Chapter 15: Back At Camp
Natasha was the first one to wake up, and she tried to walk outside the tent with a sprained leg. She groaned and then looked back at Lucas who was still sleeping soundly; she walked outside the tent and looked at the sky. She took a deep breath and touched her right leg with the sprained ankle; unexpectedly Lucas came out of the tent slowly and hugged Natasha from the back. His chin was on her head and he smiled "What are you doing outside?" he asked her with a concerned tone.
Natasha managed a soft laugh "I just felt like walking," she answered him.
Lucas laughed and Natasha felt his heart beating fast "like a limp?" he asked sarcastically.
"Well, this is confidential, I guess we should've stayed inside a little longer," someone said and Natasha and Lucas looked behind them. Leigh and Joshua were standing there with their arms crossed in their chests and raised their eyebrows.
Lucas laughed and pulled away from Natasha "What?" he asked sarcastically.
Joshua looked at Lucas "You just answer me like that?" Joshua asked Lucas sarcastically. Lucas laughed and nodded "Come here, bro. I'm going to kill you now," Joshua said playfully. And he chased Lucas across camp.
They were both running around and Lucas hid behind Natasha, using her like a shield "I feel safe here," Lucas said with a soft sarcastic laugh. And they started chasing each other like retarded people.
Carl came outside the tent and smiled at Leigh and Natasha "They look like they're having fun," he said as he slowly followed the two who were still chasing each other.
Natasha and Leigh looked at Carl "Yeah, lots of fun," Natasha said sarcastically and Carl laughed.
Natasha then looked at Carl "Where's Bea?" she asked Carl considerably.
Carl made a soft laugh "Sound asleep, I couldn't wake her up. I can't ruin her beauty sleep, she's taking her time," Carl responded softly.
Leigh managed a soft laugh "You are so concerned about her Carl, and that is so sweet. I can tell my best friend's in good hands with you," she said to him with a cute smile.
Natasha nodded "That's what I thought, you are so sweet," she complimented him and couldn't stop the smile in her lips.
Carl blushed "Not really, I just wanted to help her as much as I can. Because she's a princess and she kind of deserves the best," he replied to them.
Natasha and Leigh looked at each other and a smile broke free of their lips, then Josh came back and leaned at Leigh "I'm tired, really tired, your boyfriend's fast Natasha," Joshua said.
Lucas laughed and went behind Natasha; he held her right hand tight and kissed the back of her hand "boy friend? Yeah, right?" he said sarcastically "are we?" he asked Natasha seriously.
Natasha shrugged "I really don't know," she answered him with hesitation and wonder caught in her voice.
Leigh groaned in annoyance and rolled her eyes "You guys should figure it out yourself, this is kind of annoying now," Leigh said to both of them.
Joshua nodded in agreement at Leigh's statement and smiled "if you need advice about girls go to me, Nicholas, or Ace and maybe Eiron could help," he said and Leigh blushed at the sound of Eiron's name.
Lucas looked at Joshua with wide eyes filled with wonder "You know Nicholas?" he asked Joshua directly and smiled.
Joshua nodded "Yeah, he's my teacher about mythology," he answered "You know me, I only know little about the gods so he taught me what he knows," Joshua explained and made a soft smile.
Then out of nowhere a carriage appeared Cialina and a guy sitting at the front, six vacant chairs at the back, Lucas recognized Reyna and Ace of Hearts as the two horses dragging the carriage. Cialina looked at all of them and smiled "Ace and Nicholas wants you all back, something happened," she explained to all of them. And they all know they heard her speak in British, she has the accent and all.
They all looked at the guy sitting at the front with Cialina "Whose that?" Lucas asked emphasizing on the guy sitting beside Cialina.
The boy smiled at all of them he looked British as well. He had fair skin and short honey-blonde curly hair and big intelligent light grey eyes. His eyes looked like they knew everything; they looked like a storm of questions waiting to be answered. He had kissable lips and a thin pointed nose. He looked like he was about 16 years old but mature. "Hi!" he greeted them cheerfully "I'm Keith Gerald Gaits, son of Athena, and I'm Cialina's full brother," he introduced with a soft playful smile.
They all nodded and greeted Keith and they hurriedly pack up their things and put them in the carriage. They all went in and then they disappeared when they opened their eyes they were near the camp fire and everyone was staring at them "I should've known," Lucas said sarcastically.
