Running a brush through my hair, I finish getting ready for my night with Morgan. We're going out tonight with Matty and Jana. I'm excited for just a nice relaxing night out. It's been a couple weeks since Morgan's fight in the kitchen and things are getting better. Work is still awkward some days. Jeremy and Morgan avoid each other and throw the occasional glare but its better. Least now I can stand at the bar and do my job without the fear or hearing pots flying.
"You look pretty," I glance in the mirror to see my little sister step inside the room. "Have some big plans tonight?" she collapses on my bed as I finish.
"Nothing too big. Just hanging with some friends. There's this new place that just opened outside of town that I've really be wanting to go too."
"That sounds fun. I can't wait until I'm old enough so I can go do stuff like that with you."
"Me too. Just a few more years and you'll be riding shotgun with me," I wink at her and she offers a weak smile. "You, ok?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Just feel we haven't hung out much," she shrugs and I look at her feeling bad. She's right. Since Morgan and I've been together our schedules haven't really synced up well. She's either in school and I'm with Morgan or she is home and I'm at work. Plus, we've been slammed more recently so I've been picking up more shifts to help out. I don't hate the money but hate the not seeing my family as much.
"Yeah…I'm sorry Codi," I stand up and ease next to her on the bed. "But hey, why don't I talk to work and maybe I can take next weekend off. We can spend the weekend together."
"Yeah?" she lights up and I nod. "Yeah, cool! That would be awesome."
"Cool," I squeeze her knee and walk over to grab my purse from the desk. "How do I look?"
"Gorgeous as always!"
"Thanks," I look at my phone to see Morgan is here. "I got to go but next weekend, yeah?"
"It's a date," she springs from the bed back to her old cheerful self. Bouncing behind me as I walk down the stairs and grab my keys. "Have fun! I'll see you later!"
"Bye," I open the door and head to the waiting car. "Hello, loves," I slide into the front seat of beside Morgan and greet Jana and Matty in the back.
"Hey Char, you look gorgeous as always," Jana reaches around the seat to give me a hug from behind. "You ready for a fun night?"
"God yes," I look over at Morgan who is typing something on his phone before placing it in the cup holder. "You, ok?"
"What?" he looks at me and his face relaxes. "Yes," he slowly smiles taking his hand and placing it on my leg. "Yes, yes I'm totally fine," he leans over pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. "Hi."
"Hi," I bite my bottom lip as I grin at him. Falling into a comfortable silence just looking at him. I swear he is the sexiness man I've ever seen in my life.
"I hate to interrupt whatever this is," Matty leans forward and pushing between Morgan and I. "But time is ticking. Can ya'll eye fuck each other later?" he questions and I turn a bright red as I sink in my seat. ""
"Shut up," Morgan laughs shoving his face back into the seat and starting back up the car. "Let's go," he pulls out of the drive way, lacing his hand in mine as we drive down the dark road.
"This place looks cool as hell!" Jana jumps from the car pulling Matty behind her. "Hurry up ya'll! I want to get a good spot before it starts to fill up!" she calls halfway to the steps, Matty right on her tail.
"We're coming!" I go to open the door, Morgan's hand latching on mine and pulling me back in. "What?" the door shuts next to me as he just stares. "What?" I laugh and he shakes his head, lacing his fingers through my hair and pulling me into him for a kiss.
A small squeal escaping me as I let him deepen our kiss. Running my hands through his hair, he grips my bare thighs and lifts me over the console and into his lap.
"Hello," I pull back looking at him as we both pant to catch our breathes.
"Hi," his forehead drops against mine as he brushes my hair behind my ear. "You look absolutely beautiful," he breathes out heavily dives back at my mouth for a kiss, before trailing a line down my neck.
"Morgan…." My head rolls back as his hand starts to trail up the back of my skirt. Gripping tight to my back side my body presses hard against his as he attacks my neck. A hot throb builds in my lower half as I feel his want graze against me. I don't know what's going on with him, but I don't mind it. I swear this boy is like crack to me and I can't get him out of my system. I can never have enough of him, I can never not want him or this and I don't know if I'll ever to get him out. But if we're honest I don't know if I even want him out. "Baby…" I pull back pressing my hand to his chest.
"No…" he shakes his head, latching back onto my neck and I let out a laugh. "I can't wait until tonight. I need you…" I hear the vibrate of his phone in the cup holder next to us, but he ignores it. I'm sure Matty or Jana wondering where we are.
