Pain from a long ago wound

As gray clouds her vision

The world goes black

So far away

So far away

The leader barking orders

The others following them

The enemy close behind

She's hit

Why so much red

The crimson spreads across her uniform

She tries pick up her gun to defend her men

Nothing happens

They fall like flies

She is helpless as her world shatters before her

As she faints the sound of fighters over head and troops around fill her ears

So far away

So far away

She wakes and screams

Then she realizes the war is gone

The room is to sterile she is to clean

The smell of sick people and chemicals assaults her nose

Where are her men

not where they should be

not beside her

she wasn't by they're side

So far away

So far away

The doctor ran his mouth for ever

It was hard for her to focus

The walls of her hospital room were fuzzy

She caught some words before the pain returned and the world went away again



Will probably have PTSD

Then the room went black

So far away

So far away

It's no laughing matter

But the chatter continues

Their stares and their sneers

This is what she gets

She is the laughing stock

Made a mockery of her bravery

Everyone else is

So far away

So far away

Hiding her face

Letting no one see the scars

Letting no one heal the wounds

Building a wall against the world

To shield herself

Through every waking nightmare

The pain comes after every re-lived moment

So why wasn't it her

Why is she here and not still there with the people who would stay for eternity

What could she have done differently

They're so far

So far away

So far away

Pain from a long ago wound

As gray clouds her vision

The world goes black

So far away

So far away