This Production fiasco had me going crazy, when we hadn't even started yet.

I already knew it was going to be a musical. The Production always was. But writing a musical for a bunch of teenagers was already such a stereotype, I refused to commit until I knew exactly what I was working with.

That was why we were holding auditions today. Well, auditions and a meeting where everybody could shoot around ideas, though I understood that as the total morons wasting my time.

I spit out my gum and immediately slipped in another one, ignoring the burning on my tongue. Some techies were already setting the stage up with a small podium where Team Lane could yell at the lesser mortals from. There was only ten minutes before everyone would finish class and make their way here – the people whose participation was mandatory, anyway, or those who'd chosen Drama for their Performing Art. I'd been let out of Psych early so I could prepare.

Of course, only my Psych teacher knew it was bullshit. I'd rolled in late, avoided everyone completely – including Angie – and then made my excuses to leave early again. Nothing could really be done since I'd done the exercises anyway. Honestly, I hadn't really needed to leave as early as I did – but the alone time wasn't a bad thing.

Chris had Auto now and so would probably roll in with everyone else and Betty either hadn't arrived yet or was hanging out with Toby.

Toby. I still hadn't figured out if I really was mad at him, or just at myself.

Yeah, I know, Daphne Lane showing something that somewhat resembled compassion, what was happening, blah blah blah. But it was the truth. Sure, I should have been told before, but ultimately, Toby wasn't the problem. And Toby and I went so far back, he knew I wasn't the problem either. The problem was Luke Chandler.

I yanked off another piece of paper from my notebook, scrunched it up as violently as I could and then threw it somewhere in front of me with a frustrated groan.

Hadn't this been a bad enough start to the year? Mom blindsiding me into Culinary Skills, Toby blindsiding me into the Production, Luke blindsiding me with coming back... The bet and the Dawsons living next door –

And Ty Reagan! Just talking about Luke again had reminded me. Once could be brushed off, twice was a coincidence. What the Hell was Ty Reagan's problem with me? Why was he trying to source me as his entertainment? Why the fuck did he think that was okay?

And sure, that was one thing I could have fixed by just saying one word to Chris or one of Carlton's friends. But that wouldn't solve anything. I still wouldn't know anything more.

Although I said it regularly, I was still constantly astounded at how many morons I was surrounded by.

I sighed loudly and threw my pen down on my desk. This was ridiculous. I already knew that no matter what my idiotic fellow classmates decided, I was going to write the Production how I wanted to. Sure, I could humble-brag about my intellect and imagination, but that was for time-wasters. The truth was, Toby had picked me for this job because MelRay was in trouble and, as a literary genius and a favourite student because of the surname Lane, I was the one who had the power to save it. Spectacularly.

I hadn't even looked at the list of auditionees. It was going to be filled with the entire roster of students who attended MelRay. Everyone pretended the arts were lame to pursue in LA, until the Production came around – and reading a list of wannabes was just depressing.

I'd just picked up my cell as it buzzed when I heard him.


I winced.

"Dawson." I muttered, hesitantly turning around to find him standing at the end of the aisle I was sitting on. There were a few awkward moments of us staring at one another. "Don't you... Have class or something?"

"I slipped out early." Dawson shrugged. He was strangely quiet for... Him. "So your brother didn't kill me in class." My eyes widened. "We have Auto together."

"Right." I nodded, relaxing a little. God, this was painful. "I text Chris earlier, telling him the rumour mill was running amok. I'll have a story for him by tonight."

Dawson nodded slowly.

God, this was awkward.

"Can I just say it?" I finally burst, scrunching my eyes shut. "Please? Because this awkward crap is actually really starting to piss me off."


"Kissing you was so gross!" I yelled loudly, staring at Dawson with wide eyes. Here it went. "Okay? I – ew, it was just – I could taste the nachos you had for lunch, Dawson!"

Dawson's eyebrows furrowed slightly as I shuddered at the memory, though I barely noticed.

"Actually, I had nachos as a side-"

"I want to barf just thinking about it." I said seriously. Grabbing the wastepaper basket from underneath the desk, I shook it in his direction. "You see all of this? All of these packets of gum? Even now, the burn of spearmint Extra is not enough to make me not puke. Kissing you was – disgusting! So disgusting! And I know it had to be done and so help me God, I wish it hadn't been necessary, but – it was – yeuck!" I spazzed a little, shuddering a few more times. "Look, I think for this to work, we need to get this shit out in the open. You can say it. Come on, hit me with it – tell me how much it sucked for you, too."

Instead, Dawson blinked at me for a few seconds.

"Is this a trick question?"

I tried not to gag in my mouth. I'd kissed this idiot. Willingly.

This was self-loathing on a whole new level.

"No, Dawson, it's not a trick question." I snapped. "I honestly think, the quicker we get over how bad of an experience that was for the both of us, the easier the rest of the plan will be. So gross." I continued to mutter as Dawson raised his eyebrows at me.

"Honestly?" Dawson began, shrugging off his backpack. "I don't mean this as an insult, Lane-"

"It's fine, seriously, be as freaked out as you like." I said quickly. I needed him to be as freaked out as I was. Or rather, I needed to hear it – I already knew there was no way Dawson wasn't as repulsed as I was. I mean, come on, I was hardly his type.

"- I've had worse."

Or he was just a douchebag.

"I don't think you're getting the point of this exercise." I shook my head. "This is the rare opportunity for you to tell me how the mere thought of kissing me grossed you out beyond compare, let alone it actually happening. It's fine. I'm okay with that."

"Yeah, well, I'm not." Dawson shrugged, sitting down beside me. What the Hell? I was giving him the opportunity to take open shots at me. I knew he was thinking it! As if he'd read my mind – again – Dawson rolled his eyes. "Look, I'm not saying it was the best experience I've ever had, but I've openly checked out your ass before." My shoulders stiffened. What? Although I knew that was a reference to his party, I didn't think that he'd been serious. Or that we'd ever acknowledge that conversation had happened. "When you check out someone's ass, you bypass being disgusted at the mere thought of kissing them." Dawson grinned. "Anyway, now I've had time to think about it – I full-on made out with Daphne Lane in the cafeteria. I'm a legend."

It took me a few seconds to recover.

"Please tell me you're not serious."

"I'm totally serious." Dawson replied happily. "Though next time, maybe you could warn me about sexually assaulting me in public? I could have pepper-sprayed you, if my reflexes weren't so fast."

I opened my mouth to say something – like how ridiculous he was being – but honestly, I was stumped. I'd been so sure we'd bond over how grossed out we were. Not that I wanted to bond with Dawson, but all the same.

