Hey guys! Long time no see huh? I just wanted to let all you fabulous readers know that I am very much still alive and have recently created a wattpad account under the username liveandlearnn
Sadly, I will not be posting anymore stories on Fictionpress for various reasons such as plagiarism and website issues. I will also be removing most chapters from my stories and continuing them all on wattpad as well. My writing had increased by leaps and bounds since I first opened my account here in 2010 and I want to thank anyone's who has ever read, reviewed, or favorited any of my stories.
Fictionpress will always hold a special place in my heart, however, if you wish to continue reading my current, or any new work follow me on wattpad.
I will still be checking my pms regularly in case any of you have any questions and I hope to see you all over a wattpad!
See you soon!
~Live and learn