Eleven months ago

Abwar Hussain Bac'shish stood at the foot of his father's grave, sweating as he put dumped the last shovel-full of dirt on top of the shallow final resting place. His father, Omar Hussain Bac'shish, had been a prosperous plane-part manufacturer. But now with Omar dead, the clients of their business would break away and turn to another manufacturer. This was why Abwar was burying his father himself. He knew how to make the plane parts, he'd done it over a thousand times. So he buried his father in secret.

Omar had been given a fine education, something his son didn't get a chance at, and had worked till the manufacturing company had become his. But Omar had gotten ill from the chemicals and debris in the air at the plant, he hadn't worn the regulation safety mask because it irritated him. As a result, Omar died much younger than necessary leaving his son Abwar only two options. To sell the plant and live on the money he could get from it or he could continue the business under his deceased father's name. After all, Abwar resembled his father very closely. Omar didn't even have gray in his beard. And if anyone knew that Abwar was making the pieces of plane and not Omar then they wouldn't buy the parts because they hadn't worked with Abwar before.

For several weeks, Abwar accustomed himself to the names of his father's clients and learned about the business.

One day, a worker came to Abwar saying that he had accidentally let one of the nose cones sit an hour shorter than usual and that it had done something to the plane part. Curious, Abwar took a look.

The nose cone that the worker showed Abwar was actually much finer looking than the others, the airholes in it were much smaller and it looked to be much better quality than the other nose cones and Abwar realized that if they let the nose cones sit an hour shorter than the rate at which they were created would be faster. Faster, Abwar had learned, meant more money.

But what Abwar couldn't know was that by not letting the nose cone sit that extra hour meant there were large air-bubbles inside the mold, morphing the inside so that it wasn't as sound as the other nose cones that sat an hour longer. So although the new nose cones looked better they were of poorer quality. Yet Abwar didn't know this, not having the educational understanding necessary to understand.

So he made more nose cones at a faster rate and made more money.

The new nose cones he made were sold mainly to the United States Airforce and Navy.

Nine months later, all the planes in the United States were grounded for repairs and replacements. The chief issue was faulty nose cones.

Nine months and two days later, the United States were attacked and invaded.


And this is the final chapter. Thank you all for supporting me, my works, your awesome reviews, and your time! It means a lot. ^^

So to wrap this up, I'd like to give a final word of thanks to Terra Booma and Chris 'SG-17 for their awesome support! You guys rock!

Keep an eye out for the sequel, A New Nation, and take care.

Ink out.