Warnings: M, yaoi, gore/violence, language, character death.
This has been edited to the best of my ability, enjoy.
Chapter: Thirty One
Derek followed Remoriu closely behind as they swiftly made their way down the corridors, when metallic groaning sound with a shudder went through the ship making the soft yellow glowing lights flicker. Derek's grip on the rifle like weapon tightly. Remoriu tried a few more times to contact Fy and still nothing. "Is it the Nezu?" Derek asked, not sure how a fight against one of them would go in such closed in spaces since Zyobi in a fight with one had demolished his house, he couldn't image what would happen on a spaceship.
"Initiate battle systems." Remoriu spoke his fingers working overtime on a small blue screen above his wrist. "We must be on alert." Six familiar sensors shot into the air, hovered for a moment before shooting off down the corridor ahead of them. "Nezu have snuck aboard our stations before and wiped out an entire colony in one cycle."
"What about Zyobi?" Derek asked, all he wanted was a look or hold him in his arms, anything to know that he was alright and protected from those ugly bastards.
"I need to get to the bridge first and find out what has happened." Remoriu quickened his pace as his sensors fed back information about their path ahead.
The large bridge doors were at the end of the long corridor that was fogged with smoke. It was the three Sakari laying on the ground that stopped them in their tracks. One against the wall and the other two in the middle of the walkway, both face down. A deep growl rumbled from Remoriu's chest, he didn't need to it was obvious that they were all dead. "Scan for life." He said it anyway as he moved forward checking each one himself anyway.
'Scanning.' Unlike the feminine voice that came from Zyobi's bracelet, this one was a male's voice.
"What happened to them?" Derek asked seeing scorched bleeding wounds on their bodies. The two in the middle of the walkway were shot in the back as if they were trying to run away and once in the back of their heads. The other against the wall in a slumped sitting position had a huge whole in the in the middle of his chest so big that Derek could fit his fist through it.
'No life found.' Remoriu sat crouched over one of his dead crew unmoving.
Derek frown as gut churning as it was and the fight to keep from being sick was, he had not recalled once a Nezu pulling a weapon of any kind and using it against Zyobi in battle. The fights had been almost primitive all claws and teeth.
"They have been slain by one of our own," Remoriu snarled angrily as he rose to his feet. "The situation has become direr." He now had his attention on his bracelet his fingers working swiftly over the transparent screen and within seconds he was done, the screen flashed green and vanished. "I have warned the medical team and now they are on high alert. Zyobi is now under restricted access."
The bridge doors had a few inch gap and smoke bellowed out the top if. Remoriu used his hands to pry the doors open further, his arms strained and shook against the effort and the strength it took to only have them open a few more inches.
Derek lunged forward taking one side of the door with both hands and Remoriu on the other and together they slowly forced them open enough to be able to squeeze themselves through. "I'll go first," Remoriu said as he was already wedging his larger frame through the doors and vanishing inside.
Derek followed a few second after and once through he had his weapon at the ready. The bridge had a fog of thick smoke, sparks and flames burned here and there from destroyed control panels and bodies lying lifelessly around the room. Derek stood unmoving, both once again faced with dead Sakari, with blast holes in chests, body and head. They lay on the floor, some slung over control panels and in chairs like they didn't have time to react.
'Scanning…. One survivor.'
Remoriu was moving so fast that he was almost a blur to Derek. "Fy!" crouching down and gently turning a fallen Sakari over. A groan of pain gave the tell-tail sign of life. Derek stepped closer seeing those metal spiders already at work mending the wounds in his shoulder and a deeper one in his side.
"Fy, look at me!" Remoriu eased him up to lean against a control panel. "Who did-"
"Open… frequency!" Fy gasped seeming to be struggling to breathe, Remoriu reached up to Fy's ear and when he pulled his hand away a mask covered Fy's mouth and nose and he took in a deep breath. "... Stop it."
Remoriu once again was across the room to the largest control panel and ripped off the front, sparks lit up the area as it all disconnected and he tossed the panel aside as if it weighed nothing. Remoriu on his knees stuck his left arm into what was left of the control panel. The wires that were severed began to attach to Remoriu like tendons and veins wrapped and crawled up his arm to almost his shoulder and his eyes turned completely white.
After a long few moments those tendons and vein like wires slid away in a caress like fashion as if trying to keep contact and only letting go at the last possible moment. Remoriu blinked a few times his eyes darkening once more to crimson and looked heartbroken as he rose to his feet and stumbled backwards a little. "Don't do this!" Remoriu yelled to the front of the bridge. "I can repair you. Just give me a little time!" a beeping siren started and a white lights blinked on the flooring indicating for them to follow it.
