The sun rises slowly.

The velvety darkness of night fades away,

As the peachy glow of the sun's new light spreads across the sky.

The grass is sparkly and fresh with new dew.

The songbirds begin their day with happy music.

The raccoons head back to their beds with the night's spoils.

The clouds change with the color of the skies, from dark and colorless to rosy reds and pinks.

Soon the sky will be the brightest of blues and the clouds the cleanest of whites.

But soon the sun will begin its decline.

Slowly it will set.

The lights and colors will reverse.

The raccoons will come back out for more treasures.

The birds will rest in their nests.

And slowly, the moon will rise.

In all her full naked glory.

She will shine a bright glow of her own light across the skies and the earth.

She will reflect and look upon herself in the cool waters of the night.

And all will be right in the world, day in and night out.