Do I dare abduct you into my reveries,
Clasp you into my palms and suspire,
Clamor, desperate for your lips on my skin,
Ache to be swathed in the fervor of your bones,
While I dissolve into the sting of the night,
Benumbed, pierced, kissed by starlight?
Might I find you, etherized by starlight,
And give you refuge in the shade of my reveries?
Or might you hear me trill a dirge in the night,
Sundered – penetrated by agony with each suspire,
As I sweep my fingertips to the verge of your bones,
Weep as the heat of your radiance recedes from my skin.
Might I sacrifice my barren blood, bits of my skin,
To stumble upon your iridescent frame, resplendent in the starlight?
Avow to let you cut your keys from the ivory of my bones,
So you may compose me into a lilting melody for your reveries,
That you may never exhaust your sublimity with an abject suspire,
Pallid, seized to the depths of the lurid, malevolent night.
Might I slip into the silence of an aphotic night,
Eclipse my body in an undulation of tears, expel my skin,
Ululate, oppressed in longing for your resplendence, contort as I suspire,
Crippled with harrowing adoration, severed beneath the starlight,
Tortured and afflicted by my psyche's monstrous reveries,
Where I find us as one – together in soul, bound in our bones.
Might I creep gingerly into a graveyard, the earth obscured with bones,
To find your body in a marbled tomb that I may call home? I am wayward in the night,
Cast out to sea with nothing but a bag from Aeolus, educing this home in my reveries.
Brimming with your memory, this wraith pulls me in like goose bumps on my skin.
Nearing your body, my jaw shudders with hunger. But haste opens the bag below the starlight.
My nails still grasping to the soil of your ribs, Ithaca shrinks, fades, and I suspire.
Might I find you in the frigid air, clouds raising from my tongue as I suspire,
The frost sinking through me as I seek out your splendor to warm my bones,
Turning to the east, I sojourn – tilting my eyes in anticipation of your blaze destroying the starlight,
Illuminating the miraculous truth beneath my soles, crushing the desolate night.
I will venerate you, behold your beauty, lace your exquisiteness into my skin,
And lie with you, utter my last sighs - happy to succumb to you, relinquish my breath and reveries.
And, when the starlight finally fades, escaping like a suspire,
These vicious reveries will no longer plague and poison lover's bones.
We smile, crushed beneath the eternal night, forever together without our skin.