Chapter 54

Ryraso dreamed.

He dreamed on his hometown. Of his father looking at him like he was about to break. His relationship with father had not been the best. But had been loved by his father. He just didn't know how to how it to his weakest son who was also gay.

"You are really doing this then?" He commented, standing at the doorway as Ryraso packed his bag to go to Navat. To go to the healers circle and learn his craft in the most prodigious and hardness place in the world. "You are really going to Navat?"

"Let me guess, you don't approve of living with another race?"

"No" He shook his head, "Believe it or not Ryraso, I have lived in Navat myself" He paused, "I spent many years there once, an age ago now" He tugged on his pendant. Lightly. "It doesn't surprise me that one of my children would feel the call to go"

"You never told me you went out of the villages?"

"Of course. I never wanted this. Not until I met your mother" His father smiled sadly. "Ry, you are my youngest. You have the eyes of your grandmother and her and mine's temper to match. It will serve you well in the coming months. The K'nairi can be hard creatures to deal with. They are not human, remember that. Most understand the taste of blood better than the crack of a word. There are exceptions, but don't be afraid of them Ryraso. Being afraid gives them power and if you wish to gain their respect. You will not faulter ever"

"I understand Father"

"I doubt you do" He chuckled, a smile on his face. A sad but fond one. "You may fall in love there Ry. Maybe not with a person but with Navat itself. I… Maybe after your mother has moved on from this world and your brothers are settled I will get the chance to go back"

"Why not before?" Ryraso asked curiously, "There is nothing forbidden about family visiting?"

"Because I could barely make myself leave last time and I doubt they would allow it again. They like to hold on to what they see as theirs" His eyes were strange as he looked as Ryraso, "Here" He passed the man two things. Before taking off his bracelet and putting it on Ryraso. "When you get to Navat, ask to find someone. Priest Umin, if he's still a priest. Give this" He pointed to a box. "He'll understand"

"And this?" Ryraso pointed to the second box. His eyes glued to the bracelet on his hand.

"Your coming of age present, when you are ready, open it"


"I love Ryraso" His father did something he had never done before, he pressed Ryraso close to him and kissed him on the head. Murmuring words in a language he had never known at the time. But now. "May the link keep you safe my beloved son"

The dream moved to meeting Umin. Umin who was no longer a priest, but a healer. A well-known healer who never took on human charges. Though had long ago. Ryraso was hesitate to approach him but his father's words rang though his eyes. To never falter and the K'nairi would respect him for that. He walked into the office, the K'nairi ignoring him at first.

"Healer Umin?" He asked politely, when he was ignored he resisted the urge to scowl, "Priest Umin?" He tried. The K'nairi's eyes flashed at him at that. Dangerous eyes. One which had killed.

"Not many brave enough to call me that boy and somehow I doubt you would know why?"

"No. I was only asked to pass something on to you by my father. Being ignored because of an assumption that I'm going ask you to be my mentor is counteractive to that" Ryrsao commented stubbornly, placing the box on the man's desk, "Now I have completed my task"

Umin's hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. The one with the bracelet from his father on. Claws holding firmly but not hurting him. "That's mine" He commented frowning, "I gave it to someone once, how did you get it?"

"My father" Ryraso commented, "He gave it to me for luck"

"That's what he told you huh. So you're his son" Umin's eyes looked over Ryraso properly as if seeing him for the first time. "You have Mafith's eyes" He commented softly. Possible the gentlest Ryraso had heard a K'nairi speak yet.

"Father tells me often" Ryraso said uncomfortably, not knowing what was going on. Mafith. His grandmother.

"You choose the route of a healer?" Umin commented, letting go, "Why?"

"Someone has to heal the sick" Ryraso commented, "I always helped the local healer out. I got interested. Much to my father's dismay. Mother encourages it though"

"You, you're not a virgin" Umin murmured.

"Bit personal for a first meeting. I barely know you" Ryraso commented dryly. "If there is nothing else" He nodded before turning to leave. Umin clicked his fingers and the door closed. The K'nairi standing up and walking around to him, Ryraso taking a step back, uncertain of the man's intentions.

"You may leave when I say you can" Umin growled, his eyes dangerous again for a moment. "Why did you come here?"

"To Navat? Because it's the best place to learn to be a healer" Ryraso commented seriously. "If you are going to do something, go all the way. Don't settle for second best"

"Agreed" Umin grinned, "You found a mentor yet?"

"Not yet, we only started a few days ago. The ceremony is next week"

"I'll take you on" Umin said firmly.

