Disclaimer: All rights reserved. Content may not be rewritten, published, or redistributed without the author's consent. This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Preface: Pithoprakta (or Actions Through Probabilities)

"Who the hell comes to Las Vegas to see the symphony," Will complained, crackling with his usual nervous energy as they left the Las Vegas Museum of Modern Art.

He walked with swift intention down the stone steps, stewing in his irritation, as Ian followed faithfully behind him in subdued amusement- long hair shadowing his down-turned face, hands in his trouser pockets, shoulders shrugged against the unexpected chill of the dry desert air. They trickled down the long serpentine path of white stone steps that formed a lazy concrete river around the large multi-compound art complex that housed the Las Vegas Fine Arts Center- a startlingly cold-white fortress standing out amidst the red-brown heat of the desert.

The LVMMA was currently hosting a very limited exhibit blending modern art with live jazz performance. Ian had lured Will with the promise of an impressive abstract sculpture exhibit. Only, he had failed to mention the price of admission was a slow, torturous death via hours of 1960's avant-garde jazz- or whatever the hell it was they had just heard. It had been a test in maintaining one's sanity. Will glanced back at the sound of Ian snorting.

"Why are you so amused," Will grumbled, clear blue eyes firing, his boyish features twisted into a perturbed scowl.

"You," Ian answered simply, smothering a smile. "You hated it."

"However did you guess?"

"You've been grinding your teeth to dust for the last two hours. My face is starting to ache from having to look at you all night."

"Of course I hated it! Who could like what just happened to me in there? That wasn't a concert, it was a full-bodied physical assault to my senses!" Will halted in his angry near-jog and turned up toward Ian, waiting for him to catch up.

"Maybe that was the point," Ian shrugged and scratched his stubbled jaw, continuing his leisurely pace down the steps.

"To torture its audience into whimpering supplication, begging for mercy?"

"You and your histrionics," Ian snorted and rolled his eyes. "No, I meant, to make you think," he explained as he joined Will's side.

"I don't want to think ever again. Why think about something I just wanted to run away from? Screaming." Will turned to continue down the endless flight once more, now matching Ian's meandering gait, which only seemed to exacerbate his agitation.

"Maybe the unease you felt was intentional. By testing the very limits of a listener's preconceived notions of what music is, you're left with an underlying sense of dissatisfaction that will incite you to try to rationalize it by finding your own answers," Ian theorized.

Tall, quiet, and often reserved, Ian exuded a demeanor that was somehow both lackadaisical and intense. He was happy to be labelled a wallflower who might occasionally wander from his post if the promise of food was involved. But get him discussing art, literature, or sociopolitics, and Ian could wax long and poetic into the wee hours with any random stranger who cared to engage him.

"Are you serious? What kind of pretentious, bullshit music"- he spit out the word, holding up his fingers in hand quotations- "makes it's audience intensely uncomfortable on purpose? I thought I was going to have a seizure."

Will sighed impatiently when Ian paused on the steps to look up at the night sky, as he often did whenever he was in a new place where new stars might be discovered. Will often said that Ian had his head in the clouds, to which Ian usually retorted that Will could benefit from looking up every once in awhile. Ian continued, unfazed by Will's growing despite.

"Think about it," Ian began, still looking up at the stars. "Human beings as a species resist any kind of uncertainty. When we are confronted with something that is foreign to us, we feel compelled to reduce that uncertainty by any means necessary," he lectured pedantically.

"I'm going to reduce my uncertainty by repressing this memory and pretending it never happened. How the fuck they could call that music!" Will exploded, his hands bursting from his pockets. "I'm going to have nightmares about those sculptures coming to life, filled with the evil soul of avant-garde jazz, and coming to kill us all."

Ian laughed. "Actually, those last pieces by Xenakis sounded pretty much like that. Particularly, the second of the two sounded less like music and more like...industrial audio sculpture," Ian spoke with a decreasingly tempered excitement, oblivious to whether or not Will was actually paying him any attention. "The way it begins, sparse and disjointed, and builds slowly, discordantly, as if mirroring the actual creative process of an artist not only mentally but physically creating a work." He was on a roll now, rambling away and finally picking up his pace, propelled by his own escalating enthusiasm. "I could just envision the concrete, metal, and stone as if the piece itself was literally under construction, in the very physical process of being built. What was your impression?" Will only grunted, his scowl growing darker.

