What You Mean to Me
By Froggylover4281
Author's Note: 10 reviews? I was expecting, like, two! Thank you guys so, so, so, so much for reading and reviewing this story!
I love you all!
Okay, so in this story, I might need an OC, and you can make one! I just need the name, gender, appearance, personality, maybe the family members, friends... oh, and you can also choose if you want your OC to already be in boarding sschool or if you want them to start going to school in the middle of the school year type of thing. So, without further ado... here's the chapter!
Disclaimer: This story is 100% Fiction.
"Mia!" my friend, Sylvia, gasped as I walked back into the girls' dormitories. "Is it true? That you've been partnered with Cole Gartrase for the school project?"
"Yeah, unfortunately," I replied.
"Unfortunately!?" Sylvia exclaimed. "Mia, you're so lucky! I would kill to be you!"
"Yeah, well, don't," I advised, gagging. "Besides, I thought we agreed we both hate Cole?"
"Well, I don't anymore! He's so... dreamy..."
"I have no clue as to what is wrong with your mind."
"What's wrong with my mind! What's wrong with your mind?"
"You really are Cole-crazy."
There was a knock on the door. I groaned and pulled it open.
"Oh my god!" Sylvia screamed. "It's Cole!"
I rolled my eyes and tried to slam the door in his face, but, smirking, he held it open with his arm.
"You forgot your jacket," he told me, holding up a blue fuzzy thing.
I tried to take it from him, but he held it out of my reach.
"What's the magic word?" he taunted.
"Puke," I replied, and looked down at his pants. You could still see the faint outline of it, and it didn't smell delightful, either.
He looked down at his pants and I took the jacket from his hands.
"Bye," I said, and closed the door.
"Mia," Sylvia breathed, fanning herself with her hand, "you must be the luckiest girl in the world."
"Yeah, right," I muttered under my breath and went to bed.
The next day, during first period, the teacher let us out of class to work on getting to know our partner better.
"Hey, Soffer!" Cole said. "What's next on the list?"
"Wait," I said. "I still don't know your full name."
"And I forgot your first."
"See, I told you you're an airhead."
"It's Mia. My first name's Mia."
"Okay, then, Mia... wow, saying your first name feels way different..."
"Just shut up and tell me your full name."
"How am I supposed to tell you it if I shut up?"
"Ugh! You know what I mean!"
"Cole Dylan Gartrase."
"Uh, okay."
"So what's number four?"
"Number four," I read aloud, "play a sport with your partner. What is you're partner's favorite sport? Oh, Cole doesn't do sports, he's to afraid of messing up his hair during P.E."
"Shut up, Soffer."
"Still on last name terms?"
"I mean Mia."
"Better. So what do you want to do? How 'bout one on one basketball?"
"Sure, I guess."
We walked over to the gym and Cole grabbed a basketball, passing it to me. We walked over to the basketball court in silence.
After about an hour, we were still playing, the score was tied, twenty to twenty, one point per basket.
"You're going down," Cole challenged.
"In your dreams," I scoffed. I grabbed the ball from his hands and shot a basket.
Cole picked up the ball and started running around the court. When he stopped in front of the hoop and prepared to shoot, I waved my hands in his face. Cole missed the basket.
"Whoo!" I yelled, throwing my hands up. "I won!"
"So, what's your favorite sport?"
"Uh, I asked you what your favorite sport is? We need it for the project."
"Oh. Basketball, then."
"I still cannot believe you got me to play sports."
"Yeah, and you messed up your hair, too." I ruffled his hair a bit. It felt quite soft.
"Whoa, what kind of hair care do you use?" I asked, and then immediately blushing as I realized what I said.
"Suave Kids shampoo," he replied, his face turning red.
"Really? Me too!"
"No. Favorite sport?"
"I don't have one. You're right, I really don't like messing up my hair."
"Wow, Cole's actually admitting to something! I finally have something to blog about!"
"Come on, Mr. Full-of-Himself. Back to class we go."
"Number five?" Cole asked as we got back to our seats.
"Take a stroll around the park."