Remoriu just stood there his chest heaving, fists clutched at his sides and his jaw clenched tightly. "Who did this?" He growled furiously, his fangs bared, his body shaking as if he was trying to contain his rage. The screens all around them lit up, even though they were cracked and some blank, played an image of a Sakari entering the bridge with open fire. It played over and over again just those few short seconds that gave a clear enough image for Remoriu to growl out a name, "Enit."
"General?" Fy struggled to get to his feet so Derek moved in to help him stand, which he gratefully accepted. "General, we must abandon ship!" Fy called out as he took a step towards him. "Imeshasa is not giving you a choice. We must go." Remoriu roared in anger as he ripped a bolted down chair from the floor with one hand and about to throw it and stopped and let it clang to the floor.
Remoriu once again led the way as they rushed through corridors and only stopping to check any fallen Sakari they came across.
Derek tried to keep taking most of Fy's weight as they hobbled at a face pace. Fy clutching at his side as blood started to seep through fingers, all the movement caused the wound to reopen. "I think we should stop!" Derek huffed out, not sure how much more he could take partly carrying the other.
"It's not far, I can make it," Fy gave a small smile of encouragement.
Remoriu's bracelet gave a flash and a deep male's voice emitted from it. 'This is Tyvin of the Elamoira. Imeshasa, you have an open frequency and a distress beacon. Are you in need of assistance?'
"General Remoriu of the Imeshasa. My ship has been disabled, we are in need of your assistance." It took a few moments before a reply.
'Imeshasa, your open frequency are now blocked. A payload is activated for any approaching Nezu ships or fleets. Are you and your crew in need of medical attention?' the flashing lights and beeping signal to evacuate all stopped. Remoriu didn't at all look relived at having the help, he was still tense and on alert. Derek didn't blame him as there was a murderer still on the loose. The conversation of information bounced back and forth as they still made their way to the docks at a fast pace.
The docking bay was enormous, small ships littered the area, the entrance on the other side gave a clear view of the blackness of space as large spaceships slowly made their way inside the docking bay and prepared to land. Three Sakari ran towards them as Derek helped Fy to sit down and stepped back giving them room.
Derek turned his attention to the doors they had entered, his heart slamming against his chest in anticipation of seeing Zyobi in what felt like a millennia.
Remoriu's bracelet started flashing and with a swipe of his fingers came the sounds of shouting mixed with blast sounds. 'We are under attacked!' Selubal'svoice faded away more shouting about Zyobi being taken before it cut out.
"Enit!" Remoriu growled and started running for the doors, Derek didn't hesitate as he followed. He heard Remoriu call out for Zyobi to be tracked so he knew just where to go.
They sprinted through the ship, down levels and stairs. "Looks like he's heading to the escape pods." Remoriu called out and without looking back he started moving more swiftly and Derek was falling behind rather quickly.
Derek had lost sight of Remoriu, who jumped from the top of the stairs and vanished in a free fall to the lower level. Derek ahead knowing he couldn't do what the other had as it was some distance down and would no doubt at all break a few of his bones and had to take the stairs.
Derek stepped off the bottom step seeing a long corridor stretched out before him that gave him no options but to walk ahead. He took a slower vigilant pace. His weapon clutched tightly unsure of what to do if anything came his way, for he certainly didn't wish to shot an innocent Sakari who might be still making their way to the docking bay.
The closer he got to the end he could hear voices and then a few shots, shouts and he stopped in his tracks as someone went flying past the entrance and instantly someone dashed after that body with a growl unlike anything he had ever heard before in his life, followed by another. Derek raised his weapon and aimed it down the tunnel ready to shot anything that came at him that wasn't Remoriu.
Derek could hear the sounds of something being slammed hard against the metal and the grid flooring clanging far too loudly to be footsteps. Once again, someone was thrown through the air passed the entrance followed only by a flash of something going after that someone.
The sounds of growling and hits and a shriek of pain had Derek hasten his pace and reached the end of the corridor that opened up into a large room. On both side of him had hatches lined up one after another and above him the ceiling domed that looked like it was made of glass gave view of a larger ship drifting with them.
"Remoriu?!" Derek called out. Remoriu lay in a heap to his right unmoving and blood stained his hair and clothing. It was the savage fight on his left that made Derek's insides freeze. The Sakari from the footage had slammed Zyobi against the wall, bit into his neck and shoulder and yanked a struggling Zyobi down to the floor and pinned him with both knees on either side of Zyobi's hips and he pulled free taking a chunk of flash out of Zyobi.
Zyobi screamed and he kicked his legs, twisted his hips to throw the other off, his bracelet turned into a large knife that he swung with deadly accuracy, only to have it blocked. Derek moved and didn't matter what he did, he couldn't get a clear shot, not without the possibility of shooting Zyobi.