"You know what? Fine." I finally said, with more than a little difficulty. "If that's how you're playing this... Fine."

It was really hard to not yell at him for using the phrase "sexual assault".

"Cool." Dawson nodded, wriggling comfortably in his seat. "So, before this Production stuff gets started, mind telling me what our next move is for the masses? Seeing as you're now masterminding the operation?"

And just like that, things were back to normal. It was amazing how denial could make things so much easier.

"Oh, don't be so bitter." I scoffed. "I had a stroke of genius, which is actually pretty normal for me. Deal with it." Speaking of which – a light-bulb came to life over my head. "It's not my fault you underestimated me. Either you're a lot more stupid than you think you are, or I'm way more on my game than you give me credit for."

Dawson stared at me in disbelief. I couldn't help it. Sometimes, throwing someone's words back in their face is just too good an opportunity to miss.

"Okay." Dawson laughed. I'll admit, I smirked a little, too. "What's next?"

"Well, obviously, we'll completely ignore one another when everyone comes in, even though we're sitting together-"

"Obviously." Dawson said dryly, in a way that made it sound as if it were anything but.

"- and your weird friendship with Chris and Betty will actually help us." I told him, frowning. "As weird as I find it. It's after auditions that things get more complicated."

"Whoa, stop." Dawson shook his head, sitting up a little. I tried to look as innocent as possible. "I thought it was you who said we're off the clock after school? I have track after the auditions."

"You're seriously going for track?" Wait, why did I care? Oh, right, I didn't. "Whatever. I changed my mind."

"Yeah, I figured, but why?" Dawson pushed. I glared. Couldn't he just go with it? "Look, I was going to let it slide until another time, but you randomly got involved today. More than that, you freaking kissed me in front of everyone at this school-"

"Oh, stop being so dramatic, it was only in front of the people in our lunch block." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"- and now you're telling me we're logging in time of our own?" Dawson shook his head. "You know what? It's my turn to be the bitchy one." My mouth dropped open. I wasn't bitchy! He was just rude! "I'm not giving up valuable X-box time unless I know why."

It wasn't an unfair request. I just didn't want to be fair.

Saying that, I had thrown caution to the wind earlier. Hurt as it did to consider, I'd made Dawson and I a team and that meant... Sharing.

"There's... Someone I know. Someone coming to MelRay that could blow this sham apart in seconds, if we're not good enough." I admitted. Hey, I said sharing, not baring the inner-workings of my soul. "I don't want to go into details, but we're going to need to convince everyone, unless we want him to blow this up in our face."

Dawson watched me for a few seconds, in not a totally creepy way. I pinched my lip, watching as he calculated in whatever way he did.

"Can I ask just one question?" I nodded hesitantly. "Is this the guy you're doing it for? The guy you said you wanted to get back at, or whatever?"

Again, another reference to the night of his party.

And okay, yeah, I considered lying for a second. I mean, this still didn't mean Dawson and I were friends, it just meant we didn't have to constantly prove how not friends we were all of the time. But if we wanted this to work, Dawson had to understand my dedication. I guess I already understood his – his machismo was at stake in this stupid bet -, but ever since the beginning, Dawson had made it clear that he wanted to understand why I would agree, too.

"Yes." I finally said, feeling strangely... Lighter, for admitting it. Even if it was ten times more complicated than that. "So when I say tonight, I mean, I'll be introducing you to the real LA scene." I pushed back the guilt in my stomach. I was getting sentimental for no reason. "Which will include letting everyone know you're Jack Dawson's little brother."

It was dark in the auditorium, so I couldn't see Dawson's face too well, even though we were sitting right next to one another (and he was leaning on my arm-rest). I could only just about see half of his face and from that, I was smart enough to know worry when I saw it.

"Well, I guess it was going to come out eventually." Dawson finally muttered thoughtfully. "I had a good run without it."

"Yeah, a whole week." I nodded, shaking my head.

Dawson smiled, turning at the sound of the doors opening.

"Everyone's here." He sighed, glancing over at me. We looked at each other seriously. "Time for me to start ignoring you, right?"

"Yep." We both turned to face the stage, despite the fact his arm was still in my space. "You know," I said quietly, ignoring everyone's stares and pretending to write in my notebook. "You should buy me an Oscar at the end of this. We're going to win."

Dawson chuckled quietly.

"I'm just astounded that we're now a we." He teased. He pulled out his cell phone. He must have heard everyone whispering about us – I could and I was further away from everyone else. "Next we'll be holding hands and calling each other baby."

I scowled. He was such a dick – which was precisely why we were never going to be friends.

. . .

"Your professional opinion, Zach?"

"Did everyone here do some kind of training?" Dawson frowned. We were between auditionees and Betty kept flirting with Dawson and winking at me, which was just... Stupid. "I mean, technically, their pitch or whatever is fine, but..." Dawson shrugged. "It's too... Contrived? It's already cultivated, you can't pass that off as raw talent in a high school play."

"Production." I corrected, before turning to him. "And when did you become such an expert?"

"Since Toby said he was, keep up." Betty grinned. Loser. "What are you going to say to her later?"

The person we were talking about was actually Christy – yeah, as in, my Christy. Her voice wasn't bad, but she was trying too hard. And everyone knew how I felt about try-hards.

"What am I supposed to say?" I groaned, rubbing my temples. "It's the same old story."

"Am I missing something?" Dawson asked, apparently confused by Betty and Chris' nods of understanding. "What old story?"

I waved my hand at Betty. She could take the floor on this one.

"Daphne is pretty much involved in every school production Toby can come up with." Betty began, and at the reminder, I scowled. Stupid Toby. I was still seething from our... Discussion earlier. "Never on the winning Team Lane – this year's Production is a first – but she's usually a part of the other stuff." Winning Team Lane, God, we sounded like our own brand endorsement. Which was actually sad, because a lot of people considered that true. "Every year, Daphne lets out a disclaimer to all of her friends that she won't pick someone just because she knows them-"

"It's my head on the chopping block if they suck." I added tiredly, closing my eyes and resting my head on the desk.

"- and every year, all of her friends agree." Betty continued, watching me pitifully. "And, every year-"

"Let me guess." Dawson interrupted. I glanced up at him with mild disinterest. "Every year, they get on that stage, all hopeful at feeling so close to their dreams-" Even Dawson sounded cynical at that. "- and believe that not even Daphne Lane could care so little?"

"Precisely." Betty smiled. "See, Daphne? He's cute and smart."

"Girls are weird." Chris muttered.

"And what, you think Christy is the same?" Dawson asked me, looking surprised.

