I hate today's world,
With its annoying, polluting humans.
No more
Can I look up to the sky,
And see the brilliant stars,
Their flickering pinpoints of light.
No more
Can I breathe in the fresh air
Can I smell the flowers.
For now
I can only smell
The clogging fumes
The waste.
Oh, what has this modern world become?
There was a time,
Eons, millennia ago,
When the world was natural,
When everything was simple.
None of that now.
What have you humans done?!
You have turned my sanctuary
Into something
I want no part of,
Into something
Dirty, smelly, despicable.
Oh, how I wish the world hadn't
But it has,
And I, the Earth itself... So have I.
I wish it was the same
As when the ancient ones,
Like me,
Ruled this planet.
Where there were
Meadows and valleys,
There are now,
Parking lots and mines.
Once quaint little houses,
Now big painted mansions.
The world...
The world is being modernized,
And my home...
My soul...
My very being...
Is being destroyed.
Hey! So, this is something I wrote a few weeks ago. Still trying to work up the nerve to post my writing. Anyway, this came to my mind during Chemistry class. Don't know how that works but oh well. Anyway, it's up to you to decide who is the speaker of the poem. When I read it, I think of Gaia, but it's your imagination. Anyway, hope you like it. Please read and review, thanks!