Don't really know what to say about this, but it's a little personal to me. I've been feeling a little depressed lately and I've started to feel a little insecure as well. I guess this is a way of getting out how I feel without losing it completely. Never mind, though, I just hope you enjoy the poem as if it were any other. Also, I'm sorry if it's not very good.

Walls break around us
I can see them crumbling
It's only a matter of time before they start falling
And I find we're in the middle here
Of your arising war

I feel it's only gotten worse
But neither of us know what to say
I'm old enough to understand now
The difficult trials of love
But if you never speak to each other
Then how am I to ever know?

This house is falling around us
But what can I do?
Our lives are dependent on you
You and you alone

You know, we're stuck in the middle here
Of this war
It's all starting to become a bit of a bore
And it's so fucking hard
Wanting to be around you anymore
But that is what it has come to
And boy, can't I stand it anymore

Confined to my room where I can pretend that things are all right
And I wonder to myself sometimes
(For I've had some time to think this past fortnight)
Maybe I'm the one who's not all right
For maybe I was a fool to even think things will be all right
Because I believed in you
For what else was I supposed to do?

Yes, I believed their love to be true.