"And the title itself," Ian continued, completely obtuse. "It's a Greek phrase meaning 'actions through probability,' as in the mathematical probability used to measure the likeliness an event will occur?"

"I know what a probability is," Will bit out between clenched teeth.

"Maybe what we heard was actually the sound of...trigonometry or something. I thought you being an engineering man, you'd appreciate that, at least."

"Except the entire piece is like a series of mathematical equations with numbers that can never add up!" Will finally capitulated at Ian's insistence on conversing about the confounded performance.

"It's kind of genius if you think about it."

"Yeah, a genius descending into madness and dragging us all down with him. It's a tragedy. It made my skin crawl."

"See? We're learning already. Tragedy, as you call it, makes us think and forces us to find answers. You don't always want to be lulled into a false sense of complacency with soothing melodies and balanced harmonies."

"That's exactly what I want. I want to be drugged into submission by my jazz not have my soul ripped apart by it and left bloody and suffering. Music is meant to be felt not force the listener to think through it in order to not hate it."

"You didn't have to come with me." Ian sighed in feigned exasperation. Will only harrumphed. "Well, it's your turn now. What do ya wanna do?"

"This is Vegas. You're supposed to gamble away your life savings, numb the pain with alcohol abuse, and then go see Cirque du Soleil."

"I think we missed Cirque du Soleil, but we can always go back to the hotel casino, throw away money we don't have, and drown our sorrows in cheap cocktails," Ian offered lightly.

"God, no. I feel traumatized. The cacophony of pinging slot machines will probably trigger a flashback." Ian could not help but shake his head and smile at Will's penchant to hyperbolize. "I saw a cantina across the street. Let's heal our wounds with the soothing tempo of mariachi music and get wasted on margaritas."

"Sounds like a plan," Ian grinned.

The cantina looked like what one might expect from an old, local dive outside the strip- cracked, plastic booths and scratched, lacquer-coated tables and tacky decor. But the place had a certain charm with colorful, mismatched wooden chairs, Christmas lights strung through the plastic plants, and stucco walls painted with murals of mountainscapes and desertscapes. The food was authentic and more than good enough for the price, and the drinks came in giant glasses. Ian watched as Will put away an entire trough of tortilla chips and salsa on his own.

"Apparently, trauma leaves you feeling famished," Ian observed dryly.

"Yup," Will spoke with a full mouth, unabashed, as he polished off the last of the chips and washed it down with a large gulp of margarita from his frosted glass mug. "I have a gaping hole in my soul that only Mexican food can fill." Will belched and dug into his carne en su jugo.

"Lovely," Ian intoned. "So, I thought we could hit up some shops tomorrow morning while I still have a few dollars to my name, get some tacky souvenirs for my parents or something," he said before taking a bite of his roasted chicken in mole sauce topped with a citrus salad. He hummed with unselfconscious pleasure at the warm, rich flavor of the dish.

Will watched him, amused. He often teased Ian that he need not bemoan his nonexistent sex life; he enjoyed food more than most people enjoyed sex, and weren't both appetites served by the same part of the brain, anyway? After Ian accompanied him to the campus health clinic during his last STD scare, Ian told Will he was the one who should probably eat more and sleep around less.

"Sure. Oh, that reminds me." Will turned to rummage through the pockets of his jacket thrown over the booth beside him. He withdrew a letter-sized envelope and slid it across the table. Now was as good a time as any, while Ian's mouth was in the process of being satisfied.

"What's this?" Ian picked up the envelope.

"Just a little graduation gift. Open it," Will urged, holding his breath.

Ian smiled with sweet surprise and opened the envelope. He withdrew a blue billfold packet and flipped it open, and his eyebrows nearly vanished into his hairline.

"You got me a plane ticket? To San Francisco?"

"Uh, yeah," Will began, thinking of how to break the news. "It's so you can come visit me."