They all went out of the carriage to be greeted by Ace and Nicholas smiling at them "What have you got?" Nicholas asked them.
Natasha nodded "We found out that the leader is actually Jacob Hale, monsters are working with him. Kronos is in control of the rebellion and so are the minds of those who join the rebellion. The once who join in the rebellion and swear their allegiance to Kronos has a trademark," she explained to Nicholas.
"And that is?" Ace asked Natasha curiously.
Lucas slung his bag on his shoulder "they have silver eyes, not grey, silver," he answered Ace's question and put his arm on Natasha's shoulder for support and smiled at his brother.
Nicholas nodded and smiled at Lucas "That's it?" he asked all of them.
Leigh took her pack "No, the monsters have sided with the rebellion and when they get wounded or hurt they come back to life, since their immortal but this time they come back faster," Leigh added.
Joshua nodded "They're really hard to kill, Leigh had to plead to her father to keep the monster dead for a little while so we can have time to escape the danger," he explained to Ace and Nicholas without taking his eyes of Leigh.
Then Eiron came running out of nowhere and smiled at all of them and looked at Leigh "Nice job there Leigh," he complimented. A little bit of sweat was dripping on his forehead; he looked kind of cute and sporty like that.
She blushed and looked down at the floor "thanks," she replied shyly.
Joshua laughed and looked at the three boys in front of them and one of them is sweaty and making Leigh blush. Ace hit Eiron at the back of the head "You are so sweaty, go and take a shower first will you?" Ace asked looking at Eiron like he was disgusted but he ended up laughing with everyone.
Eiron sniffed her shirt and smirked at Ace "I don't smell that much," he commented and laughed a bit.
Nicholas leaned close to Eiron and took a big whiff "You still smell, go and take a bath before the girls start turning away from us. We have a reputation to uphold, man," he complained.
"What reputation would that be, Nicholas?" Cialina asked as she leaped down the carriage and the horses headed to the stable on their own.
Nicholas grinned "I have a reputation with the girls, don't you think?" he asked Cialina mockingly.
Cialina stuck her tongue out playfully "as if," she answered him.
Natasha looked at Cialina and then at Nicholas then back to Cialina and then at Nicholas "I thought Nicholas was already tied up," Natasha said but she seemed like she was asking it as well.
Nicholas laughed "I'm not tied up," he said to Natasha and Cialina glared at him and raised an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe I am," he added and smiled.
Lucas laughed and looked at Natasha "See what girls can do?" he asked her sarcastically.
Natasha laughed and hit Lucas's shoulder "yeah, right, you guys are just idiots," she stated.
Lucas leaned close to her and he smirked "Well, you're in love with this idiot," he said to her.
Natasha pushed Lucas's face away from her "funny," she said and she smiled at him.
The smile on Lucas's face faded and he stared at Natasha softly. And he smiled once more "I'm glad you can smile, hon," he said sweetly to her. Everyone looked at them but they both didn't notice.
She stuck her tongue out "Hon?" she asked sarcastically and Lucas responded with a soft laugh. Natasha turned her gaze to everyone else "What?" she asked them all.
Ace put his arm around Lucas's shoulder "That's a son of Poseidon, you nailed it bro," Ace said sarcastically. He put his fist up for a fist bump; Lucas smiled and accepted the fist bump.
Cialina rolled her eyes and groaned "There is something wrong with the demigod kings, we should really start changing them," Cialina said and smiled.
Bea looked at Cialina "Whose the demigod kings?" Bea asked Cialina.
Cialina laughed "Okay, the demigod kings are the three personal favorites of the gods. And that would be the three 'greats' standing before you," she said gesturing to Ace, Eiron, and Nicholas.
Nicholas licked his lips and smiled "Thank you," he said and made a soft laugh.
Keith stood beside Cialina "Can't we talk this over at lunch, I'm hungry," Keith complained.
Lunch was being served and the girls put two tables together, and so did the boys. Girl's table and the boy's table were separated so they could talk girl and boy stuff out privately. Natasha sat beside Bea and Leigh Cialina was in front of her. Cheska, Nicole, Nikki, Kate, and the others were in the same table too enjoying lunch. The boys table was cheerful also, everyone was there; Ace, Eiron, Lucas, Carl, Joshua, Caden, Brandon, and also everyone else were sitting.