I stared pointedly at him – we were meant to be avoiding each other for the masses, remember? -, before sighing and giving in. I suppose we were allowed to talk a little – we were on the judging panel for the auditionees, even if that was something I didn't fully understand.

"Christy is even worse than the others." I admitted. "She's a friend and for once, I'm not trying to be a bitch – but she's convinced herself caring is so uncool, that she becomes seriously uncool when she hides her desperation at things like these." I turned to Chris, not liking how cruel that sounded when said out loud. "Does that make sense?"

Chris sighed, understanding the real question – translate for me?

"Basically, her wanting it is no big deal, but when she tries to pretend she doesn't want it while she's showing she does want it, like when she's auditioning, she comes across like a total douchebag." Chris told Dawson over my head.

Dawson grinned.

"That's what she said." He snickered, making Chris high-five him.

Boys were so stupid.

"Hey, is that Lin on-stage?"

I swear, my head whipped around so fast, it was like I was in a 90's horror movie.

Betty wasn't kidding. There Lin was, standing nervously in the middle of the stage, twisting her hands as she stared at all of the other auditionees, sitting below us.

"Is that Lin Barfield?" I heard Jenna mock. "More like barf at seeing her on a stage!"

That helped snap me out of my reverie more than it should have.

"Is this a joke?" I hissed, glancing at my fellow panel – Chris, Betty and Dawson. "What the Hell is Lin doing down there?! She's never been interested in this kind of stuff before, her schedule can't take it!" Honestly, I wasn't really expecting someone to answer. I was just venting. "What the Hell has changed her mind?!"

Like I said, I hadn't been expecting an answer. So when I got one that wasn't entirely stupid, I was shocked to say the least.

"Take two guesses." Dawson murmured, nodding to where Eric was cheering up-front – and, in doing so, making everyone else. Lin smiled thankfully at Eric, what the Hell? "She mentioned it to me earlier, props to her for going through with it."

If I kept whipping my head back and forth this fast, people were going to start thinking I was Willow Smith.

"Since when do you and Lin talk?" I asked slowly, trying not to scream.

Dawson stared at me in confusion.

"We got talking leaving Music class today." Dawson shrugged. "You know, that happens? People just... Talking? Making friends, being nice?"

"That's an alien concept to Daphne." Chris shrugged, Betty nodding seriously behind him. Cupping his hands over his mouth and completely disregarding Toby's earlier warning about remaining impassive as judges, Chris yelled – "Woo! Come on, Barfield!"

Lin laughed this time, embarrassed at how much of a Dad Chris was being. Betty started joining in too – and then Dawson whistled.

"Are you guys out of your fucking mind?" I hissed. "I can't do this. Lin is possibly one of the only people at this school who hasn't had any sort of training, those assholes down there will rip her to pieces!"

"So?" Chris shrugged, squeezing my arm. "Calm down. We'll just rip 'em to pieces back."

"I'm Lindsey Barfield, obviously." Lin coughed, making us all turn and stare. She was actively ignoring my gaze. Wait, was she still mad at me? Seriously?! Didn't she have bigger problems right now? "And I'll be singing a rendition of Go My Own Way by Fleetwood Mac for this audition. Zach?"

Of course the moment she chose to speak was when I had sipped some water. Of course I spluttered it all over myself.

"Why is she calling you?" I managed to say hoarsely, as Chris helpfully thumped me on the back.

"I'm on the drums." Dawson muttered, looking pretty freaked out at my expression – and rightly so – as he stumbled out of his seat, before recovering and jogging calmly down the stairs towards the stage.

"I changed my mind, maybe this won't go so well after all." Betty muttered, frowning. "That song makes it easy to be pitchy."

"I could totally pull the fire alarm five seconds in." Chris offered, watching the fire alarm on the other wall with focus.

"No." I sighed, patting my brother's arm gratefully. Betty stared, confused. "Look, if she's good, then that's great, but if she's not... She put herself in this spot." I stared down at where Jenna and Eric seemed to be arguing, Dawson patting Lin on the shoulder as he walked by. "Hey, with any luck, the universe will use this as a way to show her who Eric really is, before it gets serious."

"Daphne, isn't that kind of harsh?" Betty asked me seriously, using her big sister voice. I didn't say anything. What could I say? Of course it was harsh. But that was the only language Lin was going to understand now, she was too tripped on bad rom-coms to see sense. "Even for you? That's... That's still your best friend down there."

"You think I don't know that?" I tried to snap – but it came out soft and worried instead.

Chris nudged me as the music started.

I felt sick, I was so worried for Lin. Jenna would probably start booing as soon as she recognized the slightest mistake and I knew for a fact I wouldn't be able to step in and correct her, because I hadn't been possessed by the same Devil she had at six and become obsessed with recreating myself as Ariana Grande.

I honestly didn't even hear the first verse. Anyone at MelRay could get past the first verse of that song. It was the chorus and the long notes that made it hard.

But then it happened and it didn't suck.

"Oh my God, she's doing it." I muttered, before screaming loudly and grabbing Chris' arm. She was doing it! And she was – she was really good! "Oh my God, Chris, Betty, she's totally doing it!"

. . .

Lin had been the last person to audition, so as everyone sat there, stunned at how amazing Lin had been, Betty announced everyone could leave. There was no way anyone was going to be paying attention to brainstorming ideas for the Production after Lin had blown everyone's mind and so Betty got Chris to yank Carlton and Wade to the side and make them collect plot ideas in some giant box we'd go through later tonight.

I, on the other hand, pushed through the peasants to find Lin shaking like a leaf onstage.

"Dude!" I yelled, before letting out a loud, happy scream. I didn't care that people were looking. If anything, it was a good thing, because my unusual excitement would only support the fact that Lin deserved whatever spot on the Production we gave her. Because clearly, she had one. "That was... That was so awesome! How are you awesome, since when were you that awesome?" I mean, I knew we used to sing loudly to our favourite jams in the Mamba or in the pool, but this was... Something else. I laughed. Oh my God, she was... Awesome. "Right, I'm sorry, how could I imagine that Lin Barfield would commit to something she's not already a genius at?!"

Lin gave me a small, goofy smile, her cheeks still red from everyone staring.

"Thank you, Daphne." She murmured, tucking some hair behind her hair.

And then it just... Happened. Very publicly. Well, I mean, people were pushing around us on the stage to try and get out, even though they were eavesdropping and it was really loud, but still.