"Why would I be visiting you in San Francisco," Ian inquired suspiciously, pinning Will with a stare.

"You know the architectural design firm I've been interning with?"


"They offered me a job at their Bay area branch. I start two weeks after graduation."

"Shit," Ian sat back heavily in his booth. The waitress came then to refill their water and set down a fresh basket of chips, and Will was grateful for the distraction. He reached his hand toward the salty, warm tortilla crisps, but Ian quickly snatched the basket out of his reach, fixing him with an accusatory glare.

"How long have you known about the job?" Ian's calm tone belied his approaching meltdown.

"A couple weeks," Will admitted guiltily. Ian clenched his jaw in displeasure. "But I only just decided to take it," he added hastily. "Right before we left for our trip. I was trying to find the right time to tell you." Ian pursed his lips, his face betraying his internal struggle to process the news. "We've talked about this possibility, Ian. It's a great career opportunity for me. I'd be an absolute idiot to turn them down."

"I know," Ian pouted. "It's just..."

"And I only stalled on taking the job because of you," Will interjected quietly.

"I'm the last to know, aren't I?" A flash of guilt across Will's face told him he had figured right. "Your mom was worried how you'd take the news."

"You told my mother before you told me?!"

"I was trying to solicit her advice on how best to break it to you," Will defended.

Ian exhaled, agitated but deflating. "Well, this sucks. After nearly, what, eighteen years of school, I feel like we're finally just starting our lives, and now I have to do it without my best friend."

"I'm still your best friend. I'm not going to disappear from your life just because we don't live in the same city anymore," Will placated.

"Or state," Ian sulked.

"Or state," Will begrudged.

"Or time zone," Ian added, forlorn.

Will exhaled, reaching across the table to place a hand on Ian's arm. "That's why I suggested this trip. I thought it could be our last hurrah before everything got all crazy with the move and everything. Come on," Will urged as Ian remained silent. "It's not as if you're never going to see me again. That's what telephones and email are for. And of course I'll be back to visit when I can.

"All right," Ian decided, sitting upright again. "In that case, I think I'll have a few more drinks and live in denial for the next forty-eight hours or so."

"That's the spirit," Will smiled. "Next round is on me."

They stumbled noisily into their hotel room a few hours and several more rounds later. It was still fairly early according to Vegas standards.

"Shh," Will held up his finger to Ian's lips.

"Why are you shushing me? We're the only ones here," Ian said, pulling Will's finger- which was threatening to poke him in the eye- away from his face.

"Oh, yeah," Will giggled. "Then why are we standing here in the dark? Somebody should turn on a light or something." He walked toward the light switch, stumbling over a stray pair of shoes. "Ow! You need to stop leaving your shoes lying around. Someone could get hurt," Will admonished.

"Those are your shoes," Ian corrected.

"Oh. I really need to stop leaving my shoes lying around," Will giggled again, flipping the switch.

Ian rolled his eyes. "So, why are we here?"

"I have another present for you."

"After the last one, I'm afraid to even ask." Ian watched Will search his shoulder bag and pull out a small, flat Tupperware container.

"Here you go." Will presented it with a flourish, holding the plastic dish toward him proudly.

"What the heck is this?" Ian scowled benignly.

"Open it," Will smiled wide, pronouncing each of the deep triangular laugh lines framing his mouth, which often made him look impish and fairly gleamed now with devilish intent.

Ian shrugged and pried off the lid- brow furrowed, mouth curling in good-natured curiosity. "You baked me cookies?"

"Not just any cookies. Special cookies," Will said with wide eyes that were meant to convey his meaning.

"Uh huh. Am I to assume from that ridiculous expression on your face that they're so special they're practically illegal?"

"Practical, no. But illegal, yes."

"Is this why you were so nervous getting on the plane?" Ian's eyes were alight with teasing mischief. "Because you were about to smuggle drugs across state lines?" He laughed.

"Laugh all you want, but that's a felony, Ian. I risked a lengthy prison sentence for you to be able to enjoy these cookies on this little vacation we're having."

"How very noble of you," Ian mocked. "Thank you," he added more sincerely, before picking up a cookie and taking a bite.