"They are waiting for us…" I point out and he just shakes his head clearly not caring. "Morgan…" I push him back again, this time with more force and he sighs dropping his head back into the head rest.
"Please…." His eyes lock onto mine and I laugh. "It's been forever babe."
"It's been a week," I point out. It's been one week since the last time we slept together. I know in Morgan's brain that is a lifetime but it's been a week. I know after our first time we did go at it non stop for a few weeks, but life happens and work happens. Things happen.
"Longest week of my life," he scuffs pushing my hair back from my face.
"Yeah," my thumb runs across his bottom lip and I lift my eyes to his. Glancing over my shoulder at the brick building with loud music pumping through it I look back at those gorgeous blue eyes with a small smile. His phone going off again, with a groan he pulls it from the cup holder and glances at the caller I.D.
"Matty…" he slides to answer and I grab it from his hand and bring it to my ear. "We'll be there in just a minute. We have to talk about something." I speak into the phone before hanging up and tossing it in seat. "We could be fast…" I reason and he smiles large as I unzip his pants and his want pops out of them.
"Honestly?" he lifts me up a bit and I feel him push my panties to the side. "I don't give a shit how long everyone waits," he mumbles against my lips as he aligns himself and sinks into me. A low moan escaping us both as we fall into a steady rhythm.
"Morgan," I giggle as I try to readjust my skirt as we start moving toward the building. Checking my phone to see its almost eleven. "Stop that," he slaps my back side and slides his arm over my shoulders to steer me toward the steps.
"I can't help myself," he kisses the side of my head and I smile.
"Well try," I laugh as we reach the door and he starts to pull cash and his I.D. from his wallet. Pulling the door, we glance up at the bouncer waiting right in side and I feel Morgan stiffen next to me. "You good?"
"Morgan…" the large man at the door greets before Morgan can speak and flashes his light at my licenses. "Didn't know you ventured this way."
"Ugh, yeah," Morgan's eyes shift around and he shrugs. "Figured I'd try something new."
"Cool," large man answers handing back our stuff and nodding toward the large room. "Have fun. Good seeing you again."
"You too Carl," Morgan places his hand on my lower back and steers me through the crowd of people as we search for Matty and Jana.
"Do you know every bouncer in this state?" I try to lighten the mood, confused why he was happy and now so tense. "Morgan," I grab his hand and he jerks his eyes to meet mine. "Hey you good?"
"I'm fine, babe," he releases a small smile and glances around again.
"Morgan," I sigh and shake my head. "I'm not doing this again. You promised after last time we weren't going to do this again."
"Do you what?"
"This whole acting weird. Coming into a place and you freaking out and pretending you don't know me. After what we've been through, after the Dax thing, work thing, the thing that just happened outside you better as hell not be about to pull this shit on me again."
"I'm not!" he rushed to say cupping both my cheeks to look at me. "I'm not. I promise I'm not. You know everything. We have no more secrets. I'm not going to do that again. I may always be on edge, I may always want to just protect you, but I'm not going to mess up like that again. I'm not going to lose you again."
"OK," I release a long sigh of relief. "Good…you just-" and he cuts me off pushing his mouth against his.
"I love you…" he whispers against my lips and I smile.
"I love you too…"
"So, we're good. Let's just go have fun. I see Matty over at the bar," his arm slides once again over my shoulders holding me close and we move toward our friends.
"There you are!" Jana dives on me and I stumble back some. "I totally thought you had gotten kidnapped. Ya'll took forever!"
"Sorry," I blush a little, reaching to fiddle with my skirt, almost nervous its still pulled weird like it was just a few minutes ago. "We were talking and just didn't realize."
"Totally fine," she yanks me forward and laying on the bar are four shot glasses. "I ordered drinks," she hands them out to each of us and smiles large. "To a great damn night!" We all clink and throw them back with smiles. Locking eyes with Morgan I tip my head at him and he tries his best to produce a smile. He's still stressed. He's still nervous. He may say he isn't but the way his eyes sweep constantly around him, the way he keeps looking at me with fear, I know. He's scared and I don't know why. I made a choice to be in this. I know what I got myself into. I don't know what he is so worried about. I wish there was a way I could calm him, but if we're honest I don't know. But I'm going to try really hard to make sure that smile he had in the car a few minutes ago becomes more permanent.
Years, so many years of no updates. Wish I could explain a lot, but it's just too much. Life, love, getting older. This is short. I know but wanted to throw something out there. See if I still had it and if even still have readers. Hope everyone is doing well!