"And I owe you a... Huge ass apology." I told her seriously, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze. "Not just for earlier and not keeping you updated on what's going on, but it's complicated and..." I shook my head. Why did this even matter? To me, it didn't, but sometimes I forgot that Lin wasn't me. I was so used to her being an extension of what I was thinking, that it was easy to disregard how much more she felt... Stuff. "And even just now. I'm your best friend and I didn't have enough faith in you to know you'd ace it and I am so sorry and I promise you, when things are a little less hectic and it's just you and me, I will tell you everything and swear you to secrecy."

One good thing about Lin being more touchy-feely than I was? She forgave people a lot quicker.

"I've been keeping a lid on your plans for world domination since I was a kid, I can handle more Lane family secrets." Lin shrugged offhandedly, before grinning. I couldn't help. I kind of grinned back and I'm sure I saw someone blanch at the shock of it all. Lin laughed. "And I did kind of rock, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you really did!" I was giddy. This was huge. This Production might not be such a lame-ass event after all, especially if I got to spend time with Lin. We didn't do enough of that anymore. It felt like Dawson's party last week had been months ago. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sure, I was pissed and upset after what you said earlier." Lin shrugged, linking her arm in with mine. I rest my head on her shoulder. I was like a proud soccer father and this was my baby Lin's moment! "But... I didn't want to be another person on your list of friends who suddenly change when it comes to stuff like this. I wanted to see your honest reaction." Lin giggled and it sounded so strange, coming from serious and sarky Lin, that I did too. "And judging by you cutting off the circulation to Chris' arm halfway through, I figure my plan worked out pretty well."

"It was evil of you and that is precisely why I can appreciate that much more." I nodded. I was so happy for her, my cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling.

This was Lin's moment! I hated that I couldn't always protect Lin from the assholes at MelRay, because I had to make sure I didn't shake the Lane reputation. And Lin didn't hold it against me, she never had; she knew I loved my family, even if they were... Clinically challenged. So what did I do instead? I pushed her to have a backbone and I felt like a bitch the majority of the time for doing so.

But this was all her! Jenna's mouth had practically unhinged by the end of the song and, disgruntled as I was to remember it, Eric had been on his feet and whooping like a crazy person up front – along with more than half of our sophomore class, plus all of the seniors who knew Lin and more. This was a huge deal for her. And she's already taken on so much with her AP classes and extra credits, that this was an amazing way for her to blow off steam, still do something fun and for us to show off how much of a big part she was of Team Lane.

"You did it!" Dawson yelled, appearing beside Lin. Surprisingly, I wasn't even jealous when Lin yelled happily and hugged him tightly. Not that I'd be jealous of Lin, rather than somebody ruining one of the few bonding moments I allowed Lin and I to have on MelRay campus. "I told you that you'd kill it, see?!"

"Wait." I shook my head a little, trying to not wince at how weird it was to see Dawson and Lin's arms wrapped around one another's waists, so they were still kind of hugging. "You both planned all of this in a conversation coming out of Music class earlier?"

Dawson and Lin looked at one another guiltily.


"Actually – and don't get mad – I kind of hunted Dawson down after you took off after lunch." Lin admitted. "I mean, French kissing the hot new guy in the cafeteria, Daphne? Really?"

Oh, shit. Right. My friends would have seen that.

How had I not realized that before right this second?

"Um." I muttered intelligently, staring at Dawson with wide eyes. Dawson, on the other hand, was trying to smother his laughter. "... Uh..."

"One of the many things we have to talk about, I'm sure." Lin said slyly. "Anyway, Dawson mentioned the auditions earlier this week, after he stumbled on me singing-"

"So you two are like a... Thing now?" I shook my head, pointing at them both. "Like... Friends or something?"

Dawson stared down at Lin expectantly, a cheesy grin plastered all over his face.

"Yeah." Lin grinned, turning back to me. "I mean, you stuck your tongue down his throat, Daphne, I think it's time for me to get to know him."

"Oh my God." This was humiliating.

"Don't worry though, I'll keep the others at bay... For now." Lin teased. "Are you meeting the rest of us to celebrate my victory once you're done here?"

As much as I wanted to say yes... I glanced at Dawson. I mean, I'd already made plans.

"No bigsies, I sensed you'd be busy tonight." Lin said knowingly, glancing between us. Even more humiliation, wonderful. "You may have done a wonderful job fooling the rest of these idiots that you were ignoring each other, but I'm no basic bitch." Lin clarified. Right. Of course she'd known I was faking it. Why did I constantly underestimate her? I needed to keep tabs on her when I took over the world, she was my left-hand man and my main competition, really. "I saw through your crappy facade. Just try and meet us later?"

I glanced at Dawson again, who shrugged. Well, someone was cocky – clearly he assumed he was a part of this invitation, too.

But... Then again, he had been the one to push Lin when none of us could have. I guess that made him slightly more bearable. But only slightly.

"How about you celebrate at the Skybar later tonight?" I offered, preparing myself for an evening of being teased just thinking about it. "... With the both of us?"

Lin's eyebrows disappeared somewhere into her hideous block fringe.

"You're going with Zach to the Skybar party tonight?"

"What the eff is a Skybar party?" Dawson muttered, looking completely lost.

"The Skybar party kicks off the social scene for the star kids, after a long, painfully luxurious summer." Lin told him, staring at me. "I hate those things. It's all spoiled celeb kids."

"Of which you're one." I pointed out.

"She is?" Dawson asked, somehow managing to look even more confused. I almost pitied him.

"My Dad's an NBA player for the Lakers and my Mom is a supermodel." Lin replied offhandedly, ignoring Zach's shocked expression. "Hmm. I guess hanging out with you guys all night wouldn't be such a bad thing..." Lin thought for a second. "Okay. I mean, I know Eric thinks I'm going to be hanging out at The Cheesecake Factory in Beverly Hills anyway, so... Fine, tonight."

"Wait, Eric thinks you're somewhere-"

"Shut up and listen, because I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of repeating myself." Lin interrupted. "You were right. I don't agree with your methods and Eric is a great guy, but I have been twisting myself in knots over a guy I've spoken to, like... Four times." Lin shrugged, looking sad. "And he was really supportive just now, but ultimately – he has a girlfriend and while I'm not out to steal him away, his girlfriend has tried to make my life a misery since forever." She sighed. "Your methods suck, but you're right. I'm losing it, sticking up for him at everyone else's expense. No offence, Zach." She added quickly.

"None taken."

"I'm sorry." I said seriously. "I was just trying to help."

"And if I didn't know that, I would have put a restraining order on you already." Lin grinned. "I'll catch you tonight, okay? But do me a favour – meet me there." Lin pulled herself away from Dawson and rolled her eyes. "Clearly, you two need to talk."