"I can find my own path thank you" Ryraso commented, not wanting to be given the chance because of who he was. "I don't need my father's help"

"Tough youngling. Sometimes you don't get a choice and no one will deny my claim on you little one" Umin commented before saying something in K'nairi. Ryraso pulled out of his grip, something he late understood he had been allowed to do.

"We'll see"

Pain filled him as he woke. Being carried on the back of a K'nairi. He buried his face in the shoulder of K'nairi who was holding him. Why? Why had those memories been unearthed? Both his father and Umin were dead now. His father never got the chance to return to Navat. Dying the week before he was due to return. Though his words rang though his mind and now he remembered that strange pendant he had always worn. His father had a connection to the K'nairi. Just what had it been?

Did it matter anymore?

"Umin" He murmured. His heart aching familiarly. Umin and his relationship had started of strained. The other healers jealous of who had chosen him as an apprentice. He was just annoyed that he was forced into it.

"Who's Umin?" A voice asked softly.

"Tai" He murmured, holding tighter, his back screaming at him, as were the back of his thighs. "Umin was my mentor" He reminded softly. Tai-ray knew of course. He had spoken to him about Umin many times in the past. "Dreamt of my first meeting with him"

"I see" Tai-ray commented gently. "We're at your room"

"Oh" Ryraso murmured as he was lowered to the bed. He was placed on his front, though his body screamed at the movement. He let out a whimper, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to contain the pain. Tai-ray moved away from him, causing him to reach out and grab the Winglord's hand. "Wait, aren't…" He trailed off. He had assumed he would be in the nest that night. Unless they wanted to have sex mind you. He suddenly felt alone. He didn't have the right to ask Tai-ray to stay.

Tai-ray knew he wasn't wanted that night. Not while the wounds were still so fresh. Who wanted comfort from the man who inflicted the pain they were suffering on them? Then Ryraso caught his hand. Sound so hurt and confused. Meeting the man's eyes all he could do was kiss him. Try to kiss those sad eyes away.

Tai-ray's eyes met his own and Tai-ray kissed him softly. Admittedly awkwardly due to the angle Ryraso was lying. Ryraso's tears finally fell as he kissed and he found himself wanting more. Gripping onto Tai-ray's robes. Ryraso forced himself to sit up, wanting to kiss properly. But found his attempts stopped by Tai-ray holding him down.

"Don't move, you will hurt yourself" Tai-ray scolded.

"Don't care" Ryraso grumbled, tears in his eyes.

"Ry" Tai-ray murmured before finally sitting on the bed next to him. Hand stroking though his hair. "I… I'm sorry I whipped you" He held on tightly to Ryraso fingers. Sensing his sadness at the moment. He didn't know what he could do to make this better, but for the moment Ryraso needed to sleep again. He needed to heal.

"Don't apologise. You had to do it" Ryraso growled, "I don't care about that" The last word was almost a sob. He let go of Tai-ray hand, looking away from him. Suddenly feeling very foolish. The hand didn't stop stroking his hair though.

"Then…" Tai-ray trailed off himself as a moment of realisation hit him. Lying down on the bed next to Ryraso, he mentally cursed himself for being a stupid. Of course Ryraso didn't want to be alone tonight. Pulling his love as close as possible without jostling his injuries. Ryraso buried his face into Tai-ray's side. Gripping onto the man's robes tightly. Tears still rolling. Unable to truly stop them. "I'll stay" He murmured.

"Better" Ryraso growled, though it came out weaker than he had intended. After all, his throat was hoarse from screaming in pain. Tai-ray's arm curled around his back possessively.

"Ry" Tai-ray kissed his hair. "I love you"

"I love you too" Ryraso murmured. Tai-ray freezing for a moment before grinning. His heart soaring. He held the man as tightly as he could without hurting him. Kissing his head again, cradling it in his arms. Ryraso's face red with embarrassment, but his fingers grip on Tai-rays robs was still tight. Almost afraid to let go.

"Never letting you go" Tai-ray whispered, pressing their heads together, "My stubborn little healer"

Ryraso snorted, but snuggled close. "Mine" He murmured into the warmth. Closing his eyes, pleased now Tai-ray wasn't going to leave him on his own that night. It was time for him to rest. Time for him to heal. And maybe just maybe. It was time for him to be happy with the people he loved.

The End

Thank you everyone who had been reading, this it has been very fun to write and quite emotional at times. Now i'm off to write Immune and Collared Kitten Arc 2