Life is not a dress rehearsal
no button I can press for reversal
destiny has a hand to play
no helpless pawn, I have a say
it's how you deal with what your dealt
how you feel, even who you've felt
bad things happen no denying
got to get up and keep trying
I'm going to try and leave a good footprint
not leave family and friends skint
once they get over initial grief
hope my memory will cause a laugh, stress relief
if I get some warning
that my last days are dawning
my task will be to convey
how much I loved them every day
I'll secrete things I know will make them smile
when their feeling blue and their day's a hard toil
I'll look down and know it was all worthwhile
A Dress Rehearsal by petbuddy
Poetry » Life Rated: K, English, Poetry & Hurt/Comfort, Words: 135, Published: 11/23/2012