantial damage. "Fuck." She threw one of the grenades, it exploded near the Oosith's clawed foot and finally she had its attention. With a snarl it lunged toward her, and she barely got out of the way as it swung its mace-like tail at her.
Behind the creature, she saw Stevens sneak out of the crack and unsheathe her sword. "No, we have to get out of here!" She let out a groan of frustration as Stevens leapt onto the beast, slashing and tearing, finally striking paydirt when she sliced off an ear.
Emily ran until her lungs burned and her legs gave way. She gasped for air, closing her eyes for just a moment. She must be far away now, should get back to the prison and get help. But she was so tired… "Emily!" She heard Aella's voice and struggled to stand. "You're safe now." She heard more footsteps, many people at once. And then the warden was there. "Take her back to the prison." She commanded.
"Wait, Amanda…" Emily struggled against Aella's grip, and she must have startled the woman because she actually got free. "Please make sure Amanda's ok." She grabbed onto the Warden's hand. The warden looked at her coldly, and Emily saw her red glowing eye on her. "Sleep." She spoke, and Emily did.
The scent of lavender was so calming, she felt like she was floating on a soft cloud, it was so warm and nice and she wondered where Amanda was, she should be by her side to enjoy this. Amanda. She opened her eyes. She was in her cell, alone. She shot out of bed, going to the door. It was locked. "Hey!" She banged on the door, surprised when Angel approached. "Angel, what's going on, where's Amanda?"
"The lieutenant." Angel stressed the point, "is in the medical bay and." She held up her hand to stop Emily's from speaking. "She's fine."
"And what about the Oosith…"
"Captured. We'll be leaving soon. It's fine, really none of that has anything to do with you, so there's no need to discuss any of that." Angel said flippantly, she turned and leaned against the glass, pointedly ignoring Emily.
"I have to see her, Angel." Emily said to Angel's back. Angel hadn't walked away, so she was almost certain that she was told to guard her cell. "Look, I know we've never seen eye to eye…" The six foot tall Angel scoffed at this, but Emily continued. " But I love her, and I know she loves me too. I have to see her, please let me see her before she leaves." She wiped at her eyes, ashamed that she was crying. If Amanda was leaving then this would be her last chance to see her again.
"Oh enough already." Angel had swiped the door with her key card. "I know you love her and all that crap, lord knows Amanda deserves it. Let's go."
Amanda lay on the bed in the medical bay, flipping through the channels on the TV. The burns on her legs barely hurt now, in a few days she'd be completely healed. And then it would be time to return home. She closed her eyes and tried to be happy.
"Amanda." Oh she must be missing her badly, she was hearing Emily's voice in her head.
"Amanda, open your eyes please." She felt her touch and gasped.
"Emily." She opened her eyes and pulled the other woman towards her. "Thank god you're alright."
"Are you injured?" Emily asked, running her hands lightly over her shoulders.
"I'm fine, just fine." She pressed her lips against Emily's, inhaling her scent, committing it to memory.
"Well, I have to say, I would've never guessed you looked like this." Emily commented.
"What?" Amanda looked away, ashamed. " You should only be seeing my human form right now, there must be something wrong with the machine…" She muttered.
"It's fine." Emily said, running her hands over the red and white silken fur. "I'd love you in any form." She snuggled up into Amanda's arms. "When are you leaving?" She asked softly.
"In a few days, four maybe." Amanda said, brushing Emily's hair away from her face. Emily couldn't bear to ask if she would return, she was afraid of what the answer would be.
Emily stayed with Amanda for a few hours; they cuddled on her bed, watched the TV and enjoyed each other's company. "You should check up on Stevens, see how she's doing." Amanda suggested. "She did come and help rescue you."
"Okay." She said, reluctant to leave her side.
She went down out into the hall, past two guards who were talking. She overhead the name "Stevens, room 12" and then, "dead". Wait, dead? She burst into room 12. "Stevens! She called." And there she was, lying in bed, drinking a glass of juice." Whoa! Emily, what are you doing in here?"
She ran to Stevens, almost knocking the glass over as she hugged the woman. "I thought someone said you were dead."
"What? Who said I was dead!" Stevens roared, then coughed wheezily.
"Oh, take it easy." Emily said, immediately concerned. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, it was just a little impalement; I'll be fine in a few days." Stevens waved it away, looking unconcerned.
"How's Amanda?" Stevens said.
"She's fine."
"Good, good." Stevens nodded. "Well, thanks for visiting." She said awkwardly.
"Thank you, for coming to rescue me." Emily confessed.
"Anytime, kiddo, it was tons of fun. You should try it next time." Stevens said with a laugh. "Now get out of here, I need to nap."
Time seemed to fly by the next few days, Emily found herself dreading Thursday, the day when Amanda would be leaving. New guards were coming in every day to replace the guards that would be leaving soon. And yet Emily was still able to visit Amanda every day in the medical bay, she suspected the warden had something to do with it because every day Angel came to escort her to see her lover.
They were sitting together on the hospital bed there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Amanda called. Stevens entered, looking fresh and very serious. "Is it time?" Amanda asked calmly.
Emily held onto Amanda tightly, a nervous tingle in her stomach. Soon more guards entered, Emily recognized a few, Francesca, Aella, Vanessa and Hallie, the one called Hawthrone. And then the Warden entered, the room filling with her presence.
"Amanda." The warden said fondly to her lieutenant. "It's time for us to leave."
Amanda squeezed Emily's hand hard, as if that could keep them together.
"I request permission to stay, Warden."
"Absolutely not." The warden said simply. "You are my best officer, only a fool would allow you stay on this planet. Besides, once we leave we will take the illusion device with us, what would you do when all the humans can see you in your true form." The Warden shook her head.
"I'm sorry, Emily. I'll try to visit you, in five years, maybe…"
"Five years? I can't wait five years, Amanda…." It was so strange talking to Amanda about something so private in front of a bunch of people.
"You're right, it wouldn't be fair for you." Amanda said sadly, she brushed her hand across Emily's cheek.
Emily took a deep breath, summoning up all of her courage. She turned the Warden and spoke. "Warden, I would like to join your crew."
There was a twinkle the Warden's eyes. "Angel has been complaining about needing an assistant for quite some time." There were a few chuckles in the group.
"Amanda, would you like to escort her and help her get her things."
"Yes Warden, Emily, are you sure about this?" Amanda asked her.
"I've never been more sure about anything, I love you Amanda."
She leaned in and Amanda kissed her, so passionately it made her head spin. Behind her, she heard the Warden bark, "Well? What's everyone standing around for? Get the ship ready!"
The ship was an enormous, sleek black design, Emily marvelled at the size of it. She had said goodbye to Jenni and some of the friends she had made in prison, Amanda had told them she was out on early parole. "Isn't it nice?" Amanda came up from behind and hugged her to her chest. "
And it was even more amazing inside, it almost looked like a building with its spacious rooms, Amanda had told her there was a gym, kitchen and sleeping areas and even a swimming pool for after they were in space.
"I just can't believe this is real." Emily said as she sat down and Amanda helped her buckle in.
"Oh it's real." Amanda gave her a quick peck on the lips before strapping herself in.
"As real as it can get." Stevens piped in, grinning.
Emily held Amanda's hand in hers as she heard the engines roar, the barely detectable feel of the ship lifting off the ground, she closed her eyes as the ship took off, headed for a new adventure.