They were lying side by side in one of the hotel beds, their heads toward the end, staring at the ceiling with rapturous fascination.

"I am sooo baked right now," Will announced, and Ian sniggered at the unintended pun.

"How potent did you make those things, anyway?"

"I don't know," Will shrugged. "I just used everything he gave me."

"Who gave you what?"

"Oh, Sasha. From down the hall. He got me the stuff and the recipe." Will smirked as if remembering something funny. "Once I told him they were for you, he fell all over himself trying to help me."


"That tatted-up pothead's been trying to get into your pants forever."

"Sasha? Nah," Ian shook his head. "He's not even gay."

"Not many straight guys I know would stare at a guy's ass and lick their lips. So, I'm gonna go with gay."

"He did not," Ian scoffed.

"All right, then. What about the sugar?"


"I mean, who actually borrows a cup of sugar from their neighbors, anyway, outside of, like, Mayberry?"

"Oh. Some people run out of sugar," Ian shrugged.

"Three times in one week? What's he doing, starting his own bakery?"

"He's got a girlfriend," Ian argued.


"Liz, that girl with the dreadlocks who was staying with him."

Will was laughing heartily now. "You know, for a gay guy, you have the worst gaydar. And that Lizzie chick? Is a lezzie."

"How do you know?"

"She has a girlfriend. We met her, remember?" Ian scowled, trying to recall. "Her name's Mary. The one with the pink hair?"

"Oh. I thought that was her sister." Will covered his eyes with his hands, still chuckling. "I guess that explains why they're so close."

"You are hopeless! Do we have anymore cookies?" Will searched the container on the floor blindly with his hand. "Oh, my god. I can't believe we ate them all! There's only one left." Will held up the last cookie. Ian took it from him and broke it in half, giving Will the bigger piece. "Best I ever ate," Will moaned around a mouthful of baked chocolatey goodness. "And besides...," He dug around in his jeans pocket as he licked the chocolate from his fingers. "There's this."

Will flipped open his cell phone and shoved it in front of Ian's face, so close it bumped Ian in the nose. Ian grabbed Will's wrist and held the phone at a reasonable distance. His eyes widened. It was a photo of a young man kneeling on a bed, wearing nothing but a pair of the teeny-tiniest, most brightly colored bikini briefs he had ever seen. The young man had bleach blond hair in long, soft spikes that contrasted with his thick dark eyebrows. He had lip, brow, and nipple piercings and tattoos all down one arm and across his chest and over his shoulder and down his other side. One of his hands was shoved down the front of his drawers, and his other arm was bent back over his shoulder as he licked his bicep and looked seductively into the camera. Ian began choking violently on the bite of cookie still in his mouth. He rolled onto his side, coughing loudly into his fist.

"Shit, man. It's not like you haven't seen a half-naked dude before." Will was unapologetic as he pounded on Ian's back. Dislodging the cookie from his throat, Ian rolled over and pushed Will's hand away from him.

"Is that Sasha from down the hall," Ian gasped, wiping his leaking eyes.

"Yep," Will announced proudly, completely unashamed.

"Where did you...how did you...and why the hell do you have that on your phone?"

"It's from a website. . Maybe you've heard of it?" Will laughed at the vaguely terrified look on Ian's face.

"I guess this is the point in the conversation when I ask you what propelled you to look up gay porn in the first place."

"Let's just say that I may have had drinks with the lesbian's girlfriend, Mary..."

"You know that makes her a lesbian, as well, don't you," Ian interrupted.

"Whatever," Will waved Ian off. "And then, in her vulnerable inebriated state, Gay Mary may have let it slip that our neighbor was a gay porn star. And then I may have pried her with cheap shots until she may have also let it slip that his porn name is Johnny Star. After which, I may have possibly gone straight home and looked him up on the Internets."

"I guess the only question I have is, 'Why?'"

"It's not for my personal pleasure or anything," Will defended in a tone of voice that suggested he really would not have cared even if Ian had thought the picture had been for Will's own private enjoyment. "I took it for you."

"Uh, thanks...I think. But I can find my own porn."