Over at the boy's table, "So, how are you and Natasha going?" Ace asked his little brother.
Lucas laughed and took a sip from his glass "alright, I guess," Lucas said with a wide smile on his face.
"Okay?" Nicholas asked Lucas curiously reaching for a chicken leg.
Lucas rolled his eyes and smirked "We're doing fine," Lucas affirmed.
Joshua pulled the chicken leg before Nicholas and stuck his tongue out "Not too quick," he said as he sat back joking. Nicholas shot Joshua back a glare.
Everyone was looking at Lucas curiously wanting more information "Fine, she knows," he said giving up on keeping it a secret.
"And he broke," Ace joked with a smile.
Everyone laughed "Do not tease me about this!" he screamed out loud as he stood up in protest.
Natasha looked over at the boy's table and smiled "Lucas honey, calm down," she said cheerfully with a smile.
Lucas made a half-smile and sat down with a slight blush. "He's totally red, Natasha seems to have power over you," Carl teased with a smile.
"Bea has power over you too," Lucas said seriously. Everyone laughed at Carl and Lucas's argument about 'lie' and 'true' and they kept answering each other.
Ace sighed "Okay, enough Tweedledum and Tweedledee!" he scolded and Carl and Lucas sat back keeping quiet.
Everyone managed a laugh "So I'm curious about this Josh and Leigh thing," Eiron said glaring at Joshua with a smirk plastered on his face.
Everyone else turned to see Joshua and he stabbed his food with his fork "It was nothing, really. Just friends," he assured everyone.
Jeffrey looked at Joshua with a raised eyebrow "I don't believe you for a second, you guys look fonder of each other than friends," Jeffrey said to Joshua and everyone agreed with a nod.
Lucas smiled "Yeah, you took care of her when she was too tired to move, you stay beside her to protect her. You defend her in arguments, and you tend to speak about her with those sparkling eyes," Lucas said to Joshua.
Ace nodded "True," he said with a smile. "There's like this different look in your face, it's almost completely happy but something's missing," he explained to Joshua "And that's realization," Ace added.
Joshua shook his head "I don't think so," he said as he took a bite of his food.
Lucas, Ace, Carl, Eiron, Nicholas, Jeffrey, Caden, and Brandon threw bread at Joshua and he got hit by lots of them. "That's one piece of crap, work on your acting skills," Jeffrey said to Joshua.
Cialina stood up obviously angry "Guys, don't waste the food!" she scolded the boys. And then a fried chicken came flying to her and she blocked her face with a plate.
"Boo you!" Nicholas screamed standing up and he just threw the chicken.
Cialina ran to Nicholas really fast and threw a cake at his face "You deserve it," Cialina said.
Nicholas tried to wipe the rest of the cake away from his face "You want a food fight, Cialina?" Nicholas asked with doubt caught in his voice.
Cialina shook her head "Nope, you're just too sweet even the cake got attracted to your face," Cialina said walking back to her seat.
"Excuse me, I'm just going to go and wash myself," Nicholas said walking to his cabin.
The camp fire in the middle exploded and they all ducked down and Ace just stood up. He walked to the fire and everyone else looked like they were shocked.
Then with an instant the fire weakened and someone was standing on top of the flames, Hestia. She was a beautiful young lady in a Greek dress; she had long brown hair tied on a fishtail braid tied to the left. Her eyes were as beautiful as Eiron's they were purple in color. Her eyes were framed by long eyelashes and she was stunning. "Demigods, there has been a problem. We have summoned other demigods in our power to help you wage the war," Hestia said calmly to everyone.
Eiron stood behind Ace "Mother, wage a war? Against whom?" he asked Hestia with a strong and proud tone in his voice.
Hestia closed her eyes in peace and opened them once more "The rebels, they are planning to overthrow Olympus with Kronos behind them. Other demigods swore allegiance to the Titans, we summon upon you and the others to fight by our side," Hestia explained her voice soft as silk and calm as the air. She spoke with such compassion and pride but she sounded at peace.
Just in time the other demigods came running and surrounding the fire. And then Hestia, faded, like dust in the wind but she left one thing the smell of blood. She gave a warning and soon the danger will come, soon sacrifice will be made.