After staying for a very long time with the same people, you began to think "Oh gosh, there is nobody beyond these guys." And then, due to inevitable circumstances, you're torn apart—to whosoever this may concern, I am not exaggerating. And then you see those best friends lesser and lesser and lesser—even if they're sitting diagonally opposite you. Ever heard of 'so close yet so far away'? That saying applies here.

Some of us adapt. Some of us make new friends, and forget the old ones. Some of us make the new friends, but keep the old ones—not as relics from the past, but as people who truly matter. And some of us make new friends, try to stay with old ones, but it doesn't happen. Because your previous best friend belongs to category 1.

There was this trip from school, and, staying to this topic, I wondered "Should I be happy because I made so many like-minded new friends, or should I be sad that I wasn't able to use that last chance to connect with the one person I called best friend for so long?" Even to date, I don't have an answer.

People say "Move on". For some, it comes easy—just step on people and you're there. For some of us, who are nostalgic, who cling to old memories and those slivers of happiness, it is the hardest thing to do.

And when I (read relic from the past) was called by an endearment from an old friend, I wondered, "Does she still get to call me that?"

Friendships which stand the test of time and practically everything else are the friendships that count. The others, reader, are truly painful.

A/N: This is my most famous article yet—it's got the highest amount of publicity. I used to have a best friend whom I was super-close to, but sometime during tenth grade, she started drifting away from me, and before I knew it, we were on different astral planes in every way except the literal sense. She left me for a new group of friends, and when I talked to a lot of other people, they felt the same way. And then, during a trip from school, we completely stopped talking, and during a shorter trip, when I was all alone, she spoke to me four times in six hours, and at the end of the day, called me by my nickname which practically everyone does, but affectionately. As I went home, I thought, does she get to call me insert nickname here? Does she have that right, since she's no longer even an acquaintance, let alone a friend? And then I thought, Do I still get to call you my best friend? And it got published, although most of the parts were cut off. This is the full version of the published article.