"I thought you might like to know just who was taking an interest in you. Give you a taste of the merchandise being offered before you decided to, you know, taste the merchandise," he drew out the final S-sound, like some lascivious hissing snake.

"Why do you keep saying, 'taste the merchandise?' It's sounds like you're picking out a watermelon."

"Yeah, but can you have sex with a watermelon? Actually, there was this one time...," Will began, staring off toward some vivid memory.

"Ohmygod, I don't think I want to know," Ian held up a hand.

"You really don't," Will said with wide eyes that spoke of past trauma. "It ends in agony and a burned ball sack."

"Oh, jesus." Ian grabbed the phone from Will's hand, cocking his head, and inspecting the picture more closely. "I did always kind of wonder what he looked like under his clothes."

"Not that his shredded tank tops and his sister's skinny jeans left much to the imagination," Will grumbled, grabbing his phone back and cramming it into his jeans pocket.

"You're just jealous because you wish you'd had the idea to pay your way through college by having sex on camera."

"Damn straight I do! I'm going to be paying off my student loans until my grand kids retire. But Gay Mary said that all the money is in the gay stuff. She said half the men in gay porn are gay for pay. She said if I muscled up a bit more, I could be a stud or a stallion or something. Apparently, Sasha's what's known as a twink." Ian burst out laughing. "What?" Will sounded offended. "There's nothing wrong with educating yourself." Ian cocked a skeptical brow. "Hey, don't look at me like that. You're the one who's supposed to know this stuff."

"Oh, am I?" Ian smirked. "I guess I should've asked for the handbook when I got my gay card."

"You need to get with it, man. How else do you find what you're looking for on those gay chat sites?" Ian punched Will in the arm. "Ow! Okay, okay." Will held up his hands in self-defense. "You know I'm only joking." Ian huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Anyway, I always thought Sasha was kind of a creeper. And now I know what he does for a living...well, I still think he's kind of a creeper, but it is kind of flattering, though- wanting to use all his supa-lova porno moves on you."

"I don't need you to score me tricks," Ian said, looking Will in the eye.

"I'm just looking out for you, man."

"Thank god you're straight because your taste in guys sucks. I mean, like, on an epic level. That's certainly one thing I won't miss once you're gone." At the mention of Will's departure, Ian felt a swift drop in his high.

"Maybe I'd feel better about leaving if I knew there was someone around to look after you while I'm gone."

"Okay, I'm going to overlook the fact that even though I'm a grown-ass man, you think I still need looking after. But if I pretend that I can't possibly get along without you, does that mean you'll stay," Ian asked, hopeful.

"Probably not," Will sighed. "But you'll make me feel like even more of a dick, though, if that makes you feel better."

"A little," Ian admitted. "Oh, speaking of dicks, I didn't even ask. How did Angelica take the news about the job?"

"Who the fuck is Angelica," Will asked.

"You must be really high if you can't even remember your own girlfriend."

"Her name is Agnes."

"What did I say?"

"You called her Angelica."

"Oh." Ian burst into a fit of giggles, rolling around on the bed.

"Jee-zus," Will chuckled, pushing Ian away from him. "Somebody can't hold their pot cookies."

"So, how did Agnes take the news?"

"We broke up."

"Ouch. So, not so well then."

Will shrugged. "It was a mutual decision. We both realized that we'd be going our separate ways after graduation, anyway."

"You didn't at least ask her to come with you," Ian asked, surprised.

"She wouldn't have come even if I had."

"Why not? I thought you really liked this one. She lasted almost six months. That's about five and half months longer than ninety-nine percent of your relationships."

"You know why not. Agnes and I worked for this long because I knew she'd never pressure me for a commitment and she wanted a final fling before graduation."

"Man wasn't made to walk this earth alone," Ian quoted tritely.

"I'm not alone."

Ian tossed Will a pointed look as if to say, "You know what I mean."

"Sure, okay," Will acquiesced. "I can agree with that. I can even believe that people can come into our lives for a reason. But most of those people are only meant to be temporary. People serve their purpose in our lives, and then we move on."

Ian nodded somberly. "Okay…. But what about the people who are meant to stay?" Will shrugged, nonchalant. "I think one day you're going to wake up and realize that life's gotten pretty damn lonely and that your revolving door of one-night stands and fuck buddies has lost its luster."