"Get off!" Zyobi hissed, ears back and fangs bared and neither had noticed him. Using both clawed hands. Enit tore into Zyobi's shirt, ripping it apart like a rag and taking half of Zyobi's skin with the pieces of fabric.
Zyobi with a few moves had flipped the other off him, ending up with Zyobi in a handstand before going end over end on his hands and feet, gained a little distance before rushing back in with his weapon aimed and fired off three shots before they clashed again. Claws, fangs, fists, knees and feet all made powerful strikes against any body parts it they could get at. "You're mine!" Enit snarled and Zyobi replied with a furious roar before he was once again pinned and Enit grabbed Zyobi by the back of the head and slammed his face into the floor.
"Kill him," an inaudible gasp from Remoriu behind him.
"Hey?" Derek called still hesitant about shooting Enit without hitting Zyobi. Enit to Derek's horror ignored him as if he wasn't even there or had even called out. He kept himself pressed down on an almost unconscious Zyobi, who was still twisting and barely moving. He used his claw that dug into Zyobi's lower back drawing blood as he tore down over Zyobi's ass cheek and the back of his thigh, shredding his pants as he did and dug those same claws into Zyobi's hips and pulled his ass up tight against his groin, his other had slipped in between their bodies.
"Get the fuck off him!" Derek yelled as he rushed in and kicked Enit in side hard enough that he fell off Zyobi. Enit was swiftly on his feet and Derek didn't know what he was looking at. He had all characteristics of a Sakari, but they were lost with his eyes completely black and slit and dark veins bleed out everywhere, from around his eyes, down his cheeks and up his forehead, neck, arms chest, it was like he had been poisoned and it was running through his bloodstream. His member was free of his pants and hard and Derek couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that the other was going to force himself… no, rape Zyobi right here.
Derek shot at him aimed right at his body, but the other was fast dodged the shot and grabbed his wrist and Derek screamed out as he felt his arm snap and his necked grabbed and his feet left the floor. "I smell you all over Zyobi!" Derek kicked his feet and grabbed the arm that held him in both hands. "And Zyobi all over you. He is mine! He will mate with me and I will be King!" a shot sounded and Derek was let go of and he collapsed to the floor in a heap coughing and gasping to get his air back.
Derek looked over his shoulder to see Enit going after Remoriu. Derek scrambled for his weapon and rose on his feet and needed to get him away from Remoriu, who didn't seem to be fairing all that well. "Zyobi is already mated to me." He snapped and it happened so quickly as soon as those words had left his mouth Enit had only half turned, his weapon aimed and a shot rang out. The impact had Derek flying. He landed some feet from where he hand been standing. He laid there for a moment, thinking he had to be in shock, knowing that he had been hit in the chest and he was already half way to being dead.
His name was screamed out in panic. Risking a look at the damage, Derek stared down the length of his sprawled body. There was too much blood already and his hands were shaking as he ripped at the already shredded shirt. Blood oozed from all over his chest. His head started swimming from the pain as he let his head drop back to the floor and his hands falling to his sides as darkness took over his vision for a moment and cleared. "Damn it!" he muttered trying to focus on where his weapon had gone… he'd be damned if he let that bastard touch Zyobi.
Everything went dark again and this time his vision stayed blurred.
"I'm third in line! You'll never be King!" Zyobi snarled somewhere.
"You are rightfully mine!"
Derek could only turn his head in the direction of furious howls and growls with a mix of weapons being fired and a body slammed against metal. He had to get up, Zyobi needed his help, but his upper body wouldn't respond. "Z," Derek choked out unable to move as his mind gave him unwanted images of that bastard pinning Zyobi down again.
Zyobi stumbled backwards releasing shot after shot until the doors of the escape pod instantly closed. The room filled with a loud booming sounds as the deranged Sakari was throwing himself at the doors, clawing and screaming to get out like an unhinged wild animal. The glass cracked under his pounding fists and a sound of hissing air followed by a whoosh sound and instantly another escape pod took its place and the doors hissed opened.
"Derek. Derek open your eyes. Please. Please look at me," His head gently turned and Zyobi was leaning over him, his eyes red from tears and his cheeks damp. "Open your eyes." Z was pleading with gentle fingers brushing his hair off his forehead. Derek tried to reach up and couldn't. "Don't leave me. Help is coming."
"Safe?" Derek breathed out.
"Yes, Enit is gone now. It's just us." Zyobi lent down and pressed his lips to Derek's for a moment before leaning his forehead against his.
"Don't… get a… break, do we?" Derek felt tears hit his cheeks as Zyobi gripped his fists tightly in what was left of his shirt in an attempt to hug him without hurting him and the edges of his vision started to darken.
"My Bonded," That word again that Zyobi pored all his feelings and affection into. He couldn't help it as darkness raced up to claim him.
The next ending chapter will be up in a few days, just editing it now and whatnot. R&R