A/N: Wow, probably weren't expecting an update this soon, huh? Well, I'll admit that I've had this chapter written for a while. Anyways, hope you enjoy it, and please remember to review!
By xSanityxIsxFleetingx
My Mother the Fighter: Willow Lynne VanTaan
I remember the last time I saw her
My Ma, the fighter
Her head was bald
No wig, baseball cap or bandana to cover it
She wore her bare scalp proud
A battle scar, symbolic of her struggle
She died in a pink shirt, too
With a pink ribbion pined to her right boob
That's where the cancer was
The cancer that eventually claimed her life
I remember every tear
Every last, sniffled goodbye
The chemotherapy wasn't working anymore
Nothing we can do now, the doctors all said.
They instructed us to bring her home
So that she could spend her last weeks with her family
Da couldn't stop crying
Needed a whole bottle of Prozac to get through the ordeal
Sophie cried too, burying her head in Da's lap
It was so unfair; she was only eight
Amber was silent for most of it
But grief was written on her face
Teresa Rivera-VanTaan died
In her thirty-ninth year of life
My mother the Fighter