"Speak for yourself, Mr. Lonely Heart," Will joked, nudging Ian's shoulder with his own. "And even if that's true... One, I don't think there's necessarily one perfect person out there for everyone. That's some bullshit cooked up by those ridiculous romantic comedies that chicks use to make men's lives miserable with their impossible expectations and mythical ideas of romance. And two, I plan on fully enjoying all life has to offer before or even if that day of lonely reckoning comes. At least I'm out there meeting people. You, on the other hand..."

"I meet people," Ian mumbled, defensive.

"How? You spend every weekend with your library card, a stack of Star Trek DVDs, and Chinese take-out."

"It's not my fault a Star Trek marathon and a pint of Ben and Jerry's are infinitely more interesting than any offers I've had lately. And they come without risk of venereal disease."

"You haven't used your dick in so long, you've forgotten what it's for."

"I know it's not where my brain resides, which is more than I can say for you." Will shoved Ian so hard he almost fell off the bed. "Whoa, hey!" Ian shouted, flailing about, trying to regain his balance and keep from falling to the floor.

"Asshole," Will muttered without heat.

"I'm just saying," Ian began, resettling next to Will. "Sleeping my way through all the frat houses on campus isn't going to help me find what I really want."

"What do you really want then?"

Ian was quiet so long, Will thought he might have fallen asleep. "I have this vague memory from my childhood," Ian began with that tone, the one that said he was about to tell a story and, in effect, impart some rare insight into his hidden psyche. Will whipped his head toward Ian at the sudden mood shift. "I don't remember exactly how old I was or what I was doing, but I think I was at home because I remember having that feeling of safety and unself-consciousness that I only felt when I was with my family." Will watched Ian's profile with rapt attention. Ian stared at the ceiling, as if the images of his memory were playing out before him on a white screen. "Anyway," Ian cleared his throat, rubbing a hand through his messy hair. "I remember that I was outside, looking in the window. And inside, it was dark; there was only some lamplight or maybe even a fire going because it was cold outside and I was wearing a sweater. The curtains were open, and there was just enough light to see that people were moving around inside. And I saw my parents. They were laughing as they danced together." Will felt his mouth mirroring the small smile playing over Ian's lips at the memory. "And I remember...I don't know...just this feeling of awe and...magic. And I had this sudden epiphany, this...irrevocable revelation of what I wanted for my life. I knew that I wanted that, what I felt in that exact moment. And I decided that whatever I did in my life, wherever I went, I wanted someone there beside me, someone to share my life with. Someone to talk to and laugh with after the kids have gone to bed. Someone to dance barefoot in the kitchen with until we're old and both have arthritis in our hips."

A momentary silence settled between them, each absorbed in their own thoughts.

"I guess Agnes was right," Will sighed. "And we'll just have to elope before we ride off into the sunset together because, so far in this life, you're probably the only person I can stand to be around for more than a couple hours at a time."

"Oh, yeah?" Ian decided to play along, happy to remove the attention from himself before he embarrassed himself even more. "And what did Agnes say exactly?"

"She said that if I was going to ask anyone to run away with me, it'd be you," Will admitted readily.

Ian laughed. "And why would she say that?"

"Oh, come on. You know it's true. Agnes was always saying that I love you more than her."

"You do love me more than her."

"Well, we won't go into that," Will joked before they both dissolved into a fit of giggles.

Sobering once more, Ian took time to rearrange himself, slipping an arm under his head and putting his foot up on the wall above the headboard. "Me too. You're probably the best friend I've ever had."

"I know," Will said simply. "When you answered my ad for a roommate three years ago," Will mirrored Ian's body language, "I knew right away we'd be best buds."

"Bullshit," Ian snorted, nudging Will's shoulder with his own.

"No, it's true."

"Is it because I resisted the temptation force my wicked way onto you after you insisted on walking around in those ridiculously tiny bikini briefs every morning at breakfast?"

"Force me?" Will snorted. "Oh, please. You get weepy when you run over a gecko with your bicycle tire. There's not a 'wicked' bone in your body."

