My room is laid to waste. Full of mosquito nets, water proof clothing and sunscreen. Protein bars of various flavors are strewn across the floor. A dismantled first aid kit lies in the corner, as I've ripped out some of its pieces to replace them with things that will be more useful. I have all my vaccines and at this point am just waiting for my flight to come. It's only days away and as I put the garnish on my carry-on you drape your arms around me. Begging for attention. You have this fear, this delusion, that I'll leave you for a lion tamer. It only shows your constant worry that I'll find someone bigger, better and newer. That I'll throw you aside like I have to those before you. Despite the fact that you're worried, I'm still going. It doesn't matter if I'm here or there, you'll still wonder if I've met someone better, if I've met my next ex yet. But, the fact that you even come to me, express this fear vocally - that means this is actually a real relationship. One that involves communication of concerns. One that is open to criticism and contemplation.
Leaving by E Board