"Sure." I sighed loudly, pulling Lin in for a large hug. "I'm so proud of you, you little cutie. Love you."

"Love you too, you sappy loser." Lin muttered, squeezing me before walking off. "Love you too, Zach!" She yelled over her shoulder, blowing him a kiss – and even I laughed at how he pretended to catch it and swoon.

And then there were two.

"What?" I frowned. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"You should show how much you care more often." Dawson told me seriously. Oh God, here we go. "You're nice when you're nice."

I stared at him for a few seconds, wondering how the Hell people found him worthy of drooling over. He must have the IQ of a spoon.

"Don't you have track or something?" I muttered disgustedly, shaking my head. "Get lost, loser. And do I need to pick you up in the car for the party?"

"I can handle walking to the house next door, I think."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, already heading out. Betty and Chris were already discussing some of the notes in the box, ready to head home. "Dress nice!"

. . .

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Wasn't that the same T-shirt I'd left him in at school?

"I'm wearing a blazer..." Dawson muttered – Jesus, was he pouting?

"Clearly, we won't leave on time." I muttered, waving him in. I held onto Dawson's shoulder as I slipped out of my black lace Jimmy Choos, placing them by the door. "Chris! Chris, can we borrow some John Varvatos? Dawson looks like a goddamn tramp!"

I yelled in the general area of the house. It would echo and he'd hear me eventually.

I also knew that as soon as he heard the name Dawson, he'd be practically skidding downstairs.

"Wait, wait, what did you tell your brother?" Dawson hissed, yanking by the arm.

I coolly pulled my arm back.

"Don't touch me while you're dressed like that." I told him calmly. Peasant. "And calm the Hell down, I told him I kissed you on a dare and that because you helped Lin out earlier, I figured I'd play nicer than usual. It's fine."

"But what about when we get to this party?" Dawson shifted uncomfortably – and that's when it hit me. Dawson was nervous. "What happens then, what are we saying?"

"We're saying you're new, we've met through our families and we'll watch the rumours spread. No-one ever commits to a relationship at the first party of the social calendar, it comes off as desperate and amateurish. We just have to look flirty enough and they'll do the work for us." I rolled my eyes. He was such a rookie. How had I trusted him so blindly before now? He probably wasn't capable of walking in a straight line while sober. "Chris!" I yelled loudly again, nodding as I finally heard footsteps.

"Sorry, Emma was freaking out about her zipper being the wrong colour or something." Chris muttered, coming down the stairs. "Oh. Hey, Zach – where's your sister? And what are you wearing?"

"Are people in LA allergic to jeans and a blazer or something?" Dawson said, baffled.

Chris' nose screwed up.

"Is that the same T-shirt you wore to school today?"

"I knew it." I sighed loudly. "Can we fix him, please? And is Betty coming or not?" I had forgotten something. What had I forgotten? I had my shoes, I was dressed, I was sure I'd done as little makeup as I could get away with... "Emma, if you want a ride, come on!" I was definitely missing something, I could feel it.

"Daphne, I'm thinking either just a sweater and jeans, or he's going to have to change into a shirt." Chris told me, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at Dawson carefully. "Hey, Zach – so your sister." I rolled my eyes. Because he hadn't been totally transparent the first time he'd asked, either. "She's not coming? There's space for her to come, why-"

"She's not feeling up to socializing tonight and honestly, I didn't realize it was such a big deal." I hoped for Dawson's sake that was true. I'd once thought he knew how to present himself. My mistake, clearly. "She's chilling at home in her sweats and watching Devious Maids on TiVo."

I glared at Chris from behind Dawson's shoulder. I could practically see him making an exit route and jumping over shrubbery to bug Albany.

As if that had somehow reminded me, I looked at Chris. Once again, full marks on appearance. Too bad he was missing a brain.

"You look nice, Chris." I told him seriously, narrowing my eyes. Black slacks, white shirt, one of those fancy button-up black cardigans. "And what am I missing?"

"You were thinking up about tying your hair up before, you forgot your bracelet and you didn't finish your makeup." Chris said dejectedly. Oh yeah, buddy, no running off tonight. "And I definitely think we should go with the shirt. Oh, and Betty's not coming, she's meeting up with her crew at Bardot tonight for her welcome-back party."

That made more sense. Bardot was the one of the top – and classiest – lounges in LA, with Avalon, it's sister club that had been around since prehistoric times, downstairs. It was one of Betty's favourite places. Apparently, tonight meant she was back to her partying ways like the rest of us.

"Okay. Go with the shirt, I'll get Emma's help with the hair – and sort out his, if you need to, this is debut and I'm not walking in with him if he looks like a reality TV star." I groaned, waving Dawson in Chris' direction.

"Oh my God, what am I even doing?" Dawson muttered, following Chris upstairs, just as Emma walked down. "Hey, Em."

"Hey, Zach – what are you wearing?" Emma frowned. This time, Dawson just nodded in defeat. "Daphne, what are you doing with your hair?"

"I don't even know." I let out a frustrated sigh, shaking my head. "Help me. And you look pretty." I stopped. "Where are you even going?"

"Leah Stockdale is having her birthday dinner at Fifty Seven again and this trimester's new chef just arrived." Emma scowled, turning me around so she could do... Stuff to my hair. "She's totally trying to overtake me on the social ladder this year and if her attempts weren't so pathetic, it'd be like, totally hilarious."

"Well remember, you can always call the Lane hotline if you need to, Chris and I will have our cells." The Lane hotline was what we called dialling one another to name-drop when wannabes tried to act cool. Yes, I found it totally pathetic, but people in this city were so shallow that of course it worked. "What are you doing to my hair?" I yelped, feeling Emma rake her nails down my scalp.

"Making it look sexy, which is not easy when you have that face." Emma snorted – but I caught her smirking in the mirror, so I knew she was just trying to piss me off. Surprisingly, it didn't work. I heard a hair tie snap into place, after appearing from nowhere. "Is that the new Georges Hobeika and the new Jimmy's? The dress you were actually excited about?"

"Yeah, looks good, huh?" I said proudly. I did like this dress. It was one of the few dresses I did like. It was white, sleeveless and had the right amount of black sequins and red. It was hard to describe, but I felt good in it. Like I could rip someone's head off comfortably because the red in the skirt would hide the bloodstains and I could feel like a badass at the same time. "Though these heels are going to kill me, I swear to God."

Emma laughed.