"There is one wicked bone...," Ian breathed heavily in Will's ear.

"If you add 'in my pants,' I'm going to punch you," Will laughed, palming Ian's face and pushing it away from him. Ian slapped his hand away. "And what's with the nauseatingly lame innuendo? That's my one job in this relationship!"

Ian chuckled. "Because of that underwear, I thought for weeks that that girl you were with- what was her name, Julie?- was a beard."

Will barked out a laugh. "Oh, man. I think she thought so too when she met you. And saw that underwear. Actually...now that I think about it, that's probably why she broke up with me." Ian was laughing raucously now. "And you thought I liked wearing that dick-squeezing shit? That was totally for your benefit, pal. You were the most sexually frustrated gay guy I'd ever met. And I did musical theater! I thought I could at least give you some irresistible masturbatory fodder before you exploded all over our apartment. And you know, exploded gay guy is so hard on the upholstery."

Ian threw an arm over his eyes as he chuckled, embarrassed. "For a straight guy, you have an alarming amount of interest in my sex life," He mock-groused.

"That's what friends are for," Will shrugged, before smacking a pillow over Ian's face and holding it down. Ian's angry protests sounded small and muffled under the pillow. Ian shot out a hand and tickled Will's ribs, reducing Will to a flailing, squealing schoolgirl and allowing him to escape the smothering. "Besides," Will continued, now slightly breathless. "Do you know how many times I've gotten laid because I have a gay best friend? It's almost as good a bait as having a baby or a cute little puppy."

"Oh, I see. You've just been using me this whole time."

"Well, yeah. I thought you knew."

Ian smacked Will with the pillow. "Me too," Ian continued, suddenly serious. "I mean, I think I probably knew right away that we'd be friends. And before you say it again, it had nothing to do with your stupid, faggy underwear."

"Then what was it other than my devastating good looks and my great sense of humor?" Will batted his eyelashes.

"Well, that was part of it," Ian indulged with an insincere smirk. "You also had Arturo Sandoval and Radiohead and Patty Griffin and Rufus Wainwright all on your iPod the first time I went to your apartment."

"Is that all?" Will snorted. "You judged my music taste by its cover?"

"You also had Italo Calvino, Pablo Neruda, and an anthology of gay poetry on your bookshelves, and you'd written comments in the margins."

"That anthology was for a class. I would never buy that crap of my own free will."

"Oh, is that why you had a dozen or so pages earmarked with comments, like 'this is the shit, yo!' written next to a highlighted verse? Because you thought it was crap," Ian teased.

Will shook his head, both pleased and mortified. He could admit it. He was a guy. And gay or straight, guys could be inconsiderate, thoughtless a-holes. Hell, he was one of those a-holes. But Ian was one of those rare breed of guys who noticed the little things. It was not just that he remembered you had a birthday like everyone else or occasionally recalled that you had a deathly fear of clowns in order to emotionally blackmail you for his own gain. He would remember when you had a major exam and send you a good luck text right before class. He would hear you coughing through the bedroom wall during the night, then there would be a new package of throat lozenges sitting outside your bedroom door the next morning. You would mention in passing some old movie you liked, and he would tape it for you the next time it came on TV. He played the good sport as he listened to your Greatest Hits Friday Night Bar Stories for the tenth time. And he loved to laugh. Ian was the kind of guy that it was impossible not to like.

"Wow. You're such a slut," Will joked.

"So how did you know we were, uh, meant to be."

"Easy. You thought I was funny, and I'm an even bigger slut than you are." After a moment, he added, "And you didn't say that black and white movies are boring because they aren't in color." Ian smiled as Will threw an arm across Ian's chest, cuddling up to him. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Me too," Ian said glumly, placing a hand over Will's arm.

"Hey, what time is it," Will asked, sitting up, pulling out his phone, and flipping it open to check the clock before Ian could answer him. "It's not even midnight."

"What're you thinking?"

"If this really is our last hurrah before responsible adulthood beckons and we're living on opposites ends of the country, then we've got a lot of immaturity to cash in on tonight."

"As long as we don't end up in jail," Ian bargained.

"You always spoil the fun."