"How is this stuff supposed to help you get to know people better?"
"I have no idea."
"I'll pick you up at five. Meet me at the cafeteria. We'll have an early dinner."
"Okay, I'll see you later."
"Okay, Mia."
During lunch, my five and only friends, Sylvia, Savannah, Bethany, Rebecca, and Emily drove me crazy asking all about what Cole was like.
"What's his favorite color?" Savannah asked.
"Don't know."
"He's so dreamy," Sylvia gushed.
"Is not."
"Why is his hair so shiny?" Emily wondered.
"Don't care."
"What kind of shampoo does he use?" Bethany asked me.
"Suave Kids shampoo."
"Really?" Rebecca asked, raising her eyebrows.
I nodded.
"I think so, at least."
"You are so lucky, Mia," Rebecca told me.
"Whatever!" I yelled, causing people from other tables to stare at me. "He's an idiot! Why does it matter if we got partnered for a project? Geez!"
I stormed into the bathroom and then rolled my eyes at myself.
"Why did I go in the bathroom?" I asked myself.
"Because you're weird," my conscience (which I named Selena) replied.
"Yeah, I am," I laughed.
"And everyone knows it," Selena said loftily.
"Nuh-Uh!" I yelled.
"Uh, they do know it. And you know I'm right."
"You know what? Just shut it, Selena."
"Grouchy much?"
I walked out of the bathroom and sat back down at the lunch table, desperately trying to ignore my friends and stop arguing with my conscience, who had started speaking in limericks.
Yes, I have a crazy conscience. And I'm proud of it. Not.
Sylvia kept pestering me as we walked to the girls' dormitories. Since we both have Chemistry for last period, she used that as an advantage. She kept poking me and whispering in my ear, giggling. Cole, who also had the same class as me, kept glancing at us and appeared to be trying not to laugh as I kept scooting away from her and she scooted towards me.
"How come you aren't, like, totally in love with him?" Sylvia asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"Sylvia, no offense, but you're starting to get in my nerves.
"Just answer my question!" Sylvia shrieks, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me.
"You've gone absolutely mad," I told her.
"No, I'm not!" she screamed so loud I'm pretty sure the whole campus heard her.
"You're almost as bad as Selena," I muttered under my breath.
"Who's Selena?"
"Never mind," I replied, pushing her out of the way and walking into the dorms to do my homework.
At five o'clock (sharp) there was a knock on the door. Emily casually walked over and opened it.
"Oh, hi, Jeremy!" she exclaimed, smiling.
"Who?" I asked, sitting myself down on the couch.
"Jeremy. My boyfriend?" she said in a 'duh' tone.
"Oh. Okay."
Emily walked out of the door, probably going out on a date.
Ten minutes passed. Then fifteen.
A while later, I looked down at my watch, which read 5:52.
I got up from the couch and walked over to the boys' dormitories.
"Hello?" I yelled, knocking.
A boy with jet-black hair opened he door, made a face, and closed it.
I knocked again, tapping my foot impatiently.
The boy opened the door and was about to close it again when I stuck my arm out, which he ended up closing the door on.
I flinched.
"How did Cole do this?" I wondered to myself.
"What do you want?" the boy asked rudely.
"I'm looking for Cole."
"He's unavailable at he moment."
"Unavailable? Let me in."
I opened up the door to see Cole on a couch, his eyes red and puffy.
"Cole?" I asked, carefully inching forward. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he snapped. "Leave me alone."
"Cole," I replied, not moving, "normally you're not fifty-two minutes late for stuff. In fact, you're usually early for things, which I'm kind of surprised of."
He gave me a weird look.
"My point is... how do I say this nicely? Um, look, something's obviously wrong and instead of just moping, get your big, fat, lazy butt off the couch!"
"Okay, seriously, get out."
"Not until you tell me what's wrong."
"My girlfriend broke up with me. Now can you please leave?"
"Look, just leave me alone, okay? We can catch up tomorrow. Goodnight and goodbye."
"Fine," I said loftily, walking out and closing the door behind me.