"Wait until you see Betty." I winced as she tugged on my hair again. "She's got this badass sexy office chick look going for her." I hissed as Emma gave my hair one, final tug. "Almost done, just perfecting my piece of art now. We're dropping you first, right?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, walking over to the mirror once I felt Emma let go of my hair. "Done?"

"Take a look."

I had to admit, Emma's work was impressive.

My dark hair was pulled away from my face in a messy ponytail that, somehow, made me looking ten times more glamorous than my overly-sprayed hair had seconds before. It was carefully mussed and did the wonderful job of keeping it out of my face. Somehow, Emma had made it look like a strand of my own hair was keeping it together.

"Nice job." I muttered. Props had to be given when necessary. "My jewellery-"

"Is right here." Emma sighed, opening her palm. She was so organized about these things.

I slipped on the silver Alexander McQueen cuff, matching ring and the red and black Lanvin earrings Annie had bought me for Christmas. Okay. Almost done.

"What e-"

Emma offered me the lipstick tube. Right.

Emma and I were just snorting at a stupid selfie I'd been cajoled into taking – I was cross-eyed with a creepy smile, Emma was going for the more "sexy stupid" tongue-out look – when we heard Chris and Dawson from the top of the stairs.

"Looking good, Betty!" Oh God, Dawson complimenting my sister was so wrong.

"You too, Zach." I heard Betty reply appreciatively. I grimaced at Emma, who was laughing at my discomfort. See, she did stuff like that and I stopped liking her again. "Daphne, Em, you look hot!"

"You can't even see us!" I yelled back up.

Emma and Betty both informed me, at the exact same time, that she'd seen it on Instagram.

"Tell me I don't work wonders." Chris said, finally appearing beside us. "I dare you."

My mouth dropped open. And that wasn't an easy thing to achieve.

And apparently my mouth stayed open (though when I say open, my lips were barely parted, okay?) for enough time for Emma and Chris to glance at one another amusedly.

"Seriously? Neither one of you are going to say it?" Hearing Emma's voice, I realized I'd been staring.

It was just... Disarming. Sure, I'd noticed that Dawson could handle himself when we'd gone to dinner with Jack and my mother, but this was... Very different. That had just been dinner. Yeah, okay, a fancy brown-nosing dinner that was all about first and lasting impressions, but Chris knew how to work his magic – he'd known Dawson had to step it up for a high school party for up-their-own-ass LA socialites, even if Dawson wasn't taking it seriously. Or didn't understand it, which was a common theme with him...

"You both staring at me like idiots because you're both shocked that the other is capable of looking hot." Emma sighed loudly, rolling her eyes. And just like that, I was aware of myself again. I almost turned my head completely around my neck to glare at her. What crap. "We're all big girls and boys here." Emma said slowly. "Physical attraction happens."

"Is she for real?" I asked Chris, staring at my moron little sister with incredulity. Never had I been more sure that she was adopted. "Emma, are you snorting something?"

"Hey, now." Chris chastised and that was when I knew I'd had it. He walked down the stairs, clapping Dawson on the back with an amused expression. "Don't shoot the messenger, Daphne."

For the first time in a while, Emma and Chris had managed to render me speechless. I just stood there, dumbly, as they breezed right out of the front door... Leaving Dawson and I standing awkwardly in the hallway together.

Chris had done a number on Dawson. I barely recognized him – yet there he was, in beige chinos and a denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up, looking every bit the LA asshole we were going to make him out to be. Something had been done to his hair too – I'd never noticed before, but it was kind of curly in places. Then again, I'd never had reason to pay attention.

"Looks like I got the Lane seal of approval." Dawson finally coughed, looking up at me with a weird, little smirk that wasn't as cocky and assholish as it usually was.

"Shut up, Dawson." I managed to say, my pissy voice a ghost of its usual self. "Get in the goddamn car."

. . .

Emma dropped us off to Skybar first. Chris didn't come in with us – he bumped into a load of his friends outside the door, smoking. They wouldn't stick around for too long – Chris was the real socialite and now that he'd arrived, they'd all disappear somewhere to party harder and less conspicuously. I didn't mind – I knew all of them anyway and they weren't snobbish like older kids usually were.

How could they be? I was Daphne Lane.

Though Carlton whistling when I stepped out of the car was really lame. All of his other friends, including Chris, laughing loudly at me bowing and simultaneously flipping him the finger was way more entertaining to me.

"Do me eyes deceive me, Daphne?" Steve called, nodding to Dawson. I felt kind of proud. If Chris' guys were giving him the sacred Nod of Approval in public, there was a chance for me to get through this. "You, stepping out with a guy? Who can match a Lane?"

I opened my mouth to say something smart – which wasn't difficult for me, it was more of a natural gift – but, weirdly, Dawson got there first.

"Oh, dude, that's cold." Dawson groaned, pretending to be hurt. "Everyone knows the answer to that – the only person who can match a Lane is a Dawson."

"Are you sure you don't mean a Chandler?" Someone snorted, from where I couldn't see.

Honestly, I should have expected something like that. Now that it was public knowledge Luke was coming back to MelRay – sure, only Christy had known this morning, but word spread irritatingly fast in this crappy town and me freaking out at Toby hadn't helped either, not that I'd ever admit it to him -, this kind of crap was going to happen.

To everyone else, everything I was trying to fabricate with Dawson had already happened with Luke. The twisted part was, with Luke, the "advertising", so to speak, had been accidental (at least on my hopelessly naive end of things at the time) but the drama had been anything but.

The problem was... I'd expected it from one of the catty girls inside, probably a Beverly Beach Prep bitch who was trying to assert herself in a world that she'd had to crawl into. I wasn't saying the feudal system of Hollywood rich kids and LA rich kids was right, but that didn't mean I didn't acknowledge it. I was prepared for catty comments and bitchy remarks – from catty teenagers and insecure bitches, not some random senior dude who I didn't really remember seeing before.

Bessie, Carlton and Steve all gave the guy filthy looks. Of course, Chris' was the most pissed off.

It was weird to acknowledge, but sometimes I forgot how... Powerful Chris was in his circle. Well, his circle was everyone's circle, but whatever. The fact remained that although Chris was the biggest freaking dork since Bill Gates at home, outside, he was... Huh. I couldn't think of a cool, laid-back social powerhouse as an equivalent. Not one that'd do Chris justice. He was Mr Popular and he knew how to be a snotty asshole, which was weird, because this was a guy that shovelled ice cream into his mouth like a pathetic pre-teen on her period for the first time when watching The Notebook.

Anyway, my point was, Chris' death glare made me remember that standing there like a shocked kid wasn't an option for me.

What can I say? Being a Lane comes with its ups and downs.

Less than two seconds could have passed since the guy had spoken and I'd thought all that through, but two more seconds was too long.

But I didn't know what to say – yet somehow, again, Dawson did.

"Yeah, man." Dawson replied, making me start slightly as his arm snaked around my waist. I stared up at him in surprise – this wasn't the Dawson who'd been carefully cool with his voice seconds before, this type of cool was cold. Which also meant dangerous, considering he was the new kid on the block and I, his usually unfaltering mentor, was under attack. "We're very sure it's not a Chandler."

I couldn't help but glance at Chris. Dawson's reply was... Unexpected.

However, judging by the mafia-like look of satisfaction my brother gave Dawson, unexpected in this situation wasn't a bad thing.

I just couldn't get over the loser's audacity. This random was questioning me? Did he know who I was, regardless of whether he was legal or not?

"Barfield!" I was so relieved when Carlton yelled that in surprise, breaking our little Texan standoff, that I jumped again, accidentally jumping into Dawson in the process. I gave him an awkward look, but it would be stupid for me to apologize in front of everyone. We were building a brand, after all. I couldn't wait to get inside so there'd be more space between Dawson and I, even if it was marginal. "You killed it today and now you roll in looking kind of hot, should I be worried, Chris?"

I couldn't help raising my eyebrows as I saw Lin in the doorway, in a white tank top and pink dress that I would later get told off for not recognizing as a dress. She was wearing heels, her hair was slightly nicer looking than usual and out in soft waves – she looked pretty. She always looked pretty, but I guess I could see Carlton's surprise.

That was nothing compared to Dawson's.

"Christ, Barfield, you scrub up well." Dawson laughed, shaking his head as Lin blushed and curtseyed. He turned to me and I had to remind myself not to stumble back, he was so close. How was it that usually he was so freakishly tall but all of a sudden, with us being so close, his face was a lot nearer than anticipated? I'm sure it wasn't just the heels. "Ready to go inside?"

Why the Hell was I suddenly so incapable of speech? All I could do was freaking nod and try to rearrange my face so people couldn't tell I was reconsidering whether Dawson was secretly a murderer or not.

"Get home safe." Chris told me seriously. "I'll text if I'm heading out."

"Is your sister your minder, Lane?" The same douchebag from before laughed. Who even was this guy?!

"Do you want to shut the fuck up already, Brock?" Chris snarled, standing instead of leaning against the wall like he had been a second before. I tried not to roll my eyes as Carlton and Steve stifled beside him. That was right, Brock Tungsten, so stupid he couldn't even fake selling crack. "Zach, keep an eye on the girls for me?"

Lin stared at me with wide eyes – what is going on? Because Lin knew what that meant. Lin knew Chris was handing Dawson the keys to the social castle – naming him, in front of all of his friends, as the new guy on the block to be trusted.

Ironic, really.

"Sure thing." Dawson nodded, his hand on the small of my back as he, Lin and I walked inside.

"Nice touch." I muttered, the words getting stuck on the way out for some reason. Dawson stared down at me, confused. What was new? "The hand on my back."

Dawson must have been high on newfound power or something, because he looked slightly unfocused for a second, before realizing it was his hand we were discussing.


"Oh." He said in surprise, finally catching up. Well done, Dawson, have a cookie. "Oh, sorry."

I decided to pretend he hadn't just basically admitted to touching me by accident.

"Guys, I want you to meet someone." I raised one eyebrow instantly at the sound of Lin's "California" voice – the one she adopted when we were at these stupid parties. We all had one. Except Dawson, I realized, which probably meant more pain in the ass for me. "This is Hadley." My second eyebrow joined the first as she introduced a pretty blonde chick, who looked... Weirdly familiar. "Hadley Swanson."

Okay. I was so slow on the uptake, I was practically Dawson.

"Hadley Swanson." I repeated, only Lin noticing the way I had subtly emphasized her surname too. Actually, Dawson might have noticed as well – he was being sharper than usual tonight, ignoring his inability to dress himself properly earlier. Swanson. I knew that surname.

And then it hit me like a brick in the face.

Swanson Studios.

"Hadley, you freaking psycho, you didn't even bother to tell me you were back?" Hands up. I screeched. That happened.

Hadley Swanson, whilst being kind of a stranger to me, was also practically my sister. Our families went way back – our dads had gone to NYU together and been best buds in high school before then. Teddy Swanson had been the best man at my parents' wedding and vice versa. Hadley's big brother, Ryland, was a year younger than Chris and they'd grown up together. Before the Swansons had moved back to the East Coast because Uncle Teddy was feeling nostalgic, Hadley, Lin and I had been in elementary school together.

I'd met Lin because of Hadley. We'd known each other through family and various tedious social events, but we'd never really talked – I was weird and I'd figured Lin was too quiet to be weird too. Hadley was the one who'd brought us together. When she'd moved in the fifth grade, Lin and I had already become so close and Hadley had always been a part of that anyway, she'd been friends with Lin longer than I had.

"It's insane!" Hadley screamed, letting out a weird shout after. "Dad's still back on the East Coast, working or whatever, and because Mom and Dad are getting a divorce – Ryland and I are moving back!"

"Oh, your parents are getting a divorce?" Ew. That was weird to think about.

"I'm not that lucky, they'll cave once they start talking settlements, let the children play with their lawyer toys for a little while." Hadley shrugged, waving her hand. "I'm not even meant to be here yet, but I couldn't wait, so I am fully crashing at yours tonight and I hear Betty's home?"

"Yes and as insane as ever." Lin told her proudly. I couldn't believe this. How was this turning out to be such a good day all of a sudden? Was it karma's way of repaying me for the shit-storm that had been my life thus far? "But, technically, we have to hate her, Daphne. She's enrolled at Beverley Beach."

"Oh, God no." I shuddered. "Hadley. No."

"I know, I know." Hadley rolled her eyes, before brightening again. Lin and I looked at each other, all proud. We'd missed that. We'd missed how Hadley's face could just light up like that, she was like a freaking Christmas tree and it was adorable when it wasn't infuriatingly peppy as Hell! "But on the upside I can play spy! I am so glad I heard someone say Linny's name, I was beginning to think I was checking her out of her dress more than the dress itself."

I had missed that dark humour.

"I'm guessing you guys know each other?" Dawson finally piped up, which was good, because I'd kind of forgotten he was there.

"We've known each other since forever." Lin beamed. Everyone was being so cute and adorable and you know what this meant? This meant I could be even more moody. "Oh, Hadley! Do you remember Oliver from first grade? Well, he's in our inner circle now. He goes by Ollie."

Hadley gasped.

"No way." She breathed. "Oliver from first grade? He was the class freak."

"Honey, please." I snorted. "He's great and all, but not much has changed."

"In that case, I'm assuming he's not this guy." Hadley smiled, turning to Dawson. Right. I'd forgot about him again. She waved awkwardly. "Hi. I'm Hadley Swanson, just so I can say I said it officially."

Dawson smiled and Hadley turned to Lin in approval. He stuck out his hand.

"Zach Dawson."

"Oh my God, where did you find this guy?" Hadley cooed, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a hug. Lin giggled at Dawson's surprise, while I shook my head some more. Oh, the memories.


"Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't mean to be patronizing on this particular occasion, it's just – people don't usually shake hands here." Hadley explained, staring at Dawson with doe eyes. She was officially besotted – and Dawson was her new project. "Usually the guys kiss the girls on the cheek so they can get a look in at their boobs on the way down but a handshake is so refreshing – Daphne, this guy is adorable!" ... And she was hugging him again.

"You know, you're sounding scarily blonde?" I smirked, remembering how Hadley had hated her blonde locks in elementary school. As the brunettes, Lin and I had always been the first to crack the dumb blonde jokes.

"Oh, screw you, asshole." Hadley snorted over Dawson's shoulder. "I was going insane at this party! It's so effing fake and I have been put right back into the stereotypical box the East Coast so kindly freed me of."

"It's LA baby." Lin sighed in her Jenna voice. "Welcome to the party."

"Speaking of which." I said, gently dragging Hadley away from Dawson's now awkward-body, before she fused herself to what I could already see her mentally labelling as "his cuteness". "We have to initiate Dawson here into Young Hollywood society tonight. It's his debut."

"Dawson?" Hadley repeated.

"She has something against my first name." Dawson replied easily. Oh, great, so he was brainwashing more of my friends into liking him. Wonderful. "It's a problem she has."

"So cute." Hadley mouthed seriously, before speaking. "Does he know how to carpet talk yet?"

"Carpet what?"

"No." If I kept rolling my eyes like this every time Dawson sounded confused or incredulous, I was going to see the blackness at the back of my head for the rest of my life. "He has no concept of it. Like, at all."

"Are you guys seriously not going to explain it to me?" Thank God, at least he wasn't pouting when he said it, though if voices could pout, his was.

"Okay, watch this. We can see if I'm rusty." Hadley took a deep breath before turning to Lin – and just like that, she was tossing her hair over her shoulder and using her California voice, being the Beverley Hills princess she was always meant to be. "Oh my God, Lindsey! I love your dress, tell me everything about it!"

"Oh my God, thank you!" Lin gushed. I couldn't help but smirk smugly as Dawson's face became the picture of horror. I would've bitten my lip to at least try and hide how I was laughing, but I would have gotten red lipstick on my teeth and a Beverly Hills Princess just can't have that. "Well, it's like, a two-toned brocade dress – Oscar de la Renta 2013, so old now, it's practically vintage – and the shoes are Blahnik and I got by hair blown out at Andy Lecompte just this afternoon, doesn't it look, like, so natural?" Lin fake gasped loudly and the sad thing was, it still sounded so authentic, it was funny. "But oh my God, what about you, who are you wearing?"

Hadley shot Dawson and I a nervous look over her shoulder, before returning to her swing.

"Well, you just can't go wrong with a classic LBD – this one's St John Collection." Like all Princesses, she irritatingly sang her syllables at the end, making me want to stab birds that sang in Disney movies and push little kids who were eating ice cream. It was perfect. She hadn't missed a beat. "And of course the shoes are Prada, what else could it be? Real high-end shoes are so hard to come by these days – Daphne! What about you?"

"Hobeika, the latest Signature collection." I replied coolly, tossing my hair back with a fake, shallow smile. I didn't need to be enthusiastic. I was Daphne Lane. And whilst I often considered that a burden, it was a good enough reason to never run to places or intonate my words so everything sounded like a question. "Brand new. And the shoes are the new Choo's, obviously."

"That is a skill." Dawson said immediately, staring at us in a mixture of fear, respect and horror; just as it should be. Hey, Hadley, Lin and I were proud of ourselves. We hadn't lost it. "And how you maintain that kind of information is genuinely astounding to me."

"Adorable." Hadley sighed. "But, if he can't carpet-talk..." She winced. "Sorry, Zach. Your butt can be that hot and your smile can be that adorable, but with these people, you need a pass of entry. What's your trump card?"

Here it was. Our big moment. Well, my big moment, seeing as he'd be having big moments every time another guest asked him the same stupid question to honour the feudal system.

"Do you want to, or shall I?" I asked sweetly.

Dawson shook his head. He knew I was enjoying this. I had more back-up at this party, I looked hot and he was becoming more freaked out by the second – this evening was turning out better than I'd ever hoped it would.

"I'll let you have the satisfaction of a big reveal." Dawson said dryly.

I grinned evilly and turned back to Lin and Hadley, who were waiting curiously.

"He's Jack Dawson's little brother."

My drama was not in vain. Hadley's mouth dropped open and she immediately began to protest – but he's so cute! – and Lin full out told Dawson she wanted to marry his brother.

And this was them being tame. I was actually a genius – weirdly, Jack Dawson's weird obsession with keeping his private life private (for whatever reasons), had worked out wonderfully. Dawson wasn't just a superstar, hotshot new actor's kid brother – he was the mystery, the enigma surrounding Jack's personal life. Regardless of his latest film being so threadbare in plot holes, it wasn't even counted as fabric, Jack's performance had attracted people's attention. He was already had several contracts lined up, and that was the official number – in this industry, there was always more behind the scenes.

"Is it going to be like this all night?" Dawson murmured, suddenly looking not as sure of himself as before. How refreshing.

"Yep." I sighed happily.

Dawson raised his eyebrows, his voice low.

"And you're enjoying this?" He asked. "My pain?"

My smile widened.


"Hmm." Dawson glanced at Hadley and Lin, who had temporarily lost their minds. If the novelty of all of us being in the same state again wasn't so cool, their excitement would have been boring. Lucky for them, Dawson's pain was entertaining me. "Is this how you felt when I was just commanding you to do stuff?"

"Oh, no." I tutted, encouraged by the joy the pain of others brought me. It was nice to be reminded. "What I'm going to make you suffer through tonight is so much worse." With that happy note, I pulled on Dawson's arm. "Come on!" I sang. "Time to party!"

Revenge was sweet.

Dedicating this chapter to Charlotte, for channelling her inner-Daphne and Shruthi, for being adorable